The king of the land, the king of the land.

Bahram is one of the most powerful spellcasters in the Zoroastrian Empire and even in the world.

The title of the Eastern God of War represents his mastery of military affairs, and the title of the first man on the continent is a recognition of his own strong strength.

After he used the power of Hellfire for the first time, he let the countries of the world see that there are such cruel means of war in the world.

From then on, Bahram no longer used this ability on the battlefield.

But the most unexpected thing is that the former king of Farrati used some benefits to impress the emperor Mithra of Zoroastrians.

Let Bahram use Hellfire again on the battlefield of Orzem.

Since the end of the war, Bahram has expressed his deep regret for using Hellfire on Olzem on many occasions in public. He even met with many relatives and friends of those who died in Hellfire, expressed his repentance and offered a lot of compensation.

He also advised Emperor Mitra to take in and settle the survivors of Olzem who were stranded in various countries.

Regardless of whether Bahram was truly repentant, he had done enough in the past few years.

Although Fahris also had resentment towards Bahram, in the final analysis, the biggest root was still Farrati.

After millions of people died in the capital in Hellfire, the government institutions of Olzem completely collapsed. After Farrati's army entered, they began large-scale killing, burning and looting.

Massacres were even more common.

If Bahram used Hellfire because he wanted to end the war as soon as possible, then the massacre by Farrati's soldiers was purely venting his anger and was unreasonable.

Until the end, the king of Orzem, in despair, used the last ultimate secret of the royal family to infuse the curse of death and resentment into Faheris' body.

And using the method of sacrifice, at the cost of the entire country, Orzem became the ghostland it is today.

Faheris vaguely remembered her father's last words before his death:

"Orzem, even if the country is destroyed, no one will get any benefit!"

In that raging fire, except for herself, her father, mother, and brother all died in it.

After listening to her story, Jiuqi Shinobu was silent for a long time before speaking: "It turns out that the ghostland of Orzem today was formed in this way."

It seems that she, Ningguang, and everyone in the world guessed wrong. This ghostland was not formed naturally.

"The former king didn't dare to torture me because I could use magic to commit suicide at any time." Fahelis sneered:

"If I die, his dream of expanding the territory will be shattered."

"That's why I was put under house arrest."

Jiuqi Shinobu also understood that Fahelis and the former king of Falati have been in a state of game in the past few years.

The treasure of Orzem can not only enable the former king to fulfill his great ideals, but also give Fahelis a chance to restore the country.

"So why does the current king want to kill you? Doesn't he just want Orzem?"

"It's not that he doesn't want it, but..." Fahlis laughed again: "Sairlei is much greedier than his father."

"He not only wants Orzem, but also me."

"What a pity, I almost succeeded in cutting off the royal bloodline of Falati."

Fahlis laughed for a long time before stopping:

"When he ascended the throne, he broke into my bedroom drunk and said a bunch of disgusting and mushy love words to me. , but I didn't expect that I would take the opportunity to infuse a trace of curse power into him. "

"Even if a spellcaster rescued this guy later, he would no longer be able to be humane and would become a eunuch! Hahahahahahaha."

"The only pity is that he already has descendants. It's a pity that their bloodline cannot be completely cut off."

Jiuqi Ren understood immediately. This new king, Saillei, was probably also a lustful man. After being unable to be humane, he was so angry that he didn't even want Olzem anymore, and he wanted to kill Fahelis to vent his anger.

"So the deal you want to make with me is to give us the way for Olzem to return to normal."

"Yes, I'm desperate now." Fahelis nodded and said, "It doesn't matter whether you are Ningguang's person or not."

"As long as someone can help me get revenge, I don't care who it is."

It seems that she has completely given up the idea of ​​​​restoring the country, Jiuqi Ren thought in her heart.

"I will tell this matter to

Ningguang, you should have a good rest during this period. I will arrange for someone to protect your safety. "

After getting up and saying goodbye to Fahelis, Jiuqi Shinobu hurried back to Ningguang's residence and told her about this.

"The curse of Orzem and the treasure..."

Ningguang looked at the map and pondered. The news brought by Jiuqi Shinobu was very important. She had discussed with the main body how to remove the ghost area of ​​Orzem.

These things are somewhat similar to the remnants and grudges of the Teyvat Demon God, although they are not comparable in strength.

But after all, the ghost area was created at the cost of sacrificing a country's territory. It would take some effort to clear such a large area in a short time.

But I didn't expect that someone would directly bring the method to the door now.

The only condition is to destroy a country.

Ningguang stood up and said to Ganyu beside her: "Ganyu, you have explored the ghost area of ​​Orzem. If we don't rely on Fahelis's method to clean up that land, do we have a way?"

"It can be cleaned, but it cannot be eradicated. "

Ganyu shook her head and said, "The ghost area of ​​Orzem was formed by the resentment between the king and the local people after the entire land was sacrificed. If it is just to temporarily clear an area, it can be done."

"What if the Rock King Emperor takes action?"

"You can suppress the entire Orzem, but if you do so, the terrain will completely become like Teyvat Liyue, no longer suitable for animal husbandry and agriculture..."

Orzem is almost a plain area, plus it has rich mineral resources, it would be a pity to waste it like this.

Assuming that the Rock King Emperor takes action to suppress it, it is estimated that the entire Orzem will become a rocky appearance.

You can't let the Rock King Emperor plow it back to the plain later, if that happens, the land will probably be plowed away, and it will be uninhabitable.

"Is that so?" After listening to Ganyu's explanation, Ningguang paced back and forth and thought for a long time.

"It seems that I have to discuss it with the main body later. "

"Tell Ye Lan to keep an eye on Faherisi during this period and not let her be in any danger." Ningguang paused and said, "Don't let her leave Hai Mo Ling either."

"I understand."

After Gan Yu left, Ningguang sat back at her desk and looked at the map quietly, not knowing what she was thinking.


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