After Svarro dealt with all the Silvermane Guards, everyone continued to move forward along the road.

Although when they were in normal mode before, they relied on Wendy's wind field to fly through and directly reach the end of the area.

But in that process, Chu Ge memorized the entire maze-like terrain in his mind.

So he knew very well how to get to the end of the edge passage as quickly as possible and find the guarding monster.

So, it didn't take long for everyone to reach the end.

During this process, there were still a large number of Silvermane Guards on the road.

But under Svarro's fierce attack, no matter how many Silvermane Guards there were, they were all eliminated.

This also saved everyone time in fighting.

【Warning! The guarding monster has appeared!】

【Guarding monsters: Flame from the outer universe, Ice from the outer universe!】

【Kill reward: Destiny Force Strength +30!】......

When everyone came to the end of the edge passage, huge creatures of the world soon appeared in front of them.

Whether it was the flame of the outer universe or the ice of the outer universe, their bodies reached about seven meters, much stronger than those they had encountered before.

However, they seemed extremely weak in front of Chu Ge and others.

"The risk factor is rising, and the annihilation mode is activated."

Swaro quickly changed his weapons and bombarded the outer universe flame and outer universe ice with two powerful bombardments. In fact, even if it didn't attack, even Arlechino and Clorinde in the team could kill all the outer universe flame and outer universe ice.

【Congratulations on successfully killing the guarding monster and receiving the reward: Destiny Power Intensity +30!】.......

"I feel like we can all rely on Swarovski to push through all the way."

Sanyueqi suddenly felt bored by the scene before him.

"This is actually quite normal. After all, we spent a lot of effort to solve the steel torrent incident before."

"Moreover, the rewards are often linked to the difficulty of killing the monster. The guarding monster encountered this time is not as strong as imagined."

Alechino said calmly.

The higher the difficulty, the richer the reward for killing.

This point has long been explored in the previous multiple killing processes.

In addition, the strength of Svarro is also understandable.

When the mechanical tribe dealt with countless automatic robots, except Chu Ge who remained energetic, everyone else was almost exhausted.

Even Dan Heng was a little tired.

In addition, the consumption of everyone's destiny energy was also extremely huge.

Even now, it has not been fully restored to its peak state.

Perhaps at present, only Chu Ge has been in a full state.

Therefore, it was worthwhile to spend so much energy in that incident to get the assistance of the powerful unit-Svarro.

"Calculation Correction: Yongdong Ridge has a strong energy field, I can't compete with it"

"Conclusion: I can only help you clear the obstacles before climbing the mountain. The rest of the way needs to be completed by your own strength."

On the other side, after hearing what March Seven said, Swarovski was silent for a moment, and then he said

"Sure enough, the final boss battle still depends on us."

March Seven heard this and shrugged helplessly, as if he had known about this for a long time.

"Isn't this nonsense? If Swarovski can help us get through all the levels, then the trouble we encountered in the Mechanical Tribe before will definitely be bigger."

"So, cherish this leisure time, because it won't be so pleasant when you get to Yongdong Ridge."

Chu Ge said calmly.

As for the others, they didn't change their expressions either, and they were obviously prepared for this.

"Let's go, we're only two areas away from the end."

After dealing with the monsters guarding the edge of the passage, everyone did not stop and immediately headed towards the Iron Guard restricted area..........

When everyone arrived at the Iron Guard restricted area, they unexpectedly found that there was no obstruction.

In the passage, not to mention the Silver Mane Iron Guard, even the automatic robot soldiers were not seen.

"Weird, why is there no one here?"

Seeing this, Sanyueqi narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling that this matter was not simple.

But when everyone walked through many passages, and even shuttled through the cross-shaped roulette passage, they did not encounter any figure.

This made everyone feel a sense of disobedience.

"Oh my god, where is the guarding monster?"

When Chu Ge led everyone to the end of the Iron Guard restricted area, he found that there was only an empty space where the guarding monster should have appeared.

This made him feel very wrong.

But when Chu Ge concentrated all his efforts on a large-scale perception, he could not find any extraordinary existence.

It was as if this Iron Guard restricted area was just an empty shell, without any living creatures.

Suddenly, Chu Ge's eyes looked towards the road leading to the Echo Corridor.

"Stay alert: someone is coming."

At the same time, Shiwaro and Danheng also noticed someone approaching.

When they looked over, they found that it was a Silver Mane Iron Guard officer whose armor was severely damaged and the giant shield in his hand had a huge crack, as if he had just experienced a difficult battle.

【Patrol Ranger Team, trigger random events! 】

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