The curse is a very popular and common method in this world.

The curse of the Queen of Delos and the curse of the former king of Valhalla by the Death Maniac are both advanced uses of the curse method.

The ways of using curses are also different.

But in fact, most curses in the world are difficult to have much effect, or in other words, it is very difficult to kill a person completely by curse.

Ordinary people will probably be unlucky for a period of time after being cursed by a witch of average strength, and suffer minor or serious injuries.

For most witches to kill people, curse is just an auxiliary means, first let the opponent have bad luck, and then take the opportunity to kill by other means.

Not to mention big figures like the ruler of a country, these people often have anti-curse magic tools or secret methods.

But there are exceptions to everything. When a powerful person issues a curse, general defense methods will become ineffective, such as Tilos and Valhalla.

Whether the queen of Tilos was a powerful witch or not is unknown.

Although the death of the former king of Valhalla was related to the curse, it was actually the death fog of the dead maniac that played a greater role.

The dead fog is a magic that devours life. Although Valhalla defeated the death maniac at the beginning, he was also severely injured.

When his spirit and energy are very weak, the curse of the death maniac can make him childless, and he can't even curse the other party directly.

In the terms of the game in the previous life, it is a DEBUFF. How strong this DEBUFF can be depends on the ability of the caster.

Faheris is obviously a powerful caster.

"The curse of Orzem? What is that?" Jiuqi Shinobu never knew about such a thing when he looked up the information of Orzem.

"That is the curse of endless resentment after the demise of our country." Fahris explained:

"Ms. Kuki Shinobu, are you working for Ningguang?"

When Fahris answered, she noticed that Kuki Shinobu had been taking notes.

"I guess so."

Kuki Shinobu did not deny it, and there was no need to hide it from her.

"How about we make a deal?"

"What deal?" Kuki Shinobu greeted Ara Taki Ito, and Yvette saw this and pulled Ara Taki Ito out of the ward.

Fahris raised her head and looked at the ceiling for a moment before slowly speaking: "I can hand over the royal treasure of Orzem."

"What is the condition?"

"The fall of Falati."

"Sorry, we can't do it." Kuki Shinobu refused directly. No matter how precious the royal treasure of Orzem is, it is impossible for them to destroy a country for it.

"Don't you want to know what the treasure is?" Fahelis chuckled:

"After I was abducted to Falati, the old king never dared to touch me. Why do you think that's the case?"

"Is it related to the treasure?"

"Yes, but not right." Fahelis raised her hand, her pale face gradually turned rosy, and magic flowed from her fingertips, "It's not only related to the treasure, but also to the curse."

"What do you mean."

"That's it." The blue magic at Fahelis's fingertips suddenly turned black, and the sound of pain and wailing rang in the ward.

The cheeks that had originally recovered their rosy redness were covered with a trace of dark magic, and combined with her weird magic, the whole person became ghostly.

"This magic is a bit like the black fog of the dead spirits of the dead maniac, but it feels completely different." Jiuqi Shinobu looked at Fahelis and pondered in his heart.

"This is the curse of Orzem. The object of the curse is not others, but me."

Fahlis's eyes became a little lost, and finally sighed: "This is the resentment of the people of Orzem. The poisonous curse they issued before their death was imposed on me."

Looking at Jiuqi Shinobu's surprised voice, Fahelis retracted her power: "So now you should know that the former king of Falati dare not touch me."

"The curse on me is the greatest curse on Falati, not to mention their king."

"Once you dare to do that to me, Falati will be finished."

"Even if he is obsessed with sex, he can't do anything to me. He can only put me under house arrest in the palace."

"As for why he didn't kill me directly... This is related to the royal treasure of Orzem."

"The so-called royal treasure of Orzem is how to clean up the land of Orzem once and for all.

some ferocious beasts and vengeful spirits."

"Oh?" Jiuqi Shinobu was really interested now.

Now that place is so gloomy that it is almost impossible for living people to survive in it.

"You understand, this is the real treasure. Olzem originally has a lot of mineral resources, not to mention such a large piece of land. If you can really clear up those troubles, do you think the king of Falati will not be tempted?"

"So that's the case..." Jiuqi Shinobu muttered to himself, but then he thought it was wrong: "No, if what you said is true, then the current king still wants to kill you? Instead of capturing you alive?"

Fahlis's wound was aimed at her life. If she was killed, wouldn't no one know about the troubles of cleaning up the land of Olzem?

"Hahahahahahahahaha, Serre is just angry and embarrassed." Fahlis laughed: "Why doesn't he think about the fact that the former king didn't torture me? ”

“My body has long been covered by the curse of tens of millions of people in Orzem. Any form of torture will not work on me unless you kill me directly.”

“This was also my father’s choice, and it is also my choice.”

Fahlis finally told Jiuqi Shinobu the origin of the curse of Orzem in full.

In the end of the war, Farrati invited Bahram of Zoroars to fight against Orzem.

Because Farrati and Zoroars were allies at the beginning, and the former king promised great benefits, the emperor of Zoroars, Mithra, sent Bahram to help.

Originally, this was nothing. All countries did this during the end of the war.

But the former king of Farrati did not know what method he used to make this world-famous Eastern military god make a move that is still very A decision that he often regrets.

Hellfire, this is one of Bahram's special skills.

It is also the cruelest means of war in the world.

This light yellow, translucent flame will continue to burn after touching any object and cannot be extinguished by water.

The flame can directly burn through a person's flesh and bones, and die in extreme pain.

Before this, Bahram had used it once and never used it again.

But in the war against Orzem, Bahram took action again.

Millions of people in the capital died in extreme pain in the burning of hellfire, thus ending the war very quickly.

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