The founding ceremony of Liyue was held a few days later.

A brand new office building was built during this period and was named Qunyu Pavilion by Ningguang. Unlike ordinary buildings, it was built by embedding it into the ground with a special method, then fastened with steel bars and attached with a stable spell.

According to Ningguang, the future Qunyu Pavilion will fly into the sky.

In the huge square in front of Qunyu Pavilion, nearly 200,000 people will watch the ceremony here. People look at the direction of Qunyu Pavilion excitedly. Today they will officially get rid of the old name of Haimo Ling and become Liyue, a country dominated by gods.

When they think of this, they can't help but straighten their chests and feel proud.

Haimoling used to be a place of crime, smuggling, human and slave trafficking, gangs, and hallucinogenic alchemy drugs. After Ningguang and her people came here, it underwent a huge change.

The slums were demolished, and the people inside were resettled in new and clean houses. Although they were not big, the environment was hundreds of times better than that of the slums.

The demolished slums are being redeveloped into new residential and commercial areas.

Even though gangs and the like have not been completely eliminated, after two major purges, no matter whether they are the top leaders of the underground forces or the lowest gangsters, they dare not mess around in public.

The newly opened factories have created a large number of jobs, and a large number of prostitutes have been reformed and returned to normal society, which not only created a lot of wealth, but also won Ningguang a huge reputation internationally.

In addition, there are newly built public schools that provide almost free education for countless poor families.

It takes ten years to grow trees and a hundred years to cultivate people. Education is an irreplaceable top priority in their plan.

Many former Haimo Ling officials were also replaced, and politics was gradually becoming clean. It seemed that everything was moving in a good direction.

Ningguang, Keqing, Ganyu, Yelan, Jiuqi Ren and others stood together, and there were other senior officials beside them.

Hundreds of reporters invited from all over the world were pointing their cameras at them at this time, to remember this historic moment.

Ningguang walked to the podium, and dozens of microphones connected to the broadcasting and amplification equipment would spread his next words throughout the square and even the world.

"Dear guests, dear citizens:"

"Hello everyone! I am Ningguang, one of the Seven Stars of Liyue. Today I am very honored to stand here and give you a founding speech."

"First of all, I would like to express my highest respect and deep gratitude to our patron god, Emperor Yan. The blessing of Emperor Yan has enabled our country to prosper."

"Emperor Yan is the patron god of Liyue. He symbolizes power, wealth and contract. In this country, every citizen will be blessed by God, both in life and at work. We will uphold God's contract, pursue justice and equality, and let everyone enjoy the rights and opportunities they deserve."

Ningguang spoke seriously, and the flashes of the cameras in the hands of the reporters near her never stopped.

The speech lasted about an hour. She ended the speech after telling about the misfortunes of Hai Moling in the past and the prospects for the future of Liyue.

"...Finally, I want to thank all the people who support Liyue's national construction"

"Let us look forward to a better future together, a Liyue blessed by the Rock King!"

"For the Rock King, for Liyue, and for our beautiful life!"

After Ningguang put down the speech, the whole square was filled with warm applause. More than 200,000 Liyue people at the scene applauded excitedly. They will usher in a new era.

Politicians and reporters from various countries were also infected by this enthusiasm. They kept applauding and looked at Ningguang and others with a smile.

At this time, golden light in the sky sprinkled from the clouds, and a majestic dragon roar resounded in Liyue.


"It's the Rock King!"

"Emperor, please bless our people of Liyue."

"The gods have appeared! Quickly point the camera at the sky!"

People looked up at the sky, and saw a golden and majestic dragon surging in the clouds, looking at the people on the ground.

"Magnificent and imposing" are not enough to describe this scene.

In the battle with Osel, the Rock King Morax carried boundless killing rage, making everyone feel majestic and trembling.

This time, his appearance was different. Although

Still majestic, but with an inexplicable peace.

"Ningguang of Tianquan Star, Keqing of Yuheng Star."

"Ningguang and Keqing are here, listening to the Emperor's order." Ningguang and Keqing bowed respectfully to the sky.

"Liyue was established with your help, and I will remember your contributions."

"Thank you, Emperor, for your attention. We will fight for Liyue and die for it."

"Ganyu, the selection of the remaining Liyue Seven Stars will be left to you."

"Yes, Emperor, I will live up to your trust." Ganyu stepped forward to answer.

Politicians and interested people from other countries who were watching the ceremony realized that the secretary who had been following Ningguang was the one who held the greatest power.

What does it mean to select the Seven Stars?

Aren't the Liyue Seven Stars the top leaders of the largest government agency besides the gods?

You are a very powerful secretary.

Of course, they didn't know that the original Liyue Seven Stars were mainly elected, but this place is different from Tewat, so the responsibility of selecting the Seven Stars is completely handed over to Ganyu.

Does Liyue Humphrey understand?

"Besides this, believers cannot establish a sect in my name and collect money. I won't care about the past, but it must not happen again in the future."

"You just need to abide by the contract I set."

"Yes, I will obey the emperor's order."

Ningguang also breathed a sigh of relief. Sects are too dangerous. If they are allowed to develop barbarically, they will only bring unpredictable catastrophic consequences.

Fortunately, Morax appeared today and settled the matter. In the future, she will have a reason to clean up those messy guys.

No matter what others think, Morax's huge dragon body flipped a few times in the clouds and was ready to leave.

"Oh, so you are here too."

Before disappearing, Morax said this meaningfully.

I don't know who he said it to, but judging from the tone, the status of both parties should be equal.

This immediately excited most of the people present.

"Hey, hey, hey, did you hear that, the tone of Rock God..."

"Could it be one of the seven gods?"

"Which god is it? Why didn't he show up?"

"How should I know."

"It seems that something is wrong. Look at the VIP seats. Something seems to be wrong."

Looking in the direction of the voice, a little girl was sitting in the middle of the VIP seats. At this time, she was looking up at the sky with a smile.

"Morax, are you doing this on purpose?"

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