Wuji Tai Na!

A mythical beast that descended on the Galar region 20,000 years ago.

In the story of"Sword and Shield" set in the Galar region, about three thousand years ago, Mojutina tried to absorb the energy of the Galar region to maintain his life, but the dark night fell.

The dark night... was the black vortex that appeared in the sky over the Galar region at that time, and was actually the Infinity itself.

"Wuji Tai that?"

Shadow and Shenzi opened the list of 26 Pokémon in the group chat announcement, and found that Infinity was really the last one on the list.

Yae Shenzi:"Hey, let's put it this way, this is more powerful than the martial arts bear master. A tall mythical beast?"

Shadow:"Since it is the source of the Dynamax phenomenon, then its power to influence the personality of an area cannot be lower than that of a first-level god, right?"

"The martial arts bear master is only a second-level god."

Ye Shenzi nodded with a serious face:

"That makes sense!"

Soon, the two of them set their sights on Fang Ye again.

"store manager store manager……"

"Tell me and Ying that the source of the Dynamax is the mythical beast Wuji Tai.……"

"Could it be that you want to conquer Wuji Tai Na, and then you can help us find a solution? Open up and increase the number of unlockable Gigantamax Pokémon? Fang

Ye smiled softly when he heard this:

"if not?"

His eyes are a little deep.

There are not many mythical beasts that affect a large area with strong character.

Wuji Taina.

The power and domain are the ultimate and unlimited energy.


Known as the great god of glory.

These two Divine beasts must be more than a first-level god, and are weaker than the mythical level Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina.

And, speaking of which, Wuji Tai is so handsome that he has not unlocked the Gigantamax form. , it has a body length of 20 meters, and after unlocking it is 100 meters! In terms of size alone, it is enough to crush all Pokémon!

"At one hundred and fourteen meters tall, no matter what world it is placed in, it is considered a giant, a giant beast."

Hearing Fang Ye's sigh,

Shadow and Shenzi looked at each other in shock.

So, that Pokémon of Infinity is as big as a hundred meters?


The rice wife is followed by the heavenly leader.

The current Lord Hojo, Kujo Sora, received the resignation from Shikanoin Heizo.

Kujo Sora looked at a resignation letter and said:

"Are you leaving the Tianling practice and going to the Inazuma Adventurers branch?"

Shikanoin Heizo smiled.

He is a beautiful boy.

Ponytail, sleeves, tear mole


"I was recruited by the nightclub manager to join the Environmental Protection Bureau and serve as the investigator of the Inazuma branch."

Kujo Sora was dumbfounded.

It would be fine if he was an agent, but as a search officer, Kujo Sora had no reason to stop Kanoin Heizo.

Nowadays, who doesn't know the power of the Environmental Protection Bureau.

Within the Adventurers Association, it is like a behemoth. The president and a group of high-level officials have their names. When their international patrol team enforces the law, the Elf Alliance officials of Mondstadt, Liyue and Daozhu have to give face. The investigator is a senior cadre of the Protection Bureau in a region and is qualified to mobilize people in the region. Any operative of the agency will obey the orders.

Therefore, after joining the Environmental Protection Bureau as a search officer, Shikanoin Heizo is now equivalent to the direct supervisor of Inazuma's three Protection Bureau patrol teams.

Comparing the position within the Tenryo Agency...

Well, Although Kanoin Heizo has solved many cases, he is at most a small police detective who maintains regional security.

However, Kujo Sora knew the abilities of Kanoin Heizo very well, so he pressed the resignation letter and said:

"this matter"

"I will report it to the General"

"You can first go to the Environmental Protection Bureau to become a search officer. I will not stop you. At the same time, I will not revoke your identity and position in Tianling first and keep your file."

Shikanoin Heizo bowed and resigned.

Outside, facing the sun.

Luyein Heizang looked at the hot sun in the sky, and a bright smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:

"search officer……"

"Could this be considered the Aojie people under the command of the founder of the era?"

With his keen detective talent, he naturally knows the broad future of this job.

If he does it well, Inazuma's area will not even be able to restrict him!

If there are major cases that cannot be solved in other areas in the future, involving elf crimes, underground evil organizations, etc. Yes, it is estimated that he will travel around the seven countries, and in a sense, he will become a senior official of an international organization...

After formally submitting his resignation, Shikanoin Heizo felt relaxed and opened the private chat box of the illustrated book. :

Manager Fang Ye, I officially joined the Environmental Protection Bureau.

Within a few seconds,

Luyein Heizang was pulled into a small group chat.

This is the group chat of the Inazuma Adventurers branch and the Environmental Protection Bureau.

There are more than thirty people people.

Divided into the first team, the second team and the third team.

The group leader (Fang Ye) set Shirkanoin Heizo as the administrator.

The group leader (Fang Ye) made an announcement: Inazuma's first investigator Shirkanoin Heizo has officially taken office!

Yuzu (First Division Captain): Kanoin Heizo, hello, boss!

Sato (Second Division Captain): Kanoin Heizo, please cover me! Takeda

(Third Division Captain): Kanoin Heizo , I have heard about the name for a long time!

Kanoin Heizo (Investigator, Administrator) released a mora red envelope.

Yuzu opened the red envelope and received 98255 mora...

Sato received 21221 mora...

Takeda received 961 mora... other patrol members They also opened red envelopes one after another, and the result was that Captain Takeda, who opened 961 Mora, was awarded the title of having the worst luck.

Kanoin Heizo smiled, followed the formation of the group, and sent a message with a"face as dark as Takeda".

Immediately afterwards , he received a private message from Fang Ye:

Your uniform and cadre badge have been arranged.

Also, the first merit point for taking office has been received. You can go to the exchange store inside the Protection Bureau to have a look.

About""Internal Exchange Shop of the Protection Bureau". It has become a legend on the Teyvat Elf Network. There are various outrageous analyzes and screenshots of revelations that are said to be insiders, but no member of the Protection Bureau with a certified title has come forward to clarify. Yes. Kanoin Heizo was naturally very curious about this store. After all, their Protection Bureau did not pay physical wages, only merit points on a regular basis. Kanoin Heizang opened a small group chat and only opened permissions to the Protection Bureau. Store applet


A store interface pops up.

It is no different from a shopping website.

On the homepage, the first redemption product is Mora coins:

1 merit point 1000 Mora coins.

Kanoin Heizo glanced at the merit points credited to his account. (See For exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ten thousand points!

In other words, as soon as he took up the position of investigator cadre, his salary of tens of millions of molas was immediately received?


No wonder those people on the Teyvat Elf Network are frantically seeking Looking for a way to join the Protection Bureau! Sure enough, the benefits and treatment are amazing!

Pull to the resource column.

It is the exchange of elementary, intermediate and advanced energy cubes. Compared with the price in external stores, it is 30% off.

The same goes for Poke Balls.


Suddenly, Luye Yuan Heizang's pupils shrank.

"Normal ball, super ball, advanced ball"

"luxury ball, master ball"

"But what’s going on with this ultimate ball?"

Shikanoin Heizou opened the permission to view detailed information only for officials of the Protection Bureau.

The Ultra Ball is specially used to capture Ultra Beasts and has little effect on ordinary Pokémon.

That's it! It is used to capture Ultra Beasts Exclusive Poke Ball!

No wonder it sells for 1 million Merit Points……


"The ultimate beast, equivalent to a mythical beast"

"The Poké Ball they special attack is the strength of the Divine Beast Ball. 1 million merit points are not unaffordable for high-level cadres!"


The information page of the Ultimate Ball also has a barrage function.

Some real-name barrages passed by.

Xingqiu (Liyue District Investigator): Leave your name, I will change it in the future, and receive an Ultra Beast Chongyun

(Investigator of the Liyue region): Leave your name +1.

Diluc (Investigator of the Mondstadt region): +1...

Skip the elf ball merchandise area.

Go to the elf egg/elf baby area.

Ordinary eggs/two Thousand Merit Points

Magic Egg (R Blue)/Five Thousand Merit Points

Magic Egg (SR Color)/Ten Thousand Merit Points

Quasi-God Egg (Golden Legend!)/?Limited Product


Shikanoin Heizo couldn't help but uttered a beautiful curse word.

The exclusive prize for the competition champion.

Can it be redeemed in some way within the Protection Bureau?

Kanoin Heizou felt itchy, and he clicked on the interface of the quasi-god egg. Watch for a long time.

Xingqiu: Press the paw prints!

Chongyun: Excited.jpg

Diluc: I will eliminate evil and get this limited item!

Then, there is the evolutionary stone product area.

Fire stone, water stone, thunder stone Stones, leaf stones...

Evolution stones are all available, and they are all in stock, and can be exchanged for 10,000 merit points!

Kanoin Heizo breathed hot instantly.

His initial spirit.

It was a little Magnemite drawn from Inazuma branch, and now It is about to evolve into a three-in-one magnet monster!

And to evolve into the final self-destructing magnet monster, the three-in

-one magnet monster needs a thunder stone as a resource!

"It’s no problem to have the Thunder Stone ready for you"

"However, I only have one elf in 723 now. Should I use these 10,000 points to exchange for an SR-colored magical egg?"

Turn back.

Click on the information map of the SR Magic Egg: the probability of ordinary Pokémon is 60%; the probability of extracting Pokémon of the Yusanjia level is 33%, and the other is 7%. The probability of opening a Yusanjia level is nearly one-third. Pokémon babies!

They can even dream.

There is a 7% chance of hatching a baby of more than three families!

After thinking about it,

Kanoin Heizou couldn't make a decision either.

"never mind"

"Save merit points first!"

"It depends on what you get from exploring the Heguan Island Ecological Area!"

As an investigator, a senior cadre.

You don't have to perform daily inspection tasks like ordinary team members, but you have to be at the forefront when important events happen.

Therefore, I have plenty of time for personal activities, and Kanoin Heizo also decided to board the Go to Heguan Island and try your luck

…… at the same time.

Heguan Island Ecological Zone, Master Ma Martial Arts School.

Dialga has returned from the Cecil region, and its mission there has been completed

"Have you helped the three immortals in Jueyunjian build the time cabin?"

After hearing Dialga's report, Fang Ye clicked his tongue.

The time flow rate in the time cabin is getting faster every day than every year. Dialga has suppressed the power of the time beast as much as possible, which is not so outrageous. It is estimated that in a few days, But I feel that the immortals in Jueyunjian who have stayed in the hut for several years can fully understand the technology of the elf world.

"good guy"

"In this way, in a few days, three immortals can be arranged to lead the project team and step up the development of the virtual holographic game."

Fang Ye said secretly

"Store manager brother……"

Aru, a child of the ancient civilization of Tsuruguan Island, stood on the shoulders of the demon god Purple Lightning Kite, who was reincarnated as a thunder bird.

With an excited expression on his face, he trotted over and plunged straight into Fang Ye's arms.

Fang Ye touched Aru's head and said with a smile:"You also explored the new Heguan Island yesterday, right? How was it? Did you gain anything?"


Aru handed an object that emitted bright light to Fang Ye with both hands, as if he was offering a treasure:

"Yesterday, because of the strange scene in the ecological zone, Kapachili suddenly regained some memories and guided me to Mount Suga"

"Digging up strange objects that used to fall from the sky……"

"This is it!".

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