In the Ma Shide Martial Arts School.

From four angles of Fang Ye, watching the live broadcast of Mrs. Dao's adventurous adventure on the island was very interesting.

Because four cute mythical beasts were sent out to serve as cameramen.

Giratina wasn't entirely obedient.

Dialga was sent back to Xicui by him to make a"time cabin" for the three immortals in Jueyunjian. therefore.

At this time, no one around Fang Ye can serve tea or water.

"Want to drink soda……"

"Ice cream……"

Fang Ye felt something was missing, smacked his lips, and glanced at Yae Shenzi beside him.

Yae Shenzi is also watching the live broadcast of exploring the island with great interest.

Noticed his gaze.

Yae Shenzi was stunned


Fang Ye said in Tan Fox's signature teasing tone:

"When asking for help, you must have the attitude of asking for help."

"There is a vending machine outside the gate. Go buy me a few bottles of soda."

"No problem? Yae

Shenzi twisted her eyebrows and twitched the corner of her mouth.

She likes to play tricks and tease people.

But the other way around is when she is suppressed by other people's aura and teases them in turn.

This feeling is quite bad!

But it happens that the manager of Fang Night Club is Yae Shenzi's heart. Here, he is far higher in status than the ruling gods, and is a"Great God of War" who is even more untouchable.


, many matters of the Rice Wife Elf Alliance will have to rely on the care and mercy of this"Great God of War" in the future.

That's all. That's all.

Isn't it just to buy water?

We, the Master of the Omnipotent Fox Immortal Palace, serve a"Great Royal God" who has a higher status than our own General."……

Isn't it reasonable?

Just think of this.

Yae Shenzi arrived outside the gate of the martial arts building.

She saw the elf technology vending machines set up on the left and right sides of the door.

For elves/Pokémon: attack enhancer/defense enhancer/speed enhancer/stamina enhancer...

The price is not cheap, 10,000 mola per bottle.

5 bottles cost 40,000, and 10 bottles cost 70,000.

The greater the quantity, the greater the discount.

This is the first time Yae Shenzi saw a vending machine with Elf Technology.

She has never seen this thing in Liyue Port!

I couldn't help but take a picture, upload it to the group chat interface, and post it.

Then, I looked at the product page for Pokémon/trainers: tree juice/delicious water/fresh soda/juice milk


She took a picture, and in the group chat interface Fang Ye:

Is this it? How to buy it?

Fang Ye: Scan it with the illustrated book, select the product, select the number of pieces, and pay online.

Soon, Yae Shenzi was holding a few bottles of ice cream The soda went back to the main living room of the martial arts hall.

Fang Ye took a bottle, opened it with a"chi" sound, and drank half of the bottle.

"So cool~~"

The bubbly soda can restore Pokémon's health if it's in the game.

Of course, it’s okay for trainers to drink it.

"try it?"

Noting Yae Shenzi's curious look, Fang Ye handed over half a bottle of soda in his hand.


Yae Shenzi took it over and drank a lot in one gulp. Then she realized that she was sharing a bottle of drink with Club Manager Fang Ye, and suddenly there was a seductive blush on her cheeks.

Just when she was angry and ashamed. At this moment I was concentrating on watching the live broadcast of Lei Movie, and suddenly I heard:

"Is that a national collapse?"

The collapse of the country...

The sixth seat of the Eleventh Executive of the Fools, but his famous name as the Executive of the Fools is Skirmisher!

Fang Ye and Yao Shenzi all turned their heads to look.

The fourth live broadcast room.

On the live broadcast camera operated by Cresselia.

In the Aengake Wilderness area that is being vigorously developed by the Arataki sect and others, there is a young wanderer in strange clothes.

It happened to be captured by Cresselia's camera.

The wanderer.

In fact, , in the Inazuma area, are collectively called the Yefuzhong.

The homeless, the wandering people, the ghosts of the sea, the scoundrels, the Yikuzhong...

They do not have a unified group.

Some even work with the treasure thief group and the fool for the sake of livelihood and wealth. When everyone joins forces, it brings harm to the village

"Tsk tsk, do you still recognize Guobeng?"

Fang Ye glanced at it and immediately confirmed that the wandering boy on the screen was a straggler or a national collapse.

He sent a message and asked Cresselia to grab this kid and take pictures.

Lei Qianqian's eyes were complicated:

"Guobeng is my first puppet creation. It is precisely because of making him that I have become more mature in the practical operation of that lost technology.……"

"This is how the mature puppet of General Raiden was made."

Ye Shenzi struck her and said:

"General, you are still too kind-hearted. Since it is an immature work, why not destroy it?"

"Haha, you were in seclusion in the Pure Land a few years ago. I'm afraid you don't know how much trouble this experimental doll of yours caused in Inazuma."

Different from Mr. and Ms.

Skirmisher, the sixth executive officer.

In essence, he is a puppet produced by Ray Films.

His abilities were also sealed by the shadow, and he wandered around Inazuma with his remaining consciousness. He later joined After being transformed, the abilities of the fools have even exceeded the level before the seal, and are estimated to be far superior to the ladies and gentlemen...

Cresselia, who received a special order from Fang Ye, acted as an invisible photographer.

The live broadcast room from this perspective is composed of This seems to have become an exclusive follow-up documentary for skirmishers or the collapse of the country.

After landing on the island, the skirmisher avoided the people of the Arataki sect.

He had no interest in the fruit grove of the Arataki sect.

The Wilderness of Fengyue was originally a crane The fog is the thickest on the island.

However, after the incident at the source of the fog was resolved

, many Pokémon groups lived in this open wilderness.

The skirmishers didn't know what means to use.

They also obtained a trainer's illustrated book.

"Big milk jugs?"


"Little Yorkie?"

"Sandbag snake?"

Obviously. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

These common Pokémon are not the targets of skirmishers.


Soon, the skirmishers saw a A special Pokémon group.

The leader of the group is a humanoid Pokémon with an armor that looks like a Samurai Inazuma. It has sharp blades on its head, limbs and abdomen.

The skirmishers have obviously seen a lot of them. Video.

Take out the illustrated book and scan the unknown Pokémon on the hill:

"Beep ~ not enough information!"

At this time, the skirmisher's eyes brightened slightly.

There was insufficient information and it was not included in the trainer's illustrated book!

It means that it is a brand-new Pokémon that only appeared in the Inazuma ecological zone!

"That's it, brand new varieties."

The skirmishers finally became interested.

In the hall of the martial arts hall, they saw that this humanoid Pokémon had a strong Inazuma style.

The eyes of Thunder Movie and Yae Shenzi couldn't help but focus on Fang Ye.

"It's called Commander Pizhan"

"The larvae are called Ju Dao Xiaobing"

"A pretty good Pokémon, a steel-type evil type."

Fang Ye tilted his chin

"The point is"

"There are scattered soldiers or the collapse of the country. He came here to conquer the wild elves because he wanted to be a trainer.……"

"Or is it an experiment for some kind of criminal behavior?"

He mentioned the experiment of the Fools and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Some of the Fools are not afraid of the sky or the earth.

If they dare to violate the rules,

Fang Ye doesn't mind sacrificing the sword of an executive of the Fools to let the laws of the new era The method is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

On the picture, the method used by the skirmishers to subdue Commander Pi Zhan is very rough.

In other words, it is to use force to suppress


Commander Pi Zhan rushed forward again

"Secret attack on key points!"

But the skirmisher dodged lightly, turned around and kicked, and the humanoid Pokémon, which was even half a head taller than the skirmisher, crashed into the mountain wall.

As for the young Kotala soldiers, they even lay down. The land has long lost its fighting capacity

"Let me ask one more question"

"Will you follow me?"

The skirmisher walked to the collapsed mountain wall and said coldly.

Click, Commander Pi Zhan staggered out of the pile of rocks.

The skirmisher stepped on Commander Pi Zhan's head.


Pi Zhan. The commander wanted to destroy the blade on his head because a skirmisher stepped on his head.

He was so frightened that he trembled and said,"Haha!"~!!"

It's begging for mercy.

It seemed to be begging the skirmishers not to destroy the blade above its head.

The skirmishers didn't want to do this, but they didn't expect the proud commander Zhan Zhan. Because of his move, his resistance instantly collapsed, and he knelt down to beg for mercy, which was quite interesting:

"So, is the blade on your head your weakness?"

The skirmisher took out an ordinary elf ball.

"Is that how it is used?"

Gently press the switch button.

The elf ball quickly enlarged to the size of the palm of your hand.

Then, the skirmisher threw the elf ball at Commander Cleaver.


The ball landed on the ground without any struggle, two or three seconds later.

The skirmisher's illustrated book made an electronic mechanical sound:

"Congratulations, Trainer~"

"You caught a brand new Pokémon in the Inazuma Ecological Zone!"

"Connect to the large database of the Elf World... and get information!"

"Cut off the commander, come forward!"

Through the live broadcast, the Teyvat Elf Network saw someone take the lead in conquering the first new Pokémon unique to the Rice Wife ecological zone.

Many Liyue trainers who were originally calm couldn't help but feel sour:

"Is the ecological zone of Daozhu different from that of Liyue?"


"Then it seems that we have to go to Inazuma Ecological Zone."

"The key is, who is this person? Beating the leader of a Pokémon clan until he couldn't fight back was at least the level of the top 50 before the Super Game, right?"

After the skirmishers subdued Commander Pi Zhan, they did not leave and continued to explore.

"Can Cresselia place a spiritual mark without him noticing?"

Fang Ye was communicating with the Dream God hidden above the skirmishers.

"No problem~ Fang Ye~"

"As long as he is not in the realm of gods, he will not be able to detect my sweet dream mark~"

Fang Ye nodded and motioned for Cresselia to do it.

This person is a skirmisher. He is always stationed in the Inazuma area.

But he is elusive.

In the original work, he After using the life of a traveler to ask for the Heart of God from Yae Shenzi, he suddenly evaporated and disappeared. He directly cut off contact with the fools, and he didn't know what to do with the Heart of God.

Now, such a dangerous person , it is necessary to let him live under visible surveillance.

Once he has any conspiracy, or dangerous or criminal behavior against Pokémon, he will be directly brought to trial and held accountable!

At the same time.

While exploring the sea island of Mount Chibi The group of people also made a major gain.

After Xinhai, Goro and Zheping suppressed the Pokémon group headed by Super Armor Rhinoceros, they discussed and asked Goro to conquer this Super Armor Rhinoceros.

Wulang had no reason to dislike Super Armor. Crazy rhinoceros.

Ground system + system.

The racial value is still high, according to the popular science barrage of Fang Ye in the live broadcast room of Chef Xiangling.

Comparing the racial value, the super-armored Crazy Rhino is the strength of the final form of Yu Sanjia.

Moreover, Wulang himself He is also a trainer of the rock God's Eye.

Rock bond and rock resonance, how much do you know?.

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