The dead are gone, and the dead are gone.

The boy who resurrected the dead, the true lord who saved the suffering.

This is Qiqi's identity. Although he became a zombie, he unexpectedly possessed the power of an immortal and the Eye of God.

But even so, he could not fight against the vortex demon god Osel. Not to mention Qiqi, even other immortals would find it very difficult to compete with it in its heyday.

But it was enough to delay the time.

Qiqi pinched the sword formula with his hands and chanted the spell. The majestic ice power emerged from his body. The power of the Eye of God, with the blessing of the immortal's magic power, was particularly eye-catching under the huge waves hundreds of meters high in front of him.

"The flow is endless, and the life is endless." Qiqi chanted the spell in a calm tone, and the one-handed sword was wrapped in a thick layer of ice.


The petite figure drew more than a dozen ice blades in an instant and broke through the air.

Qiqi jumped on the sea surface that Ganyu had frozen before, and kept running out of the frozen range. The sword in her hand kept drawing ice blades, condensing the unfrozen sea water, and walked on the ice towards the huge waves.

"That's Qiqi!" Keqing looked at the tiny figure in the distance and shouted in surprise.

"Qiqi is the True Lord of Rescue and Evil, have you forgotten?" Ningguang saw Qiqi getting closer and closer to the huge wave, and hurriedly ordered the people around: "Are the things I want ready?"

"Everything is ready, Lord Ningguang." Holson and others answered with difficulty: "Can Miss Qiqi really resist the power of the demon god?"


Ningguang's answer was straightforward and powerful, and it made everyone's face look extremely ugly.

"Why, you're like this when you heard that you can't deal with Osel?" Ningguang's expression was calm, and it was impossible to guess what she was thinking: "Hurry up and bring up the prepared things."


Holson waved to the people behind him, and dozens of burly men braved the wind and rain and struggled to carry a pile of boxes. After entering the shield that Ningguang opened, they felt relieved for a while.

"Open them all."

After the boxes were opened, a burst of golden light appeared. These things that looked like gold but were not gold were all condensed by her using elemental power.

After customizing Falati's plan to destroy the country, Ningguang has been accumulating strength during this period of time, using the characteristics of the rock element to create these gold and stones.

Although it can't be preserved for a long time, it's just in time.

"Now it's my turn to take action."

Ningguang waved lightly, and tens of thousands of tiny gold and stones in the box were slowly lifted up under her drive, and then the volume exploded under the action of elemental power, and finally formed another magnificent scene in the air.

Orange-gold light flowed from her body, and then her figure flashed, Ningguang appeared floating in the air, tens of thousands of gold stones rotated around her, illuminating the entire Haimoling.

"It depends on Qiqi."

Ningguang looked at the huge waves that covered the sky and the sun, and silently thought in her heart. For this plan, she and her main body discussed it for a long time.

She must let the world know that they not only have the blessing of the Rock King Emperor, but also have other powerful forces, and have the power to fight against the demon god for a short time.

Qiqi is to take the lead, and the legend of the immortal must also be made public to the world, so as to lead to more plans.

The tsunami is roaring, and the huge and fierce waves are rolling wildly in the wind, as if announcing their endless power.

Qiqi stood on the edge of the ice, emitting a terrifying chill.

"Jade Sign, open the box of immortal magic."

After the order was issued, the cold air that burst out from her body instantly stopped the surging tsunami from moving forward, as if it was tightly bound by an invisible force, and it seemed to freeze the vast ocean in time.

The frozen tsunami began to gradually turn into a frozen ocean, with a smooth and hard surface, like a huge ice mirror.

Under Qiqi's power, the tsunami waves that once swallowed everything became quiet and docile, becoming a magnificent ice sculpture Great Wall that stretches for hundreds of kilometers.

The frozen waves still maintained their natural disaster form, but could no longer move forward.


After seeing Qiqi succeed, Ningguang pinched her hands and then moved her ten fingers. Tens of thousands of gold and stones behind her emitted strong light and rushed to the sea.

Bang, bang, bang, bang————

The gold and stone hit the frozen waves, instantly creating countless holes. The hundreds of kilometers of ice sculptures of the Great Wall were shattered at this moment and fell back to the sea.

Then the gold and stone were wrapped in this icy

The power rushed towards Osel's huge body.


Osel made several earth-shaking cries, and its huge body exuded layers of ripples, and some parts were even frozen.

Many people saw this miraculous scene through their windows at home, and they couldn't help but feel deeply shocked.

Some people have already started to take pictures of this scene with cameras. I believe that the world will usher in another great change soon.

But all this is just a frustrating obstacle for the Whirlpool Demon.

Or Ningguang didn't expect that they could completely solve Osel.

She had learned about Osel's appearance from the original body a long time ago. Keqing, Ye Lan and others were unaware of it, and thought that the original body was making trouble again.

Now it's just to let the people of the world see the true power of the demon, and it's also the best time to win people's hearts.

The suspension bridge effect can be used not only in the relationship between men and women, but also in the current situation.


Osel roared again.

Seeing that the mission had been completed, Qiqi put the sword back into the Eye of God and hurriedly walked on the ice.

Not long after she slipped away, the frozen ice on the sea surface shattered under the power of Osel, and turned back into a raging sea.

The eight heads flashed with dazzling sharpness, and the power unique to the demon god gathered in its mouth.

In the sky, the dark clouds flashed with lightning, and the strong wind formed countless sky-high water tornadoes, with bursts of sky-high screams, which were more powerful and cruel than the previous tsunami waves, rushing towards Hai Mo Ling!

The power accumulated in Osel's mouth gathered into a ball, illuminating the entire sky like daylight.

The people of Hai Mo Ling looked at the light that was ready to go in horror. Although they didn't know what it was going to do, they could also predict the upcoming ending.

That was the power that could turn the entire Hai Mo Ling into ruins.

That was the power of the demon god.

"What on earth is that————"

"Emperor Rock King, please save your people!"

"Are we going to die?"

"Stop it, stop it!"

The people of Haimo Ling looked at the doomsday disaster scene and shouted in despair. Some people cried loudly, some prayed madly, and the reluctance and anger before death and other emotions were intertwined.

At this point, the end of the world has come!

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