Washui area, time and space distortion area.

Xiang Ling sat down, too tired to straighten her back.

Next to them, the Burning Insect, the Burning Centipede and the Giant Pincer Mantis also looked like they had gone through a great battle.

On her live broadcast room screen.

The purple force field covering this area in the sky is gradually dissipating

"Damn~ It seems that there is still no way to tame an Overlord Pokémon."Xiang Ling smiled bitterly at the camera.

Some of the comments in the live broadcast room were angry, while others comforted Xiang Ling:

"Therefore, the champion is the champion!"

"Look at their champion, there is not only one overlord, but that overlord is also a complete quasi-god!"

"It’s okay, it’s just a try. Xiang Ling, you’ve looked around this area and there’s no bug Pokémon you particularly want, so there’s no problem in trying to capture the area overlord directly.……"


A pay-to-feed color barrage appeared:

Inazuma's ecological zone has been officially completed, and the exploration of time and space distortion here has ended. Everyone, please quickly go to the live broadcast room of the official website of the Elf Age to watch ~ (oo)?!

Inazuma Ecological Zone completed?

Xiang Ling was stunned when she saw the barrage, and was a little surprised at how fast Club Manager Fang moved.

She opened the group chat interface, and sure enough, the group chat was also in a state of excitement, full of hot discussions about the Inazuma Ecological Zone.

"Goodbye, everyone~"

Xiangling didn't care that the popularity data in her live broadcast room was rapidly losing, and waved to the camera:

"Come and see what’s going on in the Inazuma Ecological Zone. There are no thresholds or tickets required in the ecological zone."

"There, opportunities abound, and ordinary trainers may change their destiny!"

After saying that, Xiang Ling took out the trainer's backpack and took out a complete set of camping equipment one by one.

Tent, sleeping bag, moisture-proof mat...

This original time and space distortion area was quiet, and there would be no wild Pokémon in a short time. Dream, so it is safe and suitable for camping.

While letting the Giant Pincer Mantis help to set up camp, Xiangling turned off the live broadcast and transferred the illustration 383 to the live broadcast room of the Elf Age official website.

At the same time.

In the Xicui area, in front of the forest lake.

In Here, Ying and Paimon have been waiting for a long time.

They have never seen any sensor movement from the red scales.

The shiny and different-colored Gyarados seems to be in some kind of sleeping state?

It was not in vain to sit and watch, the camp was established early

The blood-winged flying dragon strongly requested to come out to show off, and Yingmei could only agree. At this moment, this quasi-god flying dragon was soaring in the sky and having fun.

"It seems that there is no overlord near this area."

"Otherwise, I would have come here to fight for my life!"

Ying became even calmer.

With the terrifying aura of the blood-winged flying dragon, it frightened the surrounding wild elves, and the safety factor of the camp was unprecedentedly high.

She had been paying attention to the news about the completion of the Daozhu Ecological Zone in the group chat.


Fang Night Club Manager , just posted a news. Fang Ye: We are in a large and spacious room in Daozhu Ecological Zone (self-portrait.jpg). Fang Ye is sitting on a large soft sofa. Lei Movie is also sitting next to him, watching with interest Broadcast on the big screen. Jirachi, Little Lugia, Meloetta and Cresselia each held an illustrated book and floated in the air with super powers. They were scattered in several directions of Heguan Island, taking aerial photos of the surrounding sea areas.. And in this room of the martial arts hall, Fang Ye spread his hands and leaned lazily on the sofa. Next to him, there was Lei Momo who was sitting. As for the Yae Shenzi... he was just like a little maid, kneeling on the carpet. To Fang Ye Carefully hammering the thighs and massaging them. If you look at the picture, the manager of Fang Night Club at this time is undoubtedly living a fairy life with two beauties. There is also a Lord of the Eighth Palace who is willing to serve in a low voice (cdbe). But the actual situation is... The corner of Fang Ye's mouth twitched, and he kept waving his hands to drive away the Eightfold Divine Son:

"You go, you go."

Ye Shenzi had a strange smile on his face.


"So sad"

"Ask Ying, has she ever enjoyed this kind of service? This is to thank the store manager for your love and compassion for Ina Wife, so I do this."

Fang Ye's face was covered with black lines:

"I can't bear it!"

"So, can you not secretly use your demon power to conduct lightning? I refuse electrotherapy!"

The Eightfold Divine Son put away his small fists and suddenly said seriously:

"When will the first batch of Pokémon for the Rice Wife Elf Guard be arranged?"

Mentioning the Daozhu Elf Guard.

Lei Qianqian looked over sideways.

Fang Ye:"So this is the problem?

Yae Shenzi:"Then what do you think?""

She didn't dare to show her resentment toward Fang Ye, but she resented Lei Movie deeply:

"Our good-for-nothing general seems to have forgotten all about this."

"Then, it is up to me, the omnipotent Fox Immortal Palace Secretary, to negotiate with you, the store manager."

Hearing Yae Shenzi's ridicule.

Raikage raised his eyebrows:"Your Excellency, the good-for-nothing general? Does it mean me?"

At this moment - the moment of Nirvana!

A sword light slashed out.

However, the Eightfold Divine Son retreated as expected.

Looking at the daily life of these"sisters", Fang Ye suddenly thought of the Eightfold Hall during the Guanghua Rongcai Festival. There is a best-selling book"My Lord the Fox Fairy".

In the book,"Masako Yae" and the Shogun are very powerful. Just when Fang Ye was thinking about who is attacking and who is receiving,

Lei Shimo put away his sword and came back.. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She was reminded by Yae Shenzi, and she finally did not forget the business:

"Ecological zone completed"

"The Rice Wife Elf Guard must also have organization and combat capabilities as soon as possible."

Lei's movie rarely showed a pleading look.

"I heard"

"Each of Mondstadt and Liyue's knitted elf babies costs 2 million moras, and we rice wives can also pay for it!"

"Please make arrangements as soon as possible!"

Fang Ye couldn't help but laugh when he saw this. The

No. 1 and No. 2 figures in Daozu saw that the ecological zone was completed, and the Daozu area would soon face various public security and order problems. It seems that their mentality was not stable.

Fang Ye :"In fact, I have already chosen the rice wife for you."

"Due to the Inazuma area, the land area is divided into six islands."

"Therefore, when preparing elves, they should either be of the flying type or the water type, so that they can be dispatched and on duty more easily."

"The final form of the organized elves in a region cannot be weak, at least it cannot be weaker than the Yusan family."

"After much deliberation, I can only think of the Barbarian Bass and the Blackfish."

Tricky-horned deer, dark-tailed black fish, green wind speed dog, green warrior eagle.

These are basically the four royal mount Pokémon of the player in the work"Legend of Arceus", and their strength is naturally not low.

"Blacktail fish?"

Hearing this.

Thunder movie, Yae Shenzi surprise.

Someone has obtained the evolved version of the Black Tail Fish, and is also a minor celebrity on the Teyvat Cheers video station.

Water system + spiritual system.

The racial value is quite high.

It is very strong in rivers and oceans. Gyarados is not false at all.

If in the future the Inazuma Elf Guards ride hundreds of Black Tail Fish, they will go out to perform daily patrol missions. The surrounding pirates, sea chaos ghosts, and treasure stealing groups Aren't you scared out of your wits? This is far more intimidating than a warship or anything else!

Yae Shenzi leaned forward and grabbed Fang Ye's left arm tightly:

"Mr. Fang Nightclub, please arrange it as soon as possible"

"Can you provide the first batch of one hundred or two hundred baby savage bass?"

A burst of fragrance assaulted the nostrils, and the body was soft and soft.

Lei Shijie, the earthly ruler, also put a hand on Fang Ye's right arm:

"Please do this!"

Seeing this,

Yae Shenzi showed a teasing and narrow smile:

"It seems that our good-for-nothing general has finally come to his senses and knows how to seek benefits for Ina Wife!"

Lei Jianqing was silent.

Actually there was one more thing...

She didn't know how to speak!

Two days ago, at the finals of the Liyue Super Tournament.

The high-level Pokémon that was suspected of being"Dialga", Jinghongyi Now.

Lei Qianqian’s heart is already full of wind and rain, and she is not as calm as she appears on the surface.


When the Inazuma Elf Guard decided to use the Dark Tail Blackfish as the elf.

The live broadcast room of the official website of Elf Era.

On Heguan Island, in the live broadcast room of aerial shots from four directions, people from all walks of life arriving by boat to land on the island appeared one after another.

On Kaiji Island, Xinhai, Goro and Zheping anchored the boat near Mount Zhibi.

Kujo Sora led the elf guard organized by the shogunate to land on the island in the Senlai Shrine area.

The Kamisato brother and sister, Toma, led the family's direct subordinate team to dock at the Hakui Beach.

As for the Arataki faction, Kuki Ren and Arataki Yidou landed on the coast of the Aotaki Wilderness.

These groups of people seemed to have made an appointment to separate different exploration routes.

This can be considered a large-scale exploration team. also.

There are also waves of small boats moored at the shore.

Inazuma's individual trainers either work in groups of two or three, or are lone wolves.

The four live cameras controlled by Jirachi, Lugia, Meloetta, and Cresselia were followed in real time, and even battles with larger movements could be captured.

Or, there are lucky people who get unowned treasures in the wild, and they are well captured by the camera and presented to the live broadcast room of Teyvat Network.

"Damn it, what did I see? A fisherman uncle, smiling, picked up star fragments on the beach? If you take this thing to the Elf Center, you can exchange it for a lot of Elf breeding supplies!"

"Brother, you are out. Star fragments are now sought after by gem merchants. As long as the quality and appearance are decent, the price will not be less than tens of millions of molas!"

"Hiss... Labor and management also want to go to the beach of Heguan Island to pick up stones!!"

"Damn it, look over there at the Senrai Shrine, that loli ninja Hayao Yuzu from the final episode discovered a resurrection plant!"

"This is a super good thing, it can revive a Pokémon that is on the verge of death with full health in an instant.……"

"Let me check the market price. Eight million molas?"

"Report! The Arataki sect discovered a fruit forest in Feng Yue Wilderness and are urgently picking the ripe fruits. It is estimated that there will be no less than a hundred fruits!"

"Hold the grass?"

"A fierce battle took place in Zhibi Mountain. There is a group of wild elves in the mountain, including the super-armored rhinoceros, the diamond-horned rhinoceros, and the one-horned rhinoceros.……"

"What kind of super-armored rhinoceros group did Chef Xiangling encounter in the time-space distortion area of ​​Xicui? Can the leader, the super-armored rhinoceros, fight against the big steel snake? Didn't Haiji Island suffer heavy losses? ?".

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