The new year is coming, and the new year is coming.

Savantis, a country adjacent to Liyue and Vistaria.

After the end of the war, the country was saved from depression and ruins under the leadership of the current Prime Minister Salvador.

Because under his administration, the royal family and the nobles were greatly restricted, which made his evaluation in this country polarized.

The common people appreciated his kindness, while the royal family and the nobles said that he was ambitious and wanted to replace the royal family as the master of this country.

Judging from his political measures, his series of measures were to attack the privileges of the royal family and the nobles everywhere.

Salvador was born into a wealthy family, but he sympathized with the servants and laborers in his family since he was a child. When he grew up, he went to Milton to study. After returning home, he did not inherit the family's industry, but chose to go into politics.

Due to his serious study and extraordinary talent during his study abroad, he soon gained a place in the political arena. Although he was loved by the people, he was incompatible with his colleagues because of his ideological problems.

After more than 20 years of wandering in the political arena, he only became the director of finance of an ordinary city.

At this time, the End War broke out, and he was summoned to the capital to participate in many financial planning.

The royal family and nobles who originally disliked him had to let the talented and experienced Salvador participate in more in-depth things because of the war.

It was not until this time that Salvador saw the darkest and most corrupt side of the country with his own eyes.

During the war, he successfully predicted the direction of several wars with extremely keen judgment, and seized the opportunity to cultivate confidants.

Under his command, Savantis exchanged the best results for the smallest price in the End War.

But even the smallest price is an indelible wound for Savantis.

After the end of the war, he reached the pinnacle of power as a non-noble and became the first prime minister of a country of common origin.

In the first few years after taking office, he vigorously supported officials from the common class, attached importance to education, and spent various means to rebuild the country.

And taking advantage of the severe blow to the royal family and the noble power, he took back the monopolized mineral resources, industrial metallurgy, water conservancy roads and other industries in the name of the country.

Such a move naturally caused a fierce reaction from the royal family and the nobles, but at this time, Salvador was in power, and even the king had to look at his face.

Five years later, after the noble power recovered some strength, with the tacit approval of the royal family, a coup against Salvador was brewing.

Diluk was a little curious. From the known information, people like Salvador seemed to be unable to get along with people like Ginny.

She just said that she admired some of the other party's ideas?

"Mr. Diluc, even if you feel uncomfortable with my personal hobbies, please don't let it affect your judgment." Ginny seemed to see what Diluc was thinking, and said dissatisfiedly:

"Mr. Salvador is one of the people I admire most, and he also knows the monarch."

"He knows the monarch?"

Diluc thought that this guy who sounded like the mastermind, how come everyone knew about his existence.

"I told him, Mr. Diluc, don't think that the top leaders of all countries know about the monarch."

"Except for a few major countries and a few forces in the world, the top leaders of other countries don't know the existence of the monarch at all."

Ginny said with a smile: "Even the royal family and nobles of Savantis don't know the monarch."

"These guys who are drunk and dreaming every day don't know what kind of enemy we are dealing with."

"So Salvador has to deal with the monarch like you?"

"What Mr. Salvador is doing is dealing with the monarch."

This sentence is very interesting. What Salvador is doing is dealing with the monarch?

Isn't what he is doing now suppressing the royal family and the nobles...

Could it be that the conceptual thing called monarch represents these royal nobles?

"It seems that Mr. Diluc has guessed something."

Seeing that Diluc was thoughtful, Ginny continued: "You Mond overthrew slavery and abolished the nobility, and no one has ever been king since then."

"The Kingdom of Winter also abolished the nobility, and the selection of the Seven Stars in Liyue also relies on ability to get to the top."

"I don't know what the situation is in other countries of the Seven Gods, but your three countries don't seem to like the nobility and the nobility."

"No, we Mond once had nobility." Diluk shook his head and said: "Or we have nobility now, but they are in name only."

"Oh? This is rare


Ginny showed an interested expression after hearing Diluc's statement: "Didn't Mond completely abolish the nobility?"

"That's right, but Mond was not like this in the past."

"Mond in the past?"

"Yes, the Legendfind family, the Gunnhild family, and the Lawrence family are the three most famous families in Mond's history."

"Three families? Not nobles?" Ginny saw that Diluc's statement was a bit subtle, and she was familiar with the two surnames he mentioned.

Especially the surname Gunnhild, which often appears in newspapers about Mond.

"I remember that Mr. Diluc's surname is Legendfind, and Miss Qin's surname is Gunnhild, right?"

"Yes, but a free country does not need the existence of nobles. Mond has also experienced an era of oppression by nobles."

"An era of oppression by nobles? I don't think you are talking about the former Dranoq, Mr. Diluc?"

"Yes. "

After hearing Diluk's answer, Ginny was silent for a moment before saying, "The past of Mondstadt, that was a thousand years ago."

"But today's historians can't find the history of a thousand years ago no matter how hard they look."

"Legend has it that the kingdom of the Seven Gods fell into a deep sleep a thousand years ago."

"After the Seven Gods fell asleep, the monarch appeared." Ginny's eyes were filled with inexplicable colors: "I'm curious about what the Seven Gods think of the monarch."

"We can't know what the gods think."

"Okay, but no matter what, if the Seven Gods come in modern times, they will inevitably be enemies of the monarch."

"Whether it's the freedom that Mondstadt advocates, the contract of Liyue, or the queen that the Kingdom of Winter calls for, you and the monarch have irreconcilable contradictions."

Ginny suddenly laughed: "This way, we can put down a lot of our heavy burdens."

"A thousand years ago, the monarch came, and the past history was completely destroyed. "

"And we witches and many sages were sent to the stake by those people in the name of heresy."

"They burned a large number of books, leaving only a few words of the sages for us to admire and remember."

"The will of the monarch does not represent just the royal family and the nobility, but the greatest malice towards those who pursue the truth in this world."

"In a thousand years, has this world undergone earth-shaking changes?"

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