
(Got it!)

Dialga responded to Fang Ye by creating the exit of the time and space wormhole on the spot, and got out first.

Fang Ye took Aru's hand and followed.


About a thousand The time and space from 2000 to 2000 years ago.

In the Inazuma Sea area, ancient cranes watch the island.

Fang Ye is high in the sky, overlooking the fog-shrouded island.

Heavy rain is raging on the earth.

There are bursts of thunder.

"La, la la, la la la……"

Melodious singing came from the coastal cliffs.

Aru, who was being held by Fang Ye, saw another"self" singing loudly, and her eyes widened in surprise.


On his shoulder, the purple lightning kite was reincarnated into a thunder bird.

Suddenly it made a loud cry.


The thunderbird flew away.

One step, two steps, three steps... above the sky more than ten steps away from Fang Ye and A'lu


It suddenly turned into a huge purple-feathered thunderbird with a wingspan of more than ten meters, and each feather was streaming with bright lightning.

The Purple Lightning Kite, which had returned to its demonic state, was in the thunderstorm between the clouds. Swimming comfortably.


The solitary thunderbird swooped down.

It landed in front of the young man singing on the cliff of Heguan Island, his eyes quietly staring at"Aru": 760 What an interesting tune.

You, insignificant person Son, aren't you afraid of thunder and heavy rain?

"Aru" in this timeline tried his best to raise a pure face and answered loudly:

The adults in the clan said.

A child like me can calm the thunder and lightning and turn the heavy rain into rain!

This scene.

It’s completely a rewind and playback of the past.

Aru, who was held by Fang Ye, covered her mouth with one hand in surprise

""Aru" continued to sing.

The thunderbird also listened quietly.

Within a few days, the indigenous civilization of Tsuruguan Island held a bloody and ignorant festival.

""Aru" was the chosen child who volunteered his flesh and blood and pure soul to offer a perch to please the thunderbird.

On this day,"Aru" walked onto the altar calmly.

The big man in charge of the sacrifice The priest is an old man with a white beard. He is Aru's grandfather.

Under the altar are the familiar faces of Aru, mom and dad, and friends playing.

See this!

Fang Ye caught He picked up Aru's hand and said to Aru, whose eyes were filled with tears:

"Let's go"

"Let's go down and end this tragedy!"

(beag) After Aru landed, she did not cry. She tried her best to hold back her tears and once again carefully remembered the people around the altar, her relatives and friends... even if it was the second time she came to the site of the previous sacrifice.

There was still no trace of resentment in the young man's eyes, only attachment and reluctance towards these"people from the past".

But Aru knew.

The past has gone with the wind.

He wants to live in this world! Teyvat in the age of elves!

With Capaccili!

It was like hearing Aru's heartfelt voice.

The Purple Lightning Kite has returned to its demonic form. Compared with the old timeline, its arrival was actually much earlier, before the tragedy happened!


This is the excited cry that shakes the sea of ​​Inazuma. this moment.

The shadow of the demon god from the past and the reincarnated Thunder Sparrow seemed to merge together.

Thunderbirds fell from the sky. (If you want to read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Its eyes are included in the altar scene.

At this time, Aru also merged his past"self".

The two teenagers looked at each other, and then the other one took the initiative to turn into water and merge into Aru's body.


Thunderbird put Aru on his back and immediately soared into the sky again.

The natives of Heguan Island were left in stunned silence around the altar.

"Well, Aru is really alive"

"As for Capaccili……"

"It is estimated that he will return to the world in the form of a thunder bird."

Fang Ye achieved the first goal of his trip.

The second goal...

He took out the fragments of Sky Island in the system backpack, his eyes flickering.

If you have cleared the plot line of Heguan Island, players will know.

In The underground ancient ruins between Mount Chihibi and Senrai Shrine actually contain a lot of historical materials about the ancient Tsurukan civilization.

For example, the great adventurer Roald asked the player to take pictures of those murals with a camera. This is a branch line. Mission.

Strictly speaking, the spewing of mist on Heguan Island and the changes in the earth's veins separated the two eras.

The civilization that worshiped and worshiped the thunderbird can be described as the thunderbird civilization. It was personally destroyed by the thunderbird.

And in Before the Thunderbird Civilization, the indigenous civilization of Heguan Island already existed!

Fang Ye's eyes flashed.

He used his super power to teleport.

He found the ruins cave on the seabed!

Compared with the current world, this cave is well protected and has many murals. Also more complete and clear

"There are no traces of thunderbirds on these murals. The previous civilization on Heguan Island was worshiping something else.……"

"Weird symbols? Sun, moon and stars?"

"Fog and moon? Stars and darkness?"

There are some ancient texts on the murals. Fang Ye is not a scholar in this field and can't understand them at all.

After thinking about it,

Fang Ye doesn't want to go back just now.

Let Dialga send Aru and Capachili back to the present world first.


Fang Ye handed the fragments of Sky Island to Dialga:

"Use this stone piece as the tracing coordinate point!"

"Go to that era!"

Dialga nodded casually. It can even be traced back to the source of chaos. What does it matter if it goes back to a civilization and era?


In the long past, there were three bright moons hanging in the night sky. They were three sisters. Their lifespans were longer than those of the Rock Gods, and their birthdays were older than the bedrock of Liyue Port.

The moon is the daughter of poetry and song, and the king of the moon. They paraded in a silver high car, and every ten days, one sister would take over the throne of the other, and so on, until the day when the great disaster struck...

This journey to open up the time wormhole was a bit long.

Fang Ye took out the complete translation of"Before the Sun and the Moon" that Yuan handed over to him and started to read it.

This book comes from detailed historical records of Yuanxia Palace and Baiye Kingdom.

This is also the reason why the great snake god Orobas died!

In the Year of the Dove, the eternal throne of heaven comes, and the world is made new.

Then the True King, the original one, began to wage war against the seven terrible kings, the masters of the old world. Those terrible kings are dragons.

The Prime One created His own luminous shadows, and the number of the shadows was four.

Phanes, or the Original One.

He was born with wings, a crown on his head, and was born from an egg. It is difficult to distinguish between male and female. But if the world is to be created, the eggshell must be broken. Fanes - or the original one - used eggshells to isolate the universe and the world in miniature...

Suddenly, Fang Ye's footsteps stopped.

Because Dialga had stopped in front and opened the wormhole exit.

The source era of the Sky Island fragment has arrived!.

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