The old man was buried in the grave.

Can the out-of-control relics of Heulia destroy the capital of an empire? If it is in Teyvat, then it is naturally impossible.

But after the salt cup and salt ruler were modified by the original body Fu Li, their power was greatly increased.

So the Eightfold God Son did not lie to Muzafa.

When the salt cup and salt ruler were thrown to the former sea Mo Ling, they were originally intended to be used as a human, but they were unexpectedly taken by Muzafa.

However, he did not stop it, but let another Zorroars get the salt ruler.

This is also a pleasant surprise, and it is also a good opportunity to see the methods of Bahram and Mithra.

When Bahram received the news about Heulia and the Eightfold God Son, it was already evening.

At this time, he looked at Muzafa with a serious face. The consequences of the salt cup and salt ruler losing control forced him to take it seriously.

"So, the treasure of the demon god you preached before was just your random guess, and you just guessed it right..."

Muzaffar looked at Bahram with trembling body, lying on the ground and begging for mercy: "I was bewitched for a while, please forgive me, Marshal..."

Not many people in this world can keep their mentality when facing this oriental military god.

Muzafa is of course no exception. He is a poor nobleman who has no food to eat. When facing Bahram, even if the other party did nothing, he trembled all over.

"Okay, stop lying on the ground like this, get up." Bahram glanced at Muzafa and said:

"Although you lied to us before, it's rare that you can come and tell me the truth."

"Yes, thank you, Marshal." Muzafa looked at the salt cup next to him and asked carefully: "The salt cup..."

"You go back first, I will deal with the salt cup."


Muzfa got up from the ground with a bitter expression on his face. He thought his dream of getting rich was about to come true, but he didn't expect to bring about a huge disaster.

Unfortunately, it was all in vain in the end. The only thing to be thankful for is that he can save his life.

Looking at Muzafa staggering away, Bahram turned his attention to the salt cup next to him.

This jar-like thing looks shabby, but it has incredible power.

Bahram picked up the salt cup and pointed the mouth of the jar at the ground. Snow-white refined salt flowed out of it. After a while, a small salt pile was piled up under his feet.

"The power of the demon god..."

"It's terrible."

Although it seems that such power is not outstanding, it is also very different from the legendary and imagined destruction of the world.

But Bahram didn't think so. After witnessing it with his own eyes, he realized the horror.

Although it is unknown how powerful Heulia, the demon god of salt, was in the demon war that year, the power of the demon god can be seen from the remaining salt cup.

As long as the power of Heulia left on this relic has not disappeared, it can indeed create unlimited salt.

"If it really gets out of control, it seems that turning half of Avesta into a salt pile is not a lie."

Bahram sighed as he looked at the salt pile on the ground and put the salt cup back on the table.

"The biggest problem now is to find the person who got the salt ruler. Regardless of whether what the Eightfold God Child said is true or not, we must take action."

"Eightfold God Child... Did she come to Soloyars to watch the show or did she do it on purpose?"

"As a follower of the Thunder God, can she really represent the Thunder God..."

After a long while, Bahram called the guards:

"Come here."

Several tall dark figures entered from outside the door and saluted Bahram respectfully.

"Marshal, what do you want?"

"Investigate the people who have recently returned to Avesta, especially those whose life trajectories have changed significantly after returning from Liyue."

"Pay attention to investigating the lines related to the Demon God's treasures, especially those related to salt."

"Also find a witch and ask them to use divination or secret methods to find something related to salt."


After receiving the order, the guards disappeared into the room.

"I hope we can find some clues..."

Bahram said to himself: "Yae Godson, no matter what you think, you must be watching somewhere."

From Muzafa, I learned that the other party's personality is quite evil.

"Your Majesty, can we really succeed? The appearance of the demon god has completely ruined our plan.


"I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse."


Three days later, in a certain area of ​​the capital Avesta, this is the place with the worst public security.

It is also the darkest corner of the empire.

Gangs of all sizes and other forces are entrenched here, and ordinary people will not come here.

Late at night, in a cellar here.

A group of people in black robes are holding an inexplicable ceremony around a ruler-like object.

They are holding silver candlesticks in their hands, their heads are wrapped in bandages, and the blood that keeps oozing out has dyed the bandages dark red, and they make hoarse sounds of chanting.

And In a corner near the ceremony, a man stared with his eyes wide open, his pupils dilated, and not a single part of his body intact, he died in a pool of blood.

He was the one who got the salt ruler, and when he found the final use of the salt ruler, he hurried back to Soloyars.

As a result, he got drunk in a tavern and started bragging, and was targeted.

Of course, his end was also miserable.

"The treasure of the demon god..."

A man in black and strong body stared at his men who were performing the ceremony, his whole body was covered with spells written in dark red blood.

The scars on his face made him His expression looked extremely ferocious.

That day, he learned from his men that someone was bragging in the tavern, saying that he had obtained the treasure of the demon god, and Mosmo immediately thought of what happened recently.

This guy was also very suspicious. Since that day, he has never appeared in the tavern again and has been hiding in his own residence.

In the spirit of doing something, Mosmo asked his men to catch this guy and torture him.

Unexpectedly, it was a big surprise.

That day in the tavern, he was not bragging. That day, he personally took the salt ruler to a faraway place to experiment. .

When he saw the full salt field, he immediately asked his men to cover the salt field and returned to his base camp.

Today's ceremony was also held because of the salt ruler. Mosmo was superstitious about various witchcraft and gods. He believed that being able to obtain the salt ruler was the gods guiding him.

He was also a person who was extremely eager to obtain the Eye of God. Every time he saw those who possessed the Eye of God in the newspaper, the jealousy in his eyes seemed to be about to burn.

But at this moment, he felt that he had something more powerful than the Eye of God.

"God, please let me sacrifice my life for you!"

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