The moonlight shone on the land of Haimoling. A strange team walked on the road outside the capital. Hu Tao led the staff of the Hall of Rebirth and was rushing home. "Master Hu, why did you sell these things to the family of the deceased at that time?" The staff next to Hu Tao looked at him puzzledly and said: "This kind of's not good to tell them in person." "Hey, that's why I said, don't be too afraid of death. Anyway, it will come one day, why be so taboo." Hu Tao put her hands on her waist and shook her head and said: "Life and death are big things. Isn't it better to prepare early?" "Besides, I'm giving you a discount." Hearing Hu Tao's words, the staff around her couldn't help but twitch their cheeks. After the opening of the Wangsheng Hall, the business was very good. These people went for the name of the Rock King Emperor, hoping that the dead souls could be blessed by God.

Logically speaking, with so many customers now, Hu Tao didn't need to rush to sell so much, and this industry was special and not easy to sell.

"I'm just preparing for a rainy day." Hu Tao seemed to see the guys' thoughts and said proudly: "No one knows when death will happen."

"We at Wangsheng Hall should also think about our customers in this way. What if someone suddenly dies one day? If we don't make preparations early and bury him in one piece, wouldn't it be a pity?"

"So, we have to look ahead a few decades later."

The guys nodded repeatedly. They were already partially immune to their boss's "heresies".

But some people still couldn't help but want to ask more questions.

"Speaking of which, where is our guest Zhong?"

"Ah... Mr. Zhong seems to have gone to the Haimoling Grand Theater today. I heard that the main conductor of today's concert is Mr. Karl Young, so I have to go."

The waiter scratched his head. The guest named Zhongli of their Wangsheng Hall is really a strange person.

He is knowledgeable and well-informed. He knows everything from astronomy to geography, humanities and folk customs. He can recite everything from ancient myths and legends to the political forms of various countries today.

I heard that the funeral ceremony of Wangsheng Hall was lost and incomplete a long time ago, and it was finally completed by Mr. Zhongli.

But he is just a bit...

Thinking of this, the waiter recalled the bill delivered that day.

Good guy, the cost of a meal alone is almost the cost of several orders of Wangsheng Hall. The most incredible thing is that their boss, Master Hu, reimbursed it without blinking an eye.

Is this Zhongli your father? He actually supports him like this.

The clerk complained silently in his heart, but that was all. He personally admired the knowledge of the guest official Zhongli. Although he occasionally did some unreliable things, he was gentle and humble, and treated people with sincerity. He was a rare gentleman.

It is said that many nobles or rich ladies from Hai Moling and even foreign countries are pursuing him, and it is unknown who he will fall in love with.

"Guest official Zhong... let him go." Hu Tao waved his hand indifferently, "Things like funerals don't need his help."

After returning to the shop of Wangsheng Hall, Hu Tao said goodbye to the clerks: "Everyone, you have worked hard, everyone go home and rest."

"Then we will leave first, Master Hu."

After the clerks greeted him, they turned around and left with a faint smile. Although this job is special, the salary is unexpectedly good.

Long-term and stable, for these ordinary people who have been exploited by gangs and nobles, such a job is really great.

After all, people die every day, so there is no way that there will be less business.

After the guys left, Hu Tao returned to her residence, sat on a chair, leaned her head with her hands and looked at the moonlight outside the window.

"Zhongli... When will you turn back into Morax?"


Just when Hu Tao was thinking about how Zhongli could turn back into Morax.

In the Haimoling Theater.

A young man wearing a brown windbreaker embroidered with gold dark patterns sat on a chair. His mature and unique amber eyes exuded a unique charm, as if they could penetrate the limitations of time and space and penetrate the depths of people's hearts.

Coupled with his temperament like a deep and majestic abyss, his entire image is like an unchanging rock.

Karl Yang looked at the young man in front of him and admired him in his heart. No wonder many ladies looked at him frequently during the concert just now.

Well, there are even men.

He is indeed a handsome man, with a unique temperament and appearance, not to mention his vast knowledge.

"The Four Seasons conducted by Mr. Karl Young is the best violin concerto I have heard in recent years."

"The scene of spring revival, the warmth and enthusiasm of summer, the sound of cicadas and thunderstorms, the harvest and maturity of autumn, and the seriousness and coldness of winter make me feel as if I personally feel the cold and silence."

"I just don't know who composed this concerto."

Karl Young handed a cup of brewed black tea to the other party and said, "Mr. Zhongli, the composer is a man named Vivaldi from Zhidong. I was influenced by Zhidong some time ago. "I went to perform in the Kingdom of Winter at the invitation of Prime Minister Pucciniella."

"I didn't expect Mr. Pucciniella to be a music lover. He gave me many music scores that I had never seen before. It was really gratifying."

When Karl Yang said this, his eyes were full of longing: "It's a pity that I can't meet the composer. It's really a pity."

Of course they can't meet him. They are all on Earth in their previous lives. I didn't expect Pucciniella to give the classical music of his previous life to people in this world to play. It seems that music has commonality even if it is separated by a world.

After Liyue is established, let's develop opera well.

"Yeah, it's a pity." Zhongli picked up the teacup, took a sip, and his eyes lit up:

"The rich and long-lasting aroma and mellow taste, the lingering taste of the tea soup in the mouth, and the smoothness of slowly sliding down the throat, I have to say that Mr. Karl Young, your tea-making level is as good as your conducting, which is memorable."

"You praise me too much, Mr. Zhongli." Karl Young and Zhongli knew each other for less than a day, and he felt that the other party was a person who could be a good friend.

After the other party finished playing today, he came to him to exchange the music theory of the concerto "Four Seasons", and many of the ideas inspired him a lot.

"It's not a compliment, it's a fact. Mr. Karl Young is a world-renowned conductor. Whether he's conducting an orchestra or brewing tea, it's always memorable."

Karl Young laughed: "Okay, then I won't be modest. The tea I brew is indeed as good as my conducting level, and this is what I'm most proud of."

"Tomorrow I will conduct the performance of Mr. Dvorak's Ninth Symphony from the Kingdom of Winter. Mr. Zhongli must come. I have reserved a VIP room for you."

"Thank you so much, Mr. Karl Young. I will definitely come tomorrow."

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