The sky was dark, and the weather was very dark.

The thick haze covered the sky painted by the sea, making the sun's light unable to penetrate and making it dark. The vortex demon Osel only appeared and brought a climate like a natural disaster.

The sky was gloomy, and the rain poured down like crazy, hitting the water surface of the port, making a crackling sound.

The wind rolled up huge waves, constantly hitting the ships anchored at the pier. The ships rose and fell with the waves, as if they would be swallowed by the strong wind and huge waves at any time.

The raindrops on the sea surface were like countless arrows, ruthlessly shooting at the water surface, splashing layers of water.

The strong wind raged in the open space of the port, blowing sand and debris everywhere.

The buildings at the port were crumbling in the wind and rain, making creaking sounds.

The street lights flickered under the attack of wind and rain, casting a strange light.

The whole port fell into chaos, accompanied by the sound of wind and rain, people's exclamations, and the sound of ships' whistles, forming a picture of the port in the storm.


A sound that shook the world came from the sea, and it was the name of the Rock King Emperor.

Hai Mo Ling had fallen into chaos, people were hiding from the storm and fleeing everywhere, and some people were so scared by the roar that their hearts and gallbladders were broken and their souls were separated.

Then there were several huge shadows rising from the horizon of the sea.

The eight heads, like snake-like bodies, seemed to be made of sea water. The sky and the sea made a loud sound of mourning because of its appearance, and the heavy rain connected the ground and the sky like long lines.

At this time, Ningguang led the senior leaders and many guards of Haimoling to a tall building in the storm.

"Lord Ningguang, what...what is that?" Holson looked at the mythical monster in the sea and trembled all over.

Other Haimoling officials also looked horrified, "Lord that monster calling our Rock King Emperor?"

The seawater pouring down from the sky hit Ningguang and others crazily, but was blocked by a golden elemental force before it got close.

Ningguang's divine eyes radiated bright light, and the rock element formed a transparent cover to cover everyone present. At this moment, she looked at the sea with a serious face:

"Osel, the demon god of the vortex, was one of the demon gods who lost to the emperor during the Demon God War."

"Demon... God..." Holson and others said tremblingly: "Since you can become the opponent of the Rock King Emperor, even if you are the loser..."

Not only him, but also the nearby Hai Mo Ling officials and guards showed desperate eyes.

Although he had not been with Ningguang and others for a long time, he also knew that they were all believers of the Rock King Emperor. After the news of the Demon God War spread to the world.

Many senior officials of Hai Mo Ling had intentionally or unintentionally asked Ningguang, Keqing, Ganyu and others for news.

This is the truth that most people in the world do not know at present. They only learned the truth about the Demon God War from Ningguang recently.

Legend has it that thousands of years ago, a cruel war took place in this world, which was provoked by the demon gods who controlled the power of heaven and earth.

This war affected the whole world, and countless demons fought for the position of the Seven Gods for various reasons.

Each demon has his own goals and ambitions. Some demons fight to realize their ambitions, while others fight to protect their territories and people.

Mountains and rivers were therefore changed by their powerful power, and the order of the world was also reshaped by them.

But for some reason, the gods who won the position of the Seven Gods suddenly disappeared and fell into a deep sleep.

Now, the Seven Gods have revived, and the former demons also show signs of a comeback.

When they think of this, everyone will be extremely desperate. Before Osel officially starts fighting, Hai Mo Ling will be destroyed by this abnormal climate. If the opponent uses all his strength, the result will be unimaginable.

"Don't be so pessimistic, everyone. We will protect Hai Mo Ling." Ningguang comforted the people nearby, but her current statement did not seem to be very convincing.


Ningguang saw that everyone looked discouraged, and regardless of what they thought, she gestured to Ganyu.

"I understand."

Gan Yu nodded with a serious expression, and an exquisite longbow appeared in his right hand, emitting a faint chill.

Then the chill in his left hand continued to condense and compress, and finally formed

A highly condensed ice ball.

"Go for the Rock King!" Ganyu shouted softly, and the ice ball in her hand slipped away from her hand. In the blink of an eye, she came to the seaside, bursting out powerful frost, freezing the rising sea water.

The longbow in her hand was aimed at Osel. On the bowstring, the cold air formed an arrow made of frost, which, after emitting a flash of light, went towards Osel's body.

Even though it was dozens or hundreds of kilometers away, Osel's huge body still brought heavy pressure to people.

Ganyu shot an arrow, like a white comet, leaving a huge mark in the night sky.


After crossing dozens of kilometers, the frost arrow did not weaken in power, but burst out in front of Osel with huge icy power, turning into tens of thousands of arrows, densely hitting it.


Osel's eight heads roared deafeningly, and the arrows that could freeze the sea surface instantly broke into countless tiny fragments under its roar.


As if he was enraged, Osel shouted the name of the Rock King, and the waves around him rolled up again. The sea also surrendered to its might, and the waves of hundreds of meters like a high wall rushed towards the port of Hai Mo Ling!

"Not good!" Keqing's whole body was agitated with thunder, and lightning kept entwining around her:

"Ningguang! Don't you have any backup plan!"

Keqing looked at Ningguang angrily. She hasn't returned to the spiritual space recently. Many of the plans of the main body were told to her by Ningguang and Ye Lan.


Ningguang looked at the huge waves and thought about something the main body told her yesterday.

The mechanism and numerical strength in the game do not represent the real power, and don't ignore anyone.

"Let us see the power of the immortals."

At this moment, the tsunami was roaring. Under the power of the vortex demon god Osel, the huge and fierce waves rolled wildly in the wind, as if declaring their endless power.

At the port of Hai Mo Ling, a petite figure held a one-handed sword. The cold air around her flowed. Before the seawater rushed in front of her, it turned into tiny pieces of ice and became part of her power.

Qi Qi stretched out her empty left hand, pressed the hat on her head, and carefully pulled the talisman that was not stained with any seawater.

"Listen to the call and announce this decree."

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