The battle was a turbulent one, and the battle was a turbulent one.

Just after Jyn made her declaration of war speech, countries around the world were frightened by Mond's actions.

I thought you were just making threats before, but I didn't expect you to do it for real?

You really declared war on the Mosan Empire for the former slaves of Dranok?

This is the first country to declare war since the End War, and the party being declared war is one of the three major empires in the world.

Is it so troublesome for a country blessed by gods?

Whether it is politicians from various countries or ordinary citizens, the biggest news now is that Mond declared war on the Mosan Empire.

Even the appearance of the residual soul of the demon god in Alriel is not as big as this time.

The Demon God's Trial has nothing to do with ordinary people, but this war between Mond and the Mosan Empire may be related to them.

It has only been a few years since the End War, and everyone still remembers the tragic situation back then. They are afraid that this war between Mond and the Mosan Empire will cause another global chaos.

So governments and news media are calling on Mond and the Mosan Empire to remain calm and restrained.

Jupiter, the Emperor of the Vestalia Empire, gave a speech, expressing his willingness to be a mediator and hoping that the two countries can return to the negotiation table.

But the result is obvious, neither Mond nor the Mosan Empire paid attention to Jupiter.

For Mond, Vestalia's ass is not clean either. If they don't return the former slaves after the war with the Mosan Empire ends, then they will be the next to be dealt with.

As for the Mosan Empire, Nuada privately said that Jupiter was talking nonsense. In fact, Jupiter was eager for them to fight quickly so that he could reap the benefits.

At this time, the Mondstadt Knights of Favonius were already crowded with diplomatic ambassadors from various countries, all of whom came to persuade Qin not to declare war on the Mosan Empire.

It was not that these foreign ambassadors cared about Mondstadt, but they were worried that this war would become the fuse again and sweep the world again.

Wasn't the fuse of the End War also caused by the duel between the crown princes of two countries because of jealousy?

Although it sounds absurd that a world war would be caused by jealousy, the fundamental reason is that the contradictions between the royal families and nobles of various countries are irreconcilable.

And the jealous duel happened to become an excuse for the war, which led to the End War.

But Mondstadt and the Mosan Empire are not irreconcilable now.

If they really fight, it will be irreconcilable. God knows what will happen then.

There is a saying: Politicians and generals can start a war when they want, but they cannot control when the war ends.

These ambassadors also crawled out of the pile of dead bodies, and they have a deep understanding of the horror of war.

The scene of bones exposed in the wild and no roosters crowing for thousands of miles is still vivid in my mind.

"Miss, please inform me..."

"I'm sorry, Mondstadt has now entered a state of preparation for war, and Captain Qin still has a lot of time to do." The receptionist replied to the ambassadors of various countries in a formal manner:

"Captain Qin has asked me to apologize to you, but the issue of slaves is the bottom line that Mondstadt cannot touch."

"The Mosan Empire is still raising slaves, so they must be ready to be enemies with Mondstadt."

Qin's attitude was very tough. After delivering a declaration of war that day, she announced to the media around the world the list of evidence she had obtained from Diluk.

This brought out many things that were not put on the table in the past.

You know, the slaves sold by the former Draanok were not only from the Mosan Empire. After so many years of slavery, these slaves have been scattered in various countries around the world.

Some slaves were even sold to other countries hundreds of years ago. After becoming slaves, they married other slaves and left offspring.

Some slaves have even become the confidants of some nobles and have been exposed to their most core secrets.

These slaves of more than three generations have grown up under the brainwashing of the nobles and have long since stopped considering themselves as Dranoks.

Of course, Jean did not expect such people to return to Mondstadt.

Compared with these brainwashed slaves, she is more concerned about the first to second generation of slaves.

If there are slaves of more than three generations who are willing to return, then she welcomes them.

"Everyone, please go back." The receptionist glanced at the ambassadors of various countries and whispered, "Mondstadt will never let go of any country that harbors slavery."

Never let go...

Several ambassadors looked at each other.

Look, nodded thoughtfully, temporarily suppressed his anxious mood and left here.

From the receptionist's slightly meaningful words, it seems that Mond not only wants to recover slaves from the Mosan Empire, but also wants to recover them from other countries.

Are they Mond so sure that they can defeat the Mosan Empire.

Is it possible that the wind god Barbatos will take action?

After all, the other party is also one of the three major empires in the world. There are millions of active soldiers alone, not to mention that such a strong force can expand the army to three million to forty thousand in a very short time.

The ace army of the Mosan Empire, the First Division of the Magic Spirit Cavalry, is known as an armored division with all casters. Not only are everyone a caster, but they are also equipped with powerful magic spirit weapons and magic pattern ammunition.

This is also the reason why the Mosan Empire is called the country with the strongest economy. Without so much money, it can't afford such an armored division.

Although most of the casters in this armored division are matured in an inhumane way using the royal secret method, they are very different from real casters.

In a one-on-one fight, even a beginner spellcaster can't even last two moves, but with the combination of tactics and weapons, it becomes extremely terrifying.

If Mond doesn't rely on the God of Wind, but relies on the power known by the ambassadors of various countries, it is undoubtedly a pipe dream to deal with the Mosan Empire.

But... that's the problem.

Mond's attitude is firm, whether it is from official speeches or when receiving these ambassadors.

It's not the kind of pretending to be strong, but it is really confident.

The only reason they think they can defeat the Mosan Empire is the God of Wind Barbatos.

"Ha, a country blessed by gods is really powerful, even the Mosan Empire doesn't take it seriously." An ambassador laughed self-deprecatingly.

He now understands that this war between Mond and the Mosan Empire may not sweep the world like the previous end war.

I was frightened by the bloody scene before, but now I can understand that besides the Wind God, there are also the Rock God and the Ice God. Liyue and Winter Solstice will not let Mondstadt do whatever it wants.


At the same time, in the council hall of the Knights of Favonius, Jean put down the intelligence in her hand and said:

"His Majesty the Wind God Barbatos will not help us attack the Mosan Empire, but he will not let the Mosan Empire attack our Mondstadt."

"So, Mondstadt must win in a short time."

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