"Eh? Am I still in the ruins of Tsuruguan Island?"

Fang Ye took a step forward, stepped out of the wormhole, and found that the position was exactly the same as before he traveled through the timeline.

This time Dialga's retracement was extremely accurate, and the front and rear positions did not shift at all.

However, it was as quiet as before the retracement. The space is different.

This timeline...

Fang Ye looked up and saw a blazing sun in the sky.

Wasn't it the dark cave environment of the underground ruins before?

There were towering buildings around it.

And Fang Ye seemed to be in a gorgeous temple.

A group of People who looked like apostles of God gathered under the walls of the temple and whispered something:

"Sky Island also needs to be painted"


"Anyway, stay in awe of Sky Island!"

"O Lord of the Moon, Arya, Sanatan, Qanon……"

"They are looking at the kingdom on earth!"

The apostles of God climbed up the ladder and used unique craftsmanship to depict people's beliefs in worshiping the moon and stars on the wall.

At this time!


A huge crack appeared in the sky.

Fang Ye and Dialga could even see the twisted starry sky outside through this crack across the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a roar shocked the entire Teyvat continent:


"Do you want to destroy this world?!"

It was as if the dome was broken and the wind and rain were leaking. The mysterious darkness of the starry sky and the universe surged in.

Fang"280" was suffocated at night.

He saw a head-dressed figure appearing on the huge crack in the sky. Crowned, with wings, it is difficult to distinguish male and female figures.

Compared to the outsiders who broke into Teyvat through the cracks.

This"Phanes", the creator god of Teyvat, is protecting the world and doing his best to repair the world. dome, and even used itself as repair material

"The four shadows of"Phanes" rushed forward and had a shocking divine battle with the outsiders.

This battle was like the battle of creation.

The sky collapsed and the earth tore apart.

The great disaster even swept away the order of the gods.

First , Because of the disaster, the body of the"ancestor of the fairies" became fragmented and scattered around the world. Then, two of the Moon King's three sisters also died, and their bodies turned into fine sand. Only one left a pale corpse...

World wars have all caused"Twilight of the Gods".

Not to mention Sky Island?


Countless building fragments collapsed, and some of them fell into the abyss formed by the breaking of continental plates and rising oceans.

Some of them are still floating high in the sky


Fang Ye couldn't help but gasp. He and Dialga rose into the sky and watched the history of the formation of"Heguan Island". He couldn't help but feel his scalp numb.

It turns out that Heguan Island was once part of the great kingdom on earth, the Kingdom of Eternal Life.

But Phanes and the second orderer came, and the fight turned the world upside down.

The territory of Changshi Kingdom collapsed.

Some people and the land where they have lived for generations fell under the abyss where the dragon lizards live.

This is the origin of Baiye Kingdom and Yuanxia Palace!

What is still on the ground is the broken island, which looks extremely small in the face of huge waves that are as high as the sky.

I saw that the temple where I was just now was submerged by the sea water and sank into the ground, forming a relic space for future generations.

Fang Ye raised his head and looked at the sky. He didn't know how many years the war between the Gods of Order would last.

He took a gentle breath and said in shock:

"This is what is recorded in"The Preface to the Sun and the Moon""

"The year of burial?"

"The arrival of the second throne in heaven is like the beginning of the great war at the beginning of creation. That day, the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed. The ancestors of our people in the Abyss, and the land they have lived in for generations, fell here."

"The dark ages began."

Fang Ye recalled the records in"Before the Sun and the Moon" and compared it with what he saw in the timeline in front of him. He couldn't help but let out a deep sigh.

"Dialga, speed up the flow of time!"

I don't know how long it took.

The battles on the surface and in the sky ended.

The broken dome was repaired.

The destruction of Teyvat was reversed.

But Phanes disappeared.

In the sky covered by clouds, the second Sky Island rose high..

However, three of the four shadows created by Phanes also disappeared. The fourth shadow,

Istaru, the ruler of time, survived and guided the people of the Abyss to create civilization again.

Watch this. Ye frowned in confusion and looked at the stone fragments in his hands:

"When did this fragment of Sky Island fall into Heguan Island?"

He asked Dialga to continue to speed up the flow of time.

About six thousand years ago, the Rock King was born.

About three thousand years ago, Sky Island promulgated a new order, and only those who ascended the seven thrones could become earthly rulers.

The demon gods and kings from all over the world fought endlessly for the position of the Seven Rulings, and the war lasted for more than a thousand years!

In the era of the demon god war.

It has been in the outer ring of the sky, near the repaired dome, the wall of the star sea and the universe. Between the barrier layers, there was a pile of countless floating debris.

Suddenly one day, a piece lost its buoyancy and landed on Heguan Island like a meteor!

Seeing this,

Fang Ye's face was shocked:

"It's actually Fanes……"

"Fragments of the first Sky Island?"

Think about it.

The creation of Teyvat has evolved to this day.

Only the first and second orderers of Sky Island have appeared. In other words, the war of overthrow and destruction has only been experienced once.

"This is actually a fragment of Fanes Sky Island!"

Fang Ye's heart was pounding. The status of the"Creator God" of a world is quite outrageous no matter what.

If Faness hadn't repaired the cracks in Teyvat's dome and reversed the destruction of the world, he wouldn't have been able to do so. They were at a disadvantage in the war.

One was a guardian.

The other was a foreign invader. Those who were scrupulous were against those who were barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes.

Even the"disappearance" of Fanes was mainly to repair the cracks. I was afraid that It's not a defeat.

Of course.

Tianli's combat power actually equaled that of Fanes and the four shadows he created...

You know, these"four shadows" are actually the original ones under Fanes. Demon God. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After creating the world with Arceus, he created Giratina, Dialga and Palkia with the same nature.

They are all high-ranking figures in charge of terrifying power. Existence!

Fang Ye thought of when he was creating the Liyue Ecological Zone, and when the phantom of the"alpaca" appeared. He was afraid of the laws of heaven on Sky Island.

His mentality and state of mind at that time was probably very similar to that of Fa Ni. Si.

A former outsider. She destroyed the"order" of the previous throne.

She created a new seven gods and seven ruling orders, and became the maintainer of the new order.

Facing the era of elves.

Facing the invading Pokémon, Outer gods like Arceus might suddenly become nervous, right?

Afraid of the outbreak of the Second Creation War?

I have to say, this joke is very interesting!

"Perhaps, the person who knows destiny really said it right."

"This is the fate of the world!"

"The original reversed the destruction, and the island in the sky burned the kingdom of the earth. Bai Chao chases gold, and Red Moon takes revenge on Black Sun. The future saves the past, the old and the young kill each other... This is the fate of the world!

Someone who knew destiny once said to Dainsreb


On a fragment of Sky Island, there is a stable timeline anchor.

He was actually able to travel back to the ultra-ancient era recorded in"Previous Events of the Sun and Moon".

Witnessed with my own eyes the process of destruction of another order before the ruling order of the Seven Gods.

Fang Ye said that the archaeological value of this fragment is immeasurable!

"There’s no telling if we’ll find the missing Fanes in the future."

"And the other three original demon gods"

"We still need to use these archaeological artifacts....."

"Since the fourth demon god, Istaru, the ruler of time, can survive into this world, there is no reason why they can't."

Except Phanes.

The names of the four original demons are:

Baal, Paimon, Istaru and Asmodeus.

"This Baal, is this Baal? Is there a story about the twin demons of Rice Wife?"

"Where's Paimon? I think it seems to be that little thing, emergency food.……"


While letting Dialga create a time wormhole and return to the present world,

Fang Ye closed the translation booklet of"The Past of the Sun and the Moon".

He looked at Dialga in front of him:


"You also saw Phanes and Tianli earlier."

"Can you evaluate it?"

Dialga's voice sounded in Fang Ye's heart, rarely revealing caution:

"They are undoubtedly at the top of the pyramid of beings like gods."


The conversation changed.

"But, if I return to my original form, I won’t be afraid of them"

"Fang Ye~"

"Help me find the Diamond Diamond! Unlock the origin form!"

"I can help you!"

When Fang Ye heard this, he felt somewhat confident in his heart, and he recovered from the thrilling battle of Creation.

Also, the Pokémon world is a multiverse, and Arceus and the three myths under his command have different personalities., it is impossible to be weaker than Tianli and Fanes

"So, Tianli and Phanes are probably complete mythical existences?"

"The four original demon gods, such as Istaru, the ruler of time, are probably super-god-level figures like Wujutana and Necrozma?"


Heguan Island Ecological Area.

The time wormhole emerged, and Fang Ye walked out, inevitably feeling a little dizzy.

Aru, Lei Qianqian and Yae Shenzi had been waiting for him outside the martial arts gym for a long time. When Fang Ye came out, they immediately surrounded him.

"The store manager brother."Aru, who cut off the past, had a pure smile and a majestic vitality in his body.

Aru was completely resurrected.

Except for the shadow and the son of God, no one outside could know that Aru lived from the ancient civilization of Heguan two thousand years ago to the present world. Child.

As for the Purple Lightning Kite, the Thunderbird.

It chose to turn into a Thunder Bird. It only wants to stay on Aru's shoulder forever and be a chirping, silly little Bird.

Fang Ye Shaking his body, he shook off some of the"ancient aura" of the Time Traveler 0.9 who traveled through the timeline.

He looked at Thunder Movie

Shadow and her sister's real name...

Baal, Baalzeb.

Is it the same as the original demon god? What does Baal have to do with it?

The shadow who has decided to do something bad.

As Fang Ye stared at him while thinking about it, his heart was inexplicably tense, and his heartbeat was"thumping" and accelerating violently. It was late that night.

Fang Ye was watching. Ye was in front of the desk in the master's room of the martial arts school.

Referring to the translation of"Before the Sun and the Moon", he edited the video of his previous travels in the timeline according to the chronicle. That's right, Fang Ye didn't forget to take the video with him when he traveled all the way!


"These edited images cannot be posted to group chats for the time being. They are too shocking."


Fang Ye turned off the light and went to bed, and soon fell asleep.

Perhaps due to time travel, his mind was severely exhausted, and Fang Ye, a superpower, fell into a deep sleep.

In the second half of the night, a soft body sneaked in He was in bed.

Outside the martial arts hall, under the moonlight,

Yae Shenzi glanced at Cresselia, who was still practicing under the moonlight.

She was here for her best friend to"show off".

Seeing Fang Ye, this one was comparable to a housekeeper. The Dream God had no intention of stopping him, so he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, faced the master room of the martial arts hall, waved his fist, and said in a complicated tone:

"Come on……"


(PS: Please give me monthly tickets, flowers and full reservations!).

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