The old man was born in a poor family.

Mosmo is not from Soloyal, but an immigrant.

In the end of the war, his country was destroyed, and he was captured as cannon fodder. He survived until the end of the war after nine deaths.

After coming here, he quickly gained a foothold here with his ruthless style and experience in fighting on the battlefield.

Although he has a certain power, the customs in his hometown have been preserved.

For example, human sacrifice.

His hometown has always maintained the customs of primitive religion, and the barbaric and backward ideas have not changed after coming to Soloyal.

In this ceremony, Mosmo plans to use the method of human sacrifice to offer sacrifices to the demon god.

"Bring everyone up."

Mosmo gave the order, and the people holding the ceremony put down the silver candlesticks in their hands and looked at the dark passage not far away.

A few steady footsteps and struggling sounds came.

Several young men and women were tied tightly with ropes, then tied with an iron chain, and pulled over forcibly.

They were the sacrifices this time.


After their mouths were blocked, they could only look at Mosmo and others with fearful eyes, and made vague whimpering sounds.

Mosmo came to these men and women, checked them, and showed a satisfied expression.

A cruel smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Very good, your bodies are all clean, this is the best sacrifice to the demon."

Looking at these men and women who were still struggling, Mosmo pulled out the whip and whipped them.


The whip soaked in oil made a sharp sound of breaking through the air, and a long blood mark was pulled out of these men and women.

Because they were tied up and couldn't resist, they couldn't even scream, so their bodies twisted violently.

"Hmph, be quiet."

Mosmo raised his long whip and pointed it at several people.

"Woo woo woo woo ——————"

No longer looking at the unlucky men and women who were captured, Mosmo walked to the center of the altar and pulled out a scimitar with a lot of dark red rust on it that had not yet faded.

"Demon, please look at me, Mosmo."

"Please accept my sacrifice and give me endless power."

After that, his men selected two of the men and women just now and brought them to Mosmo.

He raised the scimitar with both hands, pointed the tip of the knife at the two people, and chanted: "Dedicate the men and women in front of you, I will bring you a good harvest in autumn!"

The scimitar exuded a biting chill and fishy smell, which made the men and women who were about to be sacrificed look extremely terrified.

Mosmo grabbed one person's head and put the tip of the knife against her forehead.

Just as he was about to cut open the other's scalp.

"Alas, you won't be blessed by Heulia for doing this."

The voice of Yae Godson sounded in this dark and empty cellar, and there was a hint of sarcasm in her smile: "Sacrificing a living person, it's amazing that you can think of it."

"Kill her!"

After hearing the strange voice, Mosmo ordered his men to shoot her without hesitation.

"Bang bang bang——"

The gunshot sounded, and when the bullet approached Yae Godson, several flashing lightning swallowed it without causing any ripples

The scimitar in Mosmo's hand drew a red knife light in the dark night, and rushed towards Yae Godson.

"Haha, you are really brave."

Yae Godson laughed contemptuously, which instantly angered Mosmo. The scimitar in his hand was wielded tightly by him, and every move was a way to kill people.

"It seems that there is no hope for you to surrender obediently."


Yaezao God Son waved the imperial coin in his hand, and several killing cherry blossoms appeared nearby.

Killing cherry blossoms are like nails, with fox heads on them, all composed of thunder elements. They are wild dogs that have fallen into harming demons and ghosts. Even if they are driven by Yaezao God Son, they still maintain their cruel and bloodthirsty instincts.


Several killing cherry blossoms roared wildly, and lightning flashed. Dense lightning spears were emitted from them, piercing through the limbs of Mosmo and his men in an instant.

Mosmo's sword light had no effect on the attack of killing cherry blossoms. The moment he touched it, his hand was paralyzed by the electric shock, and the scimitar in his hand fell uncontrollably.

"Ah uh————"

After more than a dozen men who were holding the ceremony were pierced by lightning spears, the huge current tortured these people to death.


The son of God intentionally controlled himself and didn't let these guys die easily.

Mosmo was much stronger than his men. Except for a dull roar after being pierced at the beginning, he gritted his teeth and stared at her fiercely.

"Why are you looking at me so fiercely?"

The son of God Yae bent down, and in the eyes that seemed to want to devour Mosmo, he waved the imperial coin in front of him.

The young men and women who were kidnapped also broke free from their restraints because of her power.

"Thank you for saving my life, sir."

One of them bowed to the son of God Yae.

"Since you are all right, leave quickly." The son of God Yae said to several people.

"This..." Several people looked at each other for a while, and then said to the son of God Yae respectfully: "This sir, can you let us kill this bastard."

Several people looked at Mosmo with extremely hateful expressions. If the son of God Yae was not still there, they would probably go up and kill him collectively.

A few wanted to leave quickly, but when they saw the people around them gnashing their teeth, they shut up tactfully. After all, they also wanted this guy to die.

They were indeed young people. They were ready to fight back right after being rescued.

"Oh? It seems that you hate him very much."

Yae Shenzi looked at them and laughed for a while, then turned to Mosmo and said:

"Now your relationship has changed. Do you have anything to say?"

Mosmo frowned and made a sharp sound like a knife scraping against the wall: "They are just a bunch of beast-like sacrifices. Kill them if you want."

He was not afraid of death. He had seen the most horrible scenes on the battlefield.

Naturally, he would not be afraid of these young men and women.

Seeing Mosmo's arrogant appearance, these young men and women were furious and felt that they were completely underestimated.

"Asshole, what are you talking about? Now you are defeated!" Someone shouted at Mosmo angrily.

"It wasn't you sacrifices who defeated me. I saw your scared expression just now." Mosmo sneered. He was not afraid of these people at all.

"You!!" The man wanted to say something, but was pulled back by the people around him.

Mosmo spat and looked at Yae God:

"Hey, since you defeated me, you can kill me." Mosmo was also very single. He felt that the gods had made a mistake.

Why didn't they give him a divine eye?

"Why should I kill you?" Yae God smiled and tilted his head: "It's the victims who want to kill you, not me."

"Just because of them?"

"Yes, believe it or not, just because of them, you can scare the shit out of you."

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