Strange objects falling from the sky...

Aru's words immediately made Fang Ye's smile fade.

As a primitive scientist who has done some research.

He remembers.

The fog that enveloped Tsurukwan Island was not caused by Kapaciri, the Purple Lightning Kite.

Kapaqili has the power to clear the fog, but this fog has no effect on his demonic personality.

However, the indigenous people of the Heguan Island civilization began to collect His feathers, use His feathers to make wooden reed flutes as props to dispel the fog, and worship and sacrifice to Him crazily...

This made Kapaqili quite puzzled.

What are these tiny, hairless, upright ape creatures doing?

How had He ever cared about the beliefs of these tiny creatures?

Aru told the words of Kapaciri's original memory intact, from Kapaciri's perspective.

Fang Ye was silent, holding up the stone Aru handed him and facing the sun above his head.

The bright light made him squint his eyes


Fragments of the Sky Island

Explanation: The God's Seat is not eternal. The island in the sky seems to have experienced some changes and disasters.

Quality/Grade:? (Unidentifiable)


He, from above, monitors and manages the entire Teyvat.

Such a small fragment can cause abnormalities in the earth's veins and cause mist to spew out.

It is recommended that the host retains and observes it, and does not allow Pokémon to wear it or absorb its power easily for the time being.


Is this a god-level or mythical resource?

Fang Ye took a deep breath.

Seeing the information about this piece of stone, there was nothing in his mindA name flashed past:

Nail of Cold Sky!

Dragon's Back Snow Mountain in Mondstadt.

Once upon a time, there was also a prosperous civilization named Fendenir.

However, the Fendenir Civilization suddenly fell due to the Cold Sky Nail, cutting off the earth's veins, causing the ancient silver trees that this civilization relied on to survive to die.

Nails of cold weather.

The appearance is a light blue core and large pillars wrapped in gray stone skin.

This thing... there is also one in Liyue's layered rock abyss!

The formation of the Great Rock Abyss was caused by the cold nail falling from the sky.

"The nail of punishment dropped from Sky Island"

"The Fendenir Civilization that Crucified the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain"

"Under the giant abyss of rock, there may have been some kind of civilization that may have triggered the experiment of the reverse scale on Sky Island."

"But why is there such a fragment on Heguan Island?"

Fang Ye held this piece of Sky Island, full of questions.

Aru saw his serious expression.

He said with some anxiety:"Brother, store manager, don't you like this thing?"

Fang Ye laughed, touched the top of A's head, and suddenly a thought came to his mind:


"I said"

"To cut off your past and let you truly live in this world"

"Well, now, it's time for me to fulfill my promise."

Aru was a little confused.

"Dialga!"Fang Ye summoned.

In the training ground behind the martial arts hall, one against three, Dialga was fighting bravely with Jirachi, Little Lugia and Meloetta.

Hearing Fang Ye's voice, Gouzi Same, he ran over anxiously

"I have something to ask of you."

Fang Ye held Aru's hand and touched the core of the gem on Luka's chest:

"Taking this young man as the time coordinate point, we will go back to the past time."

"Probably, between 2,500 to 500 years ago?"

Dialga's voice confirmed in Fang Ye's heart:

"That's it?"

"It’s okay for you to ask me to go back to the time when the chaos of this world was first born! Fang Ye nodded:"

Then let's get started."——"

He comforted Aru:

"If you are afraid, you can close your eyes."

Next to him, Dialga released his power, and a time wormhole suddenly appeared in front of him.

Dialga took the lead and went in.

Fang Ye held Aru, who had closed his eyes, and Capachili on Aru's shoulders. After entering the time wormhole, the group of people disappeared. In the Thunder Movie, Yae Shenzi appeared out of thin air in front of the gradually disappearing time wormhole.

Yae Shenzi had a look of awe on his face.

This time wormhole was filled with fluctuations that frightened her..If

Dialga, who is in charge of time, is not here, and he approaches and touches rashly, he will probably be immediately confused in the unknown flow of time.

"Time rules……"


"The beast of time! It's a Pokémon!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yae Shenzi carefully watched the time wormhole. It was not until the wormhole completely disappeared without causing any time storm that his heart was completely at ease.

It involves time.

Past, present, future... there can be no carelessness or carelessness.

Once an accident occurs, who knows what will happen!

"Shadow, did you see it?"

Ye Shenzi took a deep breath and said:

"This kind of power of time cannot be faked!"

"The mythical beast named Dialga can indeed travel through the river of time.……"

"Don’t you want to reverse the cycle of birth and death?"

"Haven't you been chasing eternity?"

"I think that the past, present and future that are completely controllable are a kind of eternity"

"You can feel free to ask the nightclub manager……"

"Let him take you back to the timeline five hundred years ago! Save your sister... Raiden Makoto! And... Lord Foxsai Palace!"

There was some hesitation and concern on Lei Keqing's face.

Seeing her expression,

Yae Shenzi became furious:

"The person who can reverse the cycle of life and death is right in front of you, but you dare not grab hold of him? It’s really annoying, ahhh!"

As he said this, Yae Shenzi's face turned a little red. He glanced left and right, then suddenly came close to Kage's ear, exhaled and gritted his teeth and said:

"Are you afraid that you can't afford to ask Club Manager Fang for help?"

"Where is your brain? film?"

".~Last night, I demonstrated it to you."

"Night attack! Sleep!"

"Cooked rice……"

"Become a family! He still has the nerve to make conditions with you? Teach him a lesson in bed!"

Hearing this,

Lei Qingqing's expression was shocked.

He stared at the already blushing Yae Shenzi in disbelief.

"Night, night attack?"

"Change, become a family?"

Ye Shenzi endured the shame, word by word, waved his pink fist and said:"I have thought of a way for you, whether you use it or not is all up to you."

"Wow, wow, how pitiful, it’s a pity that I don’t have enough status."

"Otherwise, people would also want to hand themselves over."

Lei Qianqian's eyes suddenly sharpened:"One of me is enough! Don't come!"

The Eightfold God's Son smiled narrowly:

"At this time, how about preventing fire, theft, and girlfriends?"

"Wow, so sad~"


On the long river of time.

Fang Ye held Aru's hand, walking leisurely and leisurely, as if walking in a garden, and walked leisurely behind Dialga.

The four walls of the wormhole are filled with various images and pictures.

Fang Ye's eyes glanced at a flashing scene:

"Darkness envelopes Rice Wife?"

"Well, this should be the time five hundred years ago when the gods of Inazuma, thunder and lightning, rushed to Kanreia one after another, and then Inazuma's homeland was also eroded by darkness."

Continue to swim upstream.

I saw the disaster before and after Kiyara Island again.

The shrine maiden of Kiyara Shrine, Hibiki Asase, followed the big pirate Hyakome Oni before leaving, and unlocked the large barrier near the shrine that had been maintained for thousands of years, releasing the sealed The remnants of the Thunderbird.

As a result, the resentful spirits and remnants raged, and Qinglai Island was once again hit by a thunderstorm. The entire island could not survive, and all the islanders were moved to Narukami Island by the Inazuma Shogunate Army.

Five hundred years ago......

A thousand years ago...


In the silent time wormhole, a loud singing voice suddenly sounded:

"La, la la, la la la (oo)~~" at the same time.

Aru couldn't help but open her eyes and said in surprise:"Huh? I didn't sing? But it's obviously my song..." The thunderbird Kapaciri on his shoulder no longer chirped. The eyes were filled with purple electricity, hiding some kind of majesty and anger.


"Just stop here, Dialga.……"

(PS: Please give me monthly passes, flowers and full reservations!).

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