【Patrol Ranger team, trigger random events!】

【Random Event: The Last Fire】

【You step into the heavily guarded military restricted area, but find it empty.

You meet a lieutenant who has just finished a battle. He is exhausted, and his broken armor seems to tell of a recent battle.

"Outsider, I beg for your help. The lieutenant saluted you, his tone full of pleading.

"My hometown has been poisoned by the star core for more than 700 years. The green grasslands and warm earth have become a thing of the past. The world has entered the countdown to the end of winter. All of this is the disaster brought by the star core."

"The advent of the star core brought the erosion of the rift, and countless monsters rushed out. We, the soldiers, stood at the forefront to protect the people behind us from danger."

"However, the current supreme ruler betrayed us and reached a cooperation with the Star Core. She said that this damn world should have ended long ago, and the Star Core would promise her and her people to welcome a new world."The lieutenant's tone began to become angry:

"I don't know if that's true, but we soldiers must protect the people behind us at all costs and never allow those world-ripping monsters to break through the last line of defense!"

"But we........Failed, everyone died, only I was left."

You seemed to see the eyes of the lieutenant under his helmet, filled with tears.

"Outsider, I beg you to help us destroy those monsters and protect the last spark of fire in this world."】

【Option 1: My power cannot interfere with the fate of this world. (Move out of the instance, no effect)】

【Option 2: I will preserve the fire of humanity. (Destroy all the Rift Creatures in the Echo Corridor area. Success will permanently gain 50 points of all attributes and 50 points of Fate Strength. Failure will permanently reduce 50 points of all attributes and 50 points of Fate Strength.)】

【Option 3: I will purge the sinners and betrayers! (Destroy all the Rift creatures in the Echo Corridor area. Success will gain 50 points of Fate Strength. Failure will permanently reduce 50 points of Fate Strength.

Climb to Everwinter Ridge and destroy ???. Success will permanently gain 100 points of all attributes and 100 points of Fate Strength. Failure will permanently reduce 100 points of all attributes and 100 points of Fate Strength, and move out of the instance.)】.....

Seeing this scene, everyone fell silent for a moment.

Although this was a random incident, the Silver Mane Iron Guard officer showed extremely vivid emotions.

It seemed that this was not a fake person, but a real human being.

This was completely different from the Silver Mane Iron Guard they had encountered before.

"Don't worry, we will destroy all the monsters and betrayers."

Chu Ge said to the lieutenant in front of him seriously.

Regardless of whether it was for the highest reward or not.

After seeing the lieutenant's performance, he decided to eliminate all the creatures of the Rift and the betrayer.

"You are so right. Even if this is a dream, a game, our will will never change!"

March Seven also jumped out and nodded seriously.

Obviously, she was deeply touched by the story of this incident.

As a pioneer, if she encountered such a thing in reality, she would definitely eliminate all monsters and defeat the traitor who threw himself into the arms of the star core.

As for Dan Heng, Alechino and Clorinde, they also agreed with Chu Ge's choice.

So, everyone chose the third option.

"Then, I'll leave it to you."

After seeing Chu Ge and the others make their choice, the Silver Mane Iron Guard Officer suddenly fell down and gradually lost his breath.

"Let's go. We may encounter another battle similar to the Iron Torrent. If you can't hold on, come to me."

"Oh, I didn't expect you to say something so reliable."

"Screw you, Uncle Wuwu. Although I’m not a good person, I’m not that bad, okay?".........

Soon, everyone crossed the Iron Guard restricted area and began to walk towards the Echo Corridor.

When they arrived at this area.

The originally confident March Seventh's face almost turned green.

Because what appeared before them.

Was the overwhelming Rift Creatures.

Thousands of Frost Crystal Creatures and Flame Creatures were flying in the air.

On the surface, there were other Rift Creatures that were so dense that it was frightening.

Eternal Winter Disaster Shadow, Fire Disaster Shadow, Outer Universe Flame, Outer Universe Ice.

If you look further away, you can even see the even larger Deep Cold Wanderer.

This is the first time that the Blazing Wanderer has appeared in the dungeon, and its appearance is very similar to the automatic robot soldier Tooth Wolf.

It seems that it has sensed the arrival of outsiders.

Countless Rift Creatures have shifted their attention to Chu Ge and others.

This made them feel countless malicious attacks........... ps: Although the free mode that follows is still based on Beloberg, there will be certain background changes (the changes are not large). The author doesn’t know whether it will cause too much disgust, so I’d like to ask here first.

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