The battle was won, and the battle was won.

In the parliament hall of the Knights of Favonius, Qin passed the information to everyone present and said seriously:

"After receiving our declaration of war, the Mosan Empire deployed 100,000 troops on the border with Mondstadt, and there are still hundreds of thousands of troops rushing to the border."

"Their equipment is far superior to ours, and it is difficult to choose to confront our army head-on."

"Even if we, the holders of the Eye of God, play a small role in a war involving millions of people."

Qin's words made everyone present think that the holders of the Eye of God in Mondstadt now do not have the power to cause large-scale destruction.

Lisa may be able to kill her, but it is impossible for everyone to let Lisa do so, not to mention that she is still in the Elf Forest.

"So, Captain Qin, you made such a resolute speech declaring war that day, you must have a way to deal with the Mosan Empire?"

Seeing Qin's confident look, Toulsi pointed to the map on the table and said:

"The Mosan Empire is located in the northwest of our Mond, and to the west is the Sulme Desert."

"Sulme and the Mosan Empire have a natural barrier like the Xiuduoen Mountains. If we want to launch a surprise attack, we must cross the Xiuduoen Mountains and head straight for Danu, the capital of the Mosan Empire."

"But the Xiuduoen Mountains are too high and are known as the ridge of the world. As soon as the air force flies into the sky, the extreme weather will freeze the engine into ice."

The Xiuduoen Mountains are too deep, spanning Sulme and the Elf Forest, almost equivalent to the southern border of the Mosan Empire.

This also means that the Mosan Empire has almost no defense against the south, and such a natural barrier is really unique.

Even if the caster wants to cross here, he must weigh his own strength.

"Do we have a way to cross the Xiuduoen Mountains?"


Qin nodded. She couldn't tell Tols that the wind god would not help them attack the Mosan Empire, but it was still easy to make a hole in the Xiuduoen Mountains.

Wendy just got drunk and cut off a mountain. Isn't it normal for Jiumeng to destroy a little bit of things when he got drunk?

"Then I have nothing to ask. Everything is up to you."

Tols knew that he had not yet touched some of Mond's secrets, and he was not annoyed. Now that his wife and daughter were still there, he was very satisfied with the position of deputy marshal.

"Kaia." Qin glanced at Kaia and said, "As a marshal, don't act lazy this time."

"The task of surprise attacking Danu in the Mosan Empire is handed over to you."

"Tols will assist you."

"I understand." Kaia was serious for a rare moment. Although he usually looked unreliable, he was not vague when facing serious matters.

Tols also understands this. Although Kaia wanders around every day and doesn't look like a national marshal at all.

But he handles military affairs in an orderly manner. The so-called laziness is probably just his disguise.

"Sophia, Esnife, Celia, you are also members of the Knights of Favonius. I won't treat you differently."

Qin looked at the three girls and said seriously: "This time you will go with Kaia."

"Yes!" The three girls stood up and saluted Qin.

They joined the Knights of Favonius after Mond was established, and Qin often taught them martial arts, which made the three of them admire and look up to Qin.

Now they are independent captains of the Knights of Favonius, but except Sophia, the other two have no real experience in fighting against enemies.

"I must remind you that the battlefield is very dangerous, protect yourself."

"I understand, Captain Qin."

Qin knew that they were still very young. Even Sophia's experience in fighting enemies was only against ferocious beasts. Compared with humans, there was still a certain gap.

But even so, Qin would not protect them. As a member of the Knights of Favonius, they must assume corresponding obligations.

"Fight for freedom!"

This was one of the oaths they took when they joined the Knights of Favonius, in order to rescue the slaves who were sold to Mosan and even the whole world.

For freedom, they have no choice but to do it.

"Dorothy, you will take charge of the headquarters for me from now on. I have other tasks."

"Ah?" Dorothy, who was named, looked at Qin in surprise. She thought her next task was to go to the battlefield or help Qin.

Unexpectedly, she was asked to take charge of the headquarters, which gave her considerable power.

"Why, is there a problem

?” Seeing Dorothy’s panic, Qin comforted her:

“You have been studying with me for several months. Although the time is still short, this time is also a test for you.”

“Captain Qin, can I…really do it?” Dorothy said nervously: “I am still immature in some places…”

“It doesn’t matter. I went through the same thing at the beginning. I am not much older than you.”

“What I can do, I believe you can do too.”

Qin was very satisfied with Dorothy. This girl was humble, smart and studious, and she could stick to principles in some things.

She was an indispensable talent. With her in Mond’s management, Qin could reduce a lot of burden.

“I understand…I promise to complete the task.” Dorothy also saluted Qin like Sophia and others.

“Next is Barbara. You will follow the logistics troops to form a medical team and a field hospital.”

“Okay.” "

After instructing a few people, the door of the conference hall was knocked.

"Come in."

Everyone looked back and saw that it was Diluc and Rosaria.

"Any news?"

Qin asked directly when she saw the two.

"We have received a secret telegram from the Witch Sisterhood."

Rosaria handed the telegram to Qin.

"Very good, this time we have almost 90% chance of winning with the help of the inside and outside," Qin smiled as she looked at the content of the telegram:

"It seems that the internal situation of the Mosan Empire is also unstable."


Qin then repeated the previous plan.

"But I have a question." Diluc asked after thinking for a while: "The Mosan Empire has many spies in Mond."

"If we want to cross the Xiuduon Mountains from the Sulmer Desert to attack the capital of the Mosan Empire, how can we hide it from the spies who have been following us?"

"So many people entering the desert will definitely attract attention. ”

“I’ve already made preparations for this.” Qin smiled mysteriously: “Have you forgotten Saht?”

“Him? Hasn’t he been conquering the desert recently?” Diluk looked at Tols, Dorothy, and Sophia.

They didn’t know that Saht was a pawn of the main body.

“Yes, Seno and Dishia will visit him soon.”

“Although he has been acting in the name of the Red King, I believe he will listen to the orders of the Grass King of Xiao Jixiang.”

“I understand.” Diluk nodded: “So what is our surprise attack plan called this time?”

“Lightning attack on Mosan.”

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