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What can human beings develop into in a thousand years?

In the previous life of the earth, it took about one thousand years to develop from a feudal monarchy to a centralized system. If it was in a special place, this development would be even slower.

And if we put the time after 1000 AD, especially after the start of the Industrial Revolution, the development in just two to three hundred years far exceeded the development in the previous thousands of years.

The reason why it can develop so quickly is naturally that the sages of the earth pursued the truth and created countless sciences.

And various thinkers and philosophers published works that influenced the world and became the founding ideas of many countries.

Capitalists replaced the royal family and the nobility, the declaration of human rights was accepted by the world, and the idea of ​​breaking all shackles and oppression also affected the world.

In this world, industrialization is nothing new. Coupled with the unique magic of the world, whether it is productivity or other things, to some extent it is even more ideal than during Earth's First and Second World Wars.

However, material progress does not mean ideological progress.

Ginny's eyes were full of disdain for the royal family and nobility, even though she herself was of noble origin.

"The monarch is unwilling to let the world explore the truth. Look, it has been a thousand years, and the political systems of various countries in the world are still the same as they were a thousand years ago, and they have not changed at all!"

"Nothing has changed, even the final battle is just dog eating dog!"

“The country’s system is like a rotting corpse, struggling to survive on the bottom line and unwilling to make any changes.”

"The Mosan Empire, the Vestalia Empire, and the Zoroars Empire are the three most powerful countries in the world."

"Look at their national systems. Almost most of their legal provisions are from a thousand years ago!"

"These countries may seem powerful, but they were achieved by waging foreign wars and seizing the flesh and blood of the people at the bottom."

"The republic mentioned by the sages probably already had detailed documents and theories, but all of this was ruined by the monarch and his lackeys!"

Ginny expressed her dissatisfaction with all the countries in the world with excitement: "We witches used to be explorers in pursuit of the truth, but now!"

"Been branded with all kinds of evil hats!"

"They say we witches make deals with the devil, bathe in virgin blood, spread curses and kill others."

"These bastards!"

Diluc looked at Ginny. Although he felt that witches should not be stigmatized, this was a bit strange for you to say.

"Mr. Diluc, please don't look at me like this. My liking for corpses is just my personal behavior. Please don't rise to the level of a witch."

Ginny waved her hand and said, "And in the final analysis, my behavior is a rebellious behavior influenced by those stigmas."

"I probably understand, it's that kind of behavior: if you say I'm evil, then I'll show you that I'm really evil." Diluc nodded in understanding.

An honest man is called a bad guy every day. One day he can't bear the accusation anymore and becomes a real bad guy.

It is difficult to say that the various strange behaviors of the witches are not caused by the subtle influence of the monarch.

Of course, understanding is understanding, and being unable to accept is unacceptable.

At least Diluc couldn't accept an operating system that was too novel.

"So, the so-called monarch refers to those things that prevent people from exploring the truth?"

"No one knows what the truth about the monarch is, but what you are talking about is the monarch's main method."

"To put it simply, it means that people in this world will continue to be ignorant, and the royal family and nobles are the representatives who like to keep the world ignorant."

Ginny took a moment to calm down the excitement in her heart.

"The power of the monarch can influence those royal families and nobles and make them become the monarch's lackeys."

"But there are also people who are uncontrolled, right?" Diluc said: "For example, the El Salvador you mentioned, even if he is not a noble, he is still the prime minister of a country."

"Yes, that's why I respect Mr. Salvador." Ginny nodded and replied:

"Mr. Salvador is not a nobleman, nor is he a spell caster, but he is using his actions to reproduce the wisdom of the sages."

"Republic, he actually practiced the republic in Savantis!" At this point, Ginny became excited again.

"The few words left by the sages are about to succeed in his hands!"

"The royal family and nobles were forced to give up under his pressure.

A lot of power and resources. "

"After Savantis was freed from the restrictions of these people, it took only five years for it to transform from a poor country into a rich and beautiful country today."

"This also shows that after the royal family and the nobility are gone, if the government is properly governed, these old and corrupt guys can be completely abandoned without any impact."

"And now, the monarch and his lackeys actually want to destroy it all!"

"Miss Ginny, don't get excited."

"I'm sorry, I just can't help it, because I finally saw the republican system transformed from a piecemeal phrase on paper into a real means of governing the country. "

Diluk saw that she was excited again, and he roughly understood her thoughts.

According to her own words, witches were once one of the groups that pursued the truth, but because of the monarch, they have wasted their time until now and have been saddled with various inexplicable stigmas.

After seeing Salvador's series of political measures and ideas for governing the country, he naturally regarded him as a person who practices the truth.

Republic, an idea that was proposed thousands of years ago, has been criticized by countless scholars and ridiculed as an unrealistic delusion.

But now Salvador, the prime minister of Savantis, has stood up and slapped everyone in the face in five years.

What do you think? Without the intervention of the royal family and the nobles, I can still rely on the people. Govern the country together, and it can be governed better.

This makes those people very unhappy, not to mention that Salvador's behavior is completely digging their roots.

The resources that were once monopolized were nationalized, making many nobles very uncomfortable in recent years.

It's just that Salvador's methods are too tough. Relying on his strong personal charm, most civilians support him, and the army is also firmly in his hands.

The royal family proposed to grant him a duke, but he refused with the reason of "I stand with the people".

Now, the royal family and the nobles have been tolerant of his behavior to the limit. With the help of major forces, actions against him have quietly begun.

"I have a general understanding of the situation, Miss Ginny."

Diluc thought for a moment and replied: "We Mond will help you, but don't forget your previous promise."

"Don't worry, the Kafiros family will listen to me."

Seeing Diluc agreed, Ginny said happily: "In the future, when you are in the Mosan Empire, not only me, but also our sisterhood will take action. "

"If you need to deal with the monarch in the future, we will do our part."

Deal with the monarch? Looks like we have to let Wendy, the lazy guy, take action in advance.

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