
It's the second lottery animation today. Fang Ye didn't even watch the light beam lowering this time, just clicked and skipped it.

The list came out:

Ding! Congratulations on getting the move learner (Golden Legend)!

Ding! Congratulations on getting the Elf Tomb Tower. -Tower of Heaven (Golden Legend Blueprint)!

Ding! Congratulations on getting the Advanced Researcher Skill Card (SR)!

Ding! Congratulations on getting the Science and Technology Center-Silver Company (SR paper, fragments)!

Ding! Congratulations on getting the Science and Technology Center-Silver Company (SR paper, fragments)!

Ding! Congratulations on getting the Senior Researcher Skill Card (SR)!

Ding! Congratulations on getting the DIY gym building (architectural drawings) (SR)!

Ding! Congratulations on getting the unknown ancient fossil(R)!

Ding! Congratulations on getting the unknown elf egg(R)!

Ding! Congratulations on getting the unknown elf egg(R)!


"Have you pulled out the move learner? Is it of golden legendary quality?"

Fang Ye's eyes lit up.

It seems that there is still a difference between SR and SSR. Obviously, the golden legendary level move learner has more complete skills, and famous characters can have any skills.

Moreover, there is a sentence in the information:

Place it in The main store and any branch can share this device.

This is also very important!

The branches in Mondstadt, Liyue and Daozuma can open the skill drawing project at the same time. It is equivalent to the skill gashapon, which is very interesting.

"Elf Tomb Tower - Tower of Heaven……"

"A golden legendary level architectural drawing? To put it another way, shouldn’t it be an architectural wonder?"

In some real-time strategy games, such as Age of Empires, you can directly win after a wonder is built.

23 Of course, the Teyvat version of the golden wonder building does not set the so-called"winning conditions."

There are no notes on the architectural drawings. Explain the effect of the building after it is completed.

Fang Ye is very curious.

If we follow the original work, the Tower of Heaven is located in the Hezhong area, where dead Pokémon are buried.

It is also the exclusive cemetery of Pokémon.

Hanging from the top of the tower Ring the clock.

This clock will be a strange object that can purify the soul of Pokémon and reflect the heart of the person who rings the bell.……


"With Liyue’s financial, human and material resources"

"The construction of this wonder did not cost people or money."

"After it is completed, you will know what functions and uses the golden legend and wonder buildings have!"

As for the architectural drawings of the Science and Technology Center - Silver Company,

Fang Ye was even more enthused.

But when he took a closer look, he secretly cursed the cheater.

SR color quality scrap drawings?

It takes a full 6 pieces to synthesize a complete golden Wonder drawings?

This time he issued 2 copies of"Ten Companies", and there are still 4 gaps left.

Compared to the Tower of Heaven and Silver Company's Wonder Headquarters building, there is no need for the system to specifically explain it.

It is a Pokémon There is a giant in the world's manufacturing and technology circles.

The Master Ball is the technology of Silver Company.

For this reason, it is also targeted by Sakaki and the Rockets!

Soon after, the"Starting from Shinshin Town" project by Fang Ye"After this elf holographic game is made, everyone in Teyvat will follow Xiaozhi and Pikachu to the Golden City.

According to the plot, they will confront Team Rocket leader Sakaki on the office floor of the chairman of Silver Company!

"If Silver Company's marvelous building was completed in Liyue Port, wouldn't Liyue Port instantly become the technology center of Teyvat?"


Fang Ye continued to look down, his eyes shining again.

DIY gym building!

SR color, complete drawings!

"The system didn’t remind me, I really forgot."

"Since the three regions before version 3.0, Mondstadt, Liyue and Daozhi, all started the trend of the Elf Age."

"Moreover, after Liyue, the ecological zones of Mondstadt and Daozi will also be online!"

"This time, it’s really time to establish a gym system!"

For example, the current regular season of the Liyue Trainers Conference is ongoing.

If there was a strict gym system before.

Trainers must collect gym badges from multiple cities in one region before they can participate in the competition.

This threshold is a hard condition. , we can eliminate the bad and keep the good, eliminate and screen in advance, and leave the strong ones to participate in the competition.

Therefore, the gym is another system for training trainers outside of the Elf Academy.

Moreover, the gym and its owners It is also an important force in maintaining urban and local security order.

"these buildings"

"They were all built and promoted in Liyue first."


Fang Ye synthesized two advanced researcher skill cards and chose to add points, and he was upgraded to an expert researcher.

"These two ten consecutive times, I was full!"

Turn off the live broadcast room of Teyvat Cheers.

Fang Ye no longer lies in bed.

Now that the ecological zone card, move learner and various drawings have been drawn.

As a promoter, it's time for him to go out and work!



Fang Ye searched around the government agencies before patting his head.

Ningguang, Keqing and Ganyu, these three strong women are not here anymore, they have all traveled to the Xicui area. but.

There are still people in the Seven-Star Cabinet who are in charge.

Tianshu star, Tianshu.

An old man with gray hair.

When Fang Ye found the two of them.

He discovered that Uncle Tian was entrusting Ye Lan with a matter and had no intention of avoiding Fang Ye. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I'm old"

"Qian Wei, Mingbo and Zhiyi, the three candidates for Tianshu Star"

"Please help me, old man, carefully observe and take a look, and help me select a reliable successor."

Ye Lan made a joke:"I said Uncle Tian."

"you see me"

"With both beauty and talent, and both intelligence and bravery, why can’t I be a candidate for Tianshuxing?"

Uncle Tian was stunned. He had a blind spot in his thinking.

Ye Lan had been working under Ning Guang for a long time, and Uncle Tian knew her abilities.

However, in the past generations, Tian Shuxing had a low reputation and secretly guarded the security of Liyue's homeland. Ye Lan was not upright. Is it very consistent?

Seeing Uncle Tian's face becoming serious,

Yelan hurriedly explained:

"Forget it, don’t look like this, Uncle Tian"

"I like adventure and excitement, but I can’t work a 9-to-5 job!"

Uncle Tian didn't know whether he heard it or not. He was still thinking for a while.

"two persons……"

Fang Ye finally found the right insertion point and said

"I have a few drawings here."

He took out three drawings: the unmanned power plant, the DIY gym building, and the Elf Tomb Tower - Tower of Heaven.

Uncle Tian and Ye Lan gathered around curiously.

Then, the two looked at each other blankly.


Drawings The Liyue characters and design patterns on it could no longer be clearer.

But many conceptual words.

They still couldn't understand it!

Fang Ye explained:"Unmanned power plant, you can understand it as Mondstadt's wind power generation device, or the Fool Factories, how to use electric slime as power"

"However, the unmanned power plant is more advanced, and the power is more stable and large, enough to support civil and commercial use in the entire Liyue area."

The technological level of the Teyvat continent is not low. Kanreia five hundred years ago was able to make a series of autonomous robots.

The Fools and the Adventurers Association can make perpetual motion dolls, let alone a mere power generation device?

" The Dan Kingdom even has the technology of phonographs and cameras.

However, except for the Fontaine Kingdom, the technologies of other organizations and forces cannot benefit ordinary people like the ancient Kanreia Kingdom in the past.

Listen to Fang Ye further explain the unmanned power plant in detail After it is completed, every city and every household in the Liyue area will have access to electricity, electric lights and electrical appliances.

Uncle Tian, ​​who is already thinking about retirement, is breathing hot.


Uncle Tian grabbed Fang Ye's hands excitedly:

"Although Ningguang, Keqing, and Ganyu are no longer here, the old man is still there!"

"Don’t worry about this, Mr. Fang Night Club!"

"If my old man can see thousands of households in Liyue Port using electric lights before he lies in the coffin……"

"The entire Liyue Port is filled with neon lights, a bustling scene!"

"Old man, I can’t wait!"

Fang Ye was so excited when he saw Tianshu Xing that he was about to retire that he was spitting. It was a bit funny. It was difficult to break away from Uncle Tian's claws.

Yelan was close to Fang Ye, her green eyes flashing with strong curiosity.

Staring. with the remaining two drawings

"It can be seen that the design of the remaining two drawings is more complex and important 850?" Ye Landao


"This is a drawing of the gymnasium. The exterior of the building is filled in according to the Liyue style, and the interior is built according to the design on the drawing. Fang

Ye kept his story short and explained clearly the purpose of the gym.

Ye Lan:"Doesn't that mean that Liyue Qixing's team will have additional gym leaders below in the future?""

Uncle Tian stroked his beard and said:"It should be so. The Liyue Elf Alliance has a seven-star cabinet, plus the system of gym leaders, which is equivalent to adding a high-level position in the system."

"Well, in the great age of elves, people at the middle and lower levels have channels for advancement. This is a good thing!"

Fang Ye couldn't help but look at the old Uncle Tian.

This Tianshu star is really wise. He said that people at the middle and lower levels have a channel for promotion, and he pointed out that Liyue, which has been founded for a long time, urgently needs to break the stubborn problem of class solidification.

"As for this Elf Tomb Tower-Tower of Heaven drawing……"

Ye Lan, Uncle Tian, ​​did not receive a clear explanation from Fang Ye.

He left a sentence:

"This is a building of wonders"

"In short, if it is built, there will be great benefits, which will benefit the country and the people."


Fang Ye himself didn't know what the purpose was, and he expressed curiosity and expectation.

The three drawings were handed over to Uncle Tian and Ye Lan.

Fang Ye didn't intend to supervise the work.

Anyway, with the illustrations, elf phones have become popular. , he can have someone film the construction site and report the progress at any time.

After coming out of Yujing Terrace,

Fang Ye turned around and visited the Inazuma Sea Area for the second time.

He went directly to the sky above Heguan Island.

He opened the group chat interface:

Lei Movie, Remove the lightning barriers around Heguan Island.

Thunder movie:?

Yae Shenzi: (Shocked face.jpg) I know, it must be...

Fang Ye took a selfie instead and uploaded it to the group chat:

(selfie) , the person is Ina-wife.

Kamisato Ayaka: Great, Lord Fang Ye finally remembered your loyal Ina-wife! (Tears.jpg)

Coral Palace Heart Sea: The stunted Ina-wife, who lags behind others in every aspect, Need more care and love! (Pityful.jpg).

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