Xiang Ling thought about it carefully, isn't it?

It turns out to be a flying mantis of insect type + line type.

Will be restrained by flying, fire, electric, ice and rock skills.

But after evolution.

Only four times the weak fire was left.

The other weaknesses no longer exist.

What's even better is that, not to mention weaknesses, 8 of the 18 attribute skills, accounting for almost half, have little effect on the Giant Pincer Mantis!

"Hehe, he is really the mecha of the Pokémon world!"

Xiang Ling jumped up and down with joy.

Not long after, she posted a message on the screen of the live broadcast room:

Don't ask, just exchange the set of super stones from the Big Steel Snake for the set of super stones from the Giant Pincer Mantis, or replace it with Burning Stone. A set of Gigantamax equipment from Flame Pedicle!

At this stage, the Evolution Stone is a priceless treasure.

What’s more, Club Manager Fang Ye also made it clear in the group just now that even in the later stages of the Elf Era, the Super Stone belongs to the top trainers It is almost impossible for the exclusive items to be spread to the outside market.

In the group chat.

Xiangling: Noelle, Miss Maid, I’m sorry.It’s hard to price Snake’s Super Stones...

Noelle: It’s okay, Chef Xiangling, don’t worry, I’m also adventuring in the Xicui area, and I’ll work hard to find another set of Super Stones you need to exchange with you!! (Ganbadie.jpg)!

Qin: All of Mondstadt, the time has come to carry forward the"627" spirit of mutual assistance among us Mondlanders. If anyone finds the evolution stone of the Giant Pincer Mantis or the Gigantamax equipment of the Burning Earthworm, priority will be given to the Universal Maid internally provided to us.!

Yula: At this moment, a runner-up floated by! receive!

Diluc: The down-and-out people walked by silently, understand!

Kelly: Yes!

Return to Xiangling’s live broadcast room. no doubt.

Because of the evolutionary treasure, a set of super stones.

The data of Xiangling's live broadcast room has skyrocketed again, and the number of viewers in the background has exceeded one million. Fortunately, the Elf Black Technology server is powerful enough, otherwise the live broadcast room may have been paralyzed.

Everyone urged Xiang Ling to continue exploring the space-time distortion area.

The barrage was cursing and asking her to implement the raid and sweep policy!

That is a treasure that cannot be let go!

In the spotlight of millions of people.

Even someone with a lively and energetic personality like Xiang Ling will inevitably feel some pressure from popularity. but.

Because of the giant claw mantis, Xiangling now has more confidence in sweeping the time and space distortion area.


Research Institute, on the sofa in the lobby on the first floor of the main building.

Fang Ye Ge You lay down.

Cresselia brought over another large glass of ice filled with ice cubes.

He took a straw and drank heavily.


There was a"ding" in the ear!

This is not the sound of the illustrated book, but the system that has been silent for more than a month has finally made some noise!

Fang Ye almost spit out a mouthful of ice cream, and quickly sat upright, staring closely at the mission log that appeared on his retinas.

Task: Hold an elf event (Trainer Contest/Gorgeous Contest) with no less than 10,000 contestants. completed!

Reward: The store manager draws ten times in a row!

Hey, when Fang Ye saw this, a smile appeared on his lips.

Liyue's first trainer competition is divided into two sets of rules: the regular season and the super competition, which is a real operation.

You know, if he waits eagerly for the regular season to be completed, he will probably have to wait another month.

Because there are all kinds of contestants in the regular season, the audition is a huge scene for the Master of Chef competition.

But the Super Series is different. The finals can be completed very quickly and the championship can be won.

The condition of a scale of 10,000 people is equivalent to being stuck in a bug by him.

Obviously there are only over a thousand players in the Super Series.

But the super match is over.

The system also pops up a message that the task is completed.

Doesn’t it mean that this wave of operations is amazing?

"Get me ten draws in a row!"

Fang Ye didn't want to wait any longer.

He had drawn too many big things for the group members.

For example, move learning tools and advanced skill extraction projects.

For example,

Daozu's Heguan Island, Daozu's ecology that urgently needs to be launched and completed district!

"I hope you can get at least 3 gold coins for me at one time……"

"If I don’t have 3 golds, I’m afraid it will be difficult to achieve these two small goals!"

Fang Ye saw that the familiar lottery interface had emerged.

It was not the first time he complained.

This interface was too Yuanshin and too misleading.

It gave him the bad premonition of PTSD that the minimum guarantee was distorted many times!

Click lightly for ten draws in a row. Options

"Boom boom boom……"

The sound of falling meteor beams reached my ears.

Fang Ye took a breath.

Carefully counted the gold present in dozens of light beams

"Double yolk egg?"

"Only two shots fired?"

Fang Ye was a little disappointed for a moment, and clicked to skip the animation to view the final lottery list.

Ding! Congratulations on getting the Elf Ecological Zone-Island Card (Golden Legend)!

Ding! Congratulations on getting the Elf Ecological Zone-Snow Mountain Card (Golden Legend)!

Ding! Congratulations on getting the Advanced Breeder Skill Card (SR)!

Ding! Congratulations on getting"The Black Technology of the Elf World: Game Cabin Technology" (SR)!

Ding! Congratulations on getting the Holographic Game Cabin*5 (SR)!

Ding! Congratulations on getting it Advanced Breeder Skill Card (SR)!

Ding! Congratulations on getting the unmanned power plant (construction drawings) (SR)!

Ding! Congratulations on getting the unknown ancient fossil(R)!

Ding! Congratulations on getting the unknown elf egg(R)!

Ding! Congratulations on getting the unknown elf egg(R)!


2 is golden, 5 is purple, and blue. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Overall, it’s pretty good.

"Just give it a try."

Fang Ye looked at the information about the two-shot Golden Legend, and was not surprised that he didn't draw the legendary Pokémon. The mythical beast is not a cabbage, so it can't be 100% sure to win.

Moreover, because he has Lugia, Jirachi, After Meloetta, Cresselia.

As well as Dialga and Giratina.

The 6 divine beast formation is complete in a sense.

Therefore, from the system prize pool, after deducting the divine beasts that cannot be drawn repeatedly , then the probability of drawing a mythical beast has dropped further!

However, the good news is that there are ecological zone cards, and two of them appear at once!

Fang Ye's face glows with a smile

"The island card is suitable for use in the Inazuma area."

"Snow Mountain Card, isn’t this a perfect match for Mondstadt? Dragon's Back Snow Mountain is an uninhabited land anyway, so using it to build a Pokémon habitat is like recreating a paradise for life!"

Continue to count the harvest.


Can two advanced breeder SR cards be carded?

Fang Ye tried to synthesize, and found that on his personal attribute column, the advanced breeder information column he had previously had a"+" symbol behind it.

He clicked up.

Ding! Congratulations, your skill has been successfully upgraded and you are now an expert breeder!

Fang Ye is satisfied

"Next is the master level, which means that I am almost at the end of the cultivator path."

《Black Technology in the Elf World: Game Cabin Technology" is an SR purple technology book.

Fang Ye suddenly remembered the three Jueyunjian Immortals who were"sent" by him to the headquarters of Team Galaxy to learn the technology of the elven world......

Well, it's time to go over and let Dialga use the power of time to create a time house, control the flow of time, and let the three Jueyunjian immortals quickly understand the technology of the elven world.

Add this black technology book as well!

Wait for the immortals to fully understand.

Plus the existing virtual holographic application technology.

For the next game masterpiece, you don’t have to worry about not having enough game cabins. All famous characters can lie in the game cabins and experience a world comparable to the real world!

"Finally, this"Unmanned Power Plant" (architectural drawing)……"

It’s something new, but it’s definitely good news for the Elf Era!

Teyvat people, will we further usher in the electric age? Will every household enjoy the convenience of scientific and technological innovations in electric lights and various electrical equipment?

Check completed!

Fang Ye was about to get up and go to the Star Cabinet to discuss matters.

He plans to use the first blueprint in Liyue Port first, and build Liyue into the place with unshakable status as the origin of the era.

At this time, the system suddenly refreshed a new task.

Another mission log appeared on Fang Ye's retina:

Got a new mission!

Content: Under the tide of the times and the spotlight, a son of the times is bound to be born. As a promoter, let’s make stars!

It is required that in the star-making campaign, at least three superstars of the era with millions of fans be born.

There is no restriction on channels, but it is recommended that the host develop various social platforms and video station applications to further expand the great entertainment prosperity of the Elf Era...

Reward: Store manager ten draws in a row


Fang Ye:? ? ?

(;へ:)! system!

Are you sure this wave is not for nothing?

He carefully studied the content and requirements of the new task

"Star-making movement?"

"Develop social platform and video site applications?"

Fang Ye had a strange expression.

He was extremely sure.

This wave is because the system has seriously underestimated and delayed the various plans and steps for him as a host promoter!

Master, I have already sorted out the group chat and Teyvat Cheers. Okay.

Yesterday, the newly launched Teyvat music software APP was available for download in the app stores on the Elf Phone and the Trainer's Illustrated Book.


《Why did the song"Aim to Be a Pokémon Master" become a national anthem?

Click on Teyvat Music A4.0PP.

It is not difficult to see that the number of fans who followed and subscribed to the singer Wendy's personal homepage exceeded one million just one or two days after the song was released.

And if you go to Teyvat Cheers video station.

The popular champion star, in one morning of exploring the great era of Xicui, the number of fans also exceeded one million. now.

There are also Xiangling players whose popularity statistics are skyrocketing.

Xiangling's exploration of the space-time distortion area has attracted the attention of everyone.

Her number of fans and followers immediately exceeded one million.

Plus the old Godadalia.

These are 4 players who can be called"sons of the times", haven't they already exceeded the mission goal? really!

When Fang Ye complained about the system being super free.

The task text on the retina quickly disappeared and turned into a line of congratulations on completion.

Mission accomplished!

Reward: The store manager draws ten times in a row!

The point is.

Can you fire the second"Ten Chain" immediately?

Fang Ye was delighted:


"How do you say hello?"

"I was the one who predicted it last time, and this time I seriously underestimated my work progress as a promoter."

"Unexpectedly, there is no need to create stars at all. In the tide of the times, these superstars have been born naturally!".

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