The scene of doomsday is right in front of us, and everyone will die in it. This is the despair shown by the people of Haimo Ling after seeing the power of Osel. There is a lot of salty rain in the sky, and dozens of waterspouts are approaching Haimo Ling not far away. Each of them connects the dark clouds in the sky with the sea surface. No ship can survive in it, and no port can withstand it. Even if there is only one waterspout, half of Haimo Ling can be reduced to ruins. "Why, why does something like this appear here!"

"Lord Ningguang has no way to stop it? Even the power of freezing the sea and freezing the tsunami waves can't stop it..."

"Are we really just waiting to die?"

"Emperor Yan, I pray to you devoutly, please save Hai Mo Ling."

The desperate shouts of the people were drowned in the roar of the heavy waterspouts and the wind. The power of Osel's eight heads has been accumulated.

The light like daylight burst out from Osel's mouth.

A beam of light that spanned hundreds of kilometers came from the bottom of the sea and slashed towards Hai Mo Ling like a long sword. The power that could change the world and end everything seemed to split the entire Hai Mo Ling country in half.

After seeing this power to split the mountains and cut the sea, everyone closed their eyes in despair.

They may have reluctance, regret or other thoughts, but it doesn't matter at this moment.

At the moment of despair, a steady and heavy voice came from the sky of Hai Mo Ling:

"The wall is thousands of feet high."

This voice seemed to have magic power, making people feel convinced involuntarily. In the steady voice, there was unquestionable majesty and sacredness, as if it was an ancient emperor.


The powerful voice resounded in Hai Mo Ling, and dozens of square rock ridges rose from the edge of Hai Mo Ling's port, and then the volume began to surge wildly, and finally became pillars hundreds of meters high.

These rock ridges burst out with the powerful force of rock elements, connected together, and formed a huge barrier.

Whether it was a waterspout that covered the sky or a tsunami wave that hit the shore, it was difficult to move forward under this barrier.

The beam of light that could destroy a country in Osel's mouth also made a shocking sound after it hit the barrier, accompanied by a magnificent impact force, which blasted a large pit with a diameter of one kilometer in the nearby sea water.

A second later, the seawater poured back into the pit, creating countless huge waves and huge whirlpools.

But all this had nothing to do with the Sea Mo Ling behind the barrier.

After these ridges descended, both the power of Osel and the residual power of Osel's power blocked them all, without missing a single thing.


Osel's voice became even crazier, and eight heads roared towards the sky.

"Look, what is that?"

After opening their eyes, some people saw that this miraculous barrier helped them block the doomsday-like attack, and hurriedly called out to everyone.

The people of the Sea Mo Ling looked up at the sky, and the voice that protected them came from the sky.

The dark clouds had dissipated, and the golden light was surging in the clouds. A huge and sacred beast was looming in the clouds.

The winding body of thousands of meters was smooth and elegant, like a golden river flowing in the sky.

The body is covered with golden scales, each scale is like carefully polished gold, exuding a noble and mysterious atmosphere.

The eyes are shining with deep light, majestic and mysterious, and the two dragon horns seem to have experienced endless killing.

The Rock King, Morax, appeared in Hai Mo Ling at this moment.

"That is the real body of the Rock King! I saw it in Ningguang's residence." Someone said excitedly.

It is no secret that the real body of the Rock King is a dragon. Ningguang's office and residence have shown the image of the real body of the Rock King.

At first, people were surprised that this kind of dragon was not what they imagined.

"Osel, the Demon God of the Whirlpool, I didn't expect you to appear."

After a few tumbles, the giant dragon in the clouds turned into a man with a hood and an unclear face.

At this time, he held a spear in his hand and said to Osel on the sea: "You and I are enemies, not friends. This time, I will let you sleep forever under the sea of ​​black spirits."

The majestic voice was not loud, but every sea of ​​black spirits

Everyone heard it.

"Morax! Go to hell!"

After seeing Morax, Osel finally released the endless resentment in his heart, and his eight heads bit Morax at the same time.

The huge body rose from the sea, and the shocking waves were transformed into a huge abyss by the power it carried, rolling towards the other side from all directions.

Morax's eyes flashed with determination, like a star landing on the earth. Facing the majestic power, his figure was as majestic as a mountain, standing in the whirlpool, motionless as a mountain.

He raised the spear in his hand and swept it across the whirlpools around him. The heavy power of the mountains and the earth instantly shattered Osel's majestic blow.

Boom, boom, boom!

A sound like a military drum rang in the sky, and Osel's eight heads were all chopped off under Morax's spear.

Before the people on the ground could cheer, Osel's body gathered together again on the sea.


Osel's whole body was filled with the power of the demon god, and the sea turned into a huge whirlpool with it as the center. If someone looked down from the sky, they would be shocked to find that this huge whirlpool was like the eye of a god in the sea, slowly opening.

"Did you use all your strength?"

Morax's amber eyes emitted a faint light, and his temples and the ponytail behind his hood gradually lit up with a golden color.

"Well, I'll solve you once and for all."

After saying that, Morax raised the spear in his hand, and the sky was solemn at this time, and everything returned to silence.

Only Osel's roar was left to fight against it.


The sky made a heavy and loud noise, and after this loud noise, the sky of Hai Mo Ling turned into a boundless golden color.

Several huge rock spears appeared in the golden sky, aiming at Osel.

"The sky is shaking."

Morax threw the spear in his hand, and those huge rock spears followed, rushing towards Osel with Morax's power that was enough to collapse the sky and split the earth.


As if sensing the danger, Osel urged all his strength to lift the vortex around him, trying to roll the rock spears into pieces!

At the moment it touched the rock spears, there was another loud noise in the air.

A star, carrying blazing flames and majestic rock elements, fell head-on towards it.

The sky collapsed.

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