The golden sky shone on the land of Haimoling, the clouds rolled, and the huge rock spear was thrown into the sea with thunder.

Morax stood between heaven and earth, his temperament was like a towering mountain, magnificent, and exuding a breathtaking majesty.

Above the sea, a thousand-meter-high whirlpool was roaring wildly, and Osel's power raised fierce waves that rolled wildly in the wind, as if declaring his endless power.

The rock spear collided with the head of the whirlpool demon god, making a loud noise. The huge power made the wind and clouds change, and the wind roared, as if the world was trembling.


Osel screamed in shock, and several thousand-meter-long, eternal rock spears nailed each of its eight heads, nailing it back to the sea from midair.

The sea surface became boiling again because of its huge body and power. The huge vortex did not disappear because Osel fell back to the sea surface, but became more powerful!

Facing the vortex that was about to swallow the sky, Morax was not in a hurry, with a ruthless light flashing in his amber eyes, and the spear in his hand was swung again.

"The sky moves everything."

Suddenly, the sky began to shine with golden light, as if responding to his call, a powerful energy spread from the sky, and then a meteorite came with this power, carrying the breath of the sky collapsing and the earth breaking, and smashed into Osel.

The sky collapsed.

It was as if a hole was pierced in the sky, and the golden meteorite, carrying the power of the sky collapsing and the earth collapsing, cut through the sky.

It was surrounded by scorching flames and fell straight to the sea. It was so fast, like a meteor, it instantly crossed the golden sky and the boiling sea.


With a deafening roar, the meteorite hit the sea. In an instant, Osel's body was smashed back into the deep sea, and the huge vortex was completely destroyed by this force.

The vortex, which lost its power, turned into a magnificent waterfall in the air and fell to the sea.

The huge splashes of water from the meteorite were like a giant water wall, rising into the air. The spectacular scene was like the roar of the sea and the fury between heaven and earth.

The powerful force caused the surrounding sea surface to surge, and the waves kept hitting the rock ridges on the coast, making a series of dull roars.

"Ah ... To create such a miracle with great power on the deep sea, this is the power of God.

The rain in the sky dissipated, leaving only a faint smell of the sea to tell the world that it was the change of the sky caused by the power of the demon god.

The golden light sprinkled above Hai Mo Ling, and everyone walked out of the house and worshiped the sacred and majestic figure in the sky.

"Great Rock King Emperor, please accept my eternal faith and prayer."

"Is this... Is this the Rock King Emperor?"

"God, God! You finally protected your people."

"Great power, great God, please listen to my prayer."

"Rock King Emperor, please bless me to make a fortune."

In the crowd of worshippers, countless voices of praise or prayers intertwined, and people were crowded together like a sea of ​​people, forming a picture that could be remembered in history books.

After suppressing the whirlpool demon god Osel, Morax did not disappear immediately, but his figure flashed above Ningguang and others.

"Welcome to the Rock King."

Ningguang saw Morax appear above her and immediately responded

came over and saluted him with the crowd.

"The Whirlpool Demon God Osel has been suppressed by me."

Morax said lightly: "From today on, Hai Mo Ling is renamed Li Yue, and this place is Li Yue Port, under my protection."

"From now on, Li Yue will be managed by the Seven Stars, Ningguang, as the Tianquan Star, will temporarily take over the other vacant Seven Stars."

"Accept the decree of the Emperor of Rock King."

Ningguang replied respectfully: "We, the Seven Stars of Li Yue, will definitely live up to the trust of the Emperor!"

Hearing these conversations, the most excited people were not Ningguang and her friends, but the forces that were recruited, such as Holson.

Although Ningguang is now the actual ruler of Hai Mo Ling, and all countries have tacitly not mentioned it, but from a legal point of view, she still lacks something.

Now that the gods have come, they have handed over the power to rule Hai Mo Ling, no, Li Yue to Ningguang.

It can be said that the king's power is truly granted by God, and he has the most orthodox legal principles in the world.

After all, humans cannot be higher than gods.

It is not surprising that people like Holson have such thoughts, or it is very normal.

"The contract has been made, and those who break their promises shall be punished by eating rocks."

Morax stretched out his fingers and drew a few spells to Ningguang.

"Thank you for the emperor's trust. I wonder if we can follow the ancient rituals and hold the ceremony of inviting immortals every year."


Morax's words were concise and powerful. After answering Ningguang's question, he disappeared in front of everyone.

At this time, the sky of Hai Mo Ling, or Liyue Port, returned to normal. The rock ridges on the coast also gradually turned into a rock elemental force because of Morax's departure, and merged into this land to bless.

"Everyone, please prepare for the Liyue founding ceremony."

Ningguang looked at the sky, and after a long silence, she said to everyone: "We are deeply blessed by the emperor, and we must not live up to his trust."


Many people couldn't hide their excitement on their faces.

From the conversation just now, I learned an important piece of news. Liyue is managed by the seven stars of Liyue together, not completely ruled by Ningguang alone.

Ningguang is the Tianquan star, and she also temporarily fills other vacancies. So don’t they have the opportunity to become one of the seven stars?

Ningguang did not expose these people’s thoughts. Yuheng star is Keqing, Tianshu star is currently temporarily managed by Ye Lan, and as for other positions...

It depends on the specific situation.

If someone with ability really appears, then Ningguang or the main body will not be stingy with a seven-star position.

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