The fire broke out late at night in Danu, the capital of the Mozang Empire, and those who had gone to bed early due to the curfew were awakened by the sudden sound.

The streets were full of Mond's sub-human soldiers, driving armored vehicles, holding weapons, and rushing towards Danu's important buildings.

The radio station, the palace, the noble district, and the garrison camp were controlled in a very short time.

Especially the troops stationed in the capital, nearly 200,000 people were captured without firing a shot, and the supreme commander had not even figured out the situation when he was arrested.

Danu, as the capital of one of the three major empires in the world, had not been attacked in the end war.

Originally deep in the heart of the Mosan Empire, relying on the defense of Reno City and other surrounding cities, its defense is almost invincible.

So it is also proudly called "the city that never falls" by the Mosan people.

However, this city that never falls finally fell.

In this surprise attack, Mond attacked from the most unexpected place, catching the Mosan side off guard.

In addition to Mond's surprise, another reason is that the Mosan Empire has too much trust in the defense of the capital.

Over time, holding the mentality of never falling also made the guards almost blindly believe that no one would come here, so the defense was lax.

The 200,000 guards were almost defeated at the touch of a button.

The noble district of the Mosan Empire is one of Kaia's focuses. A large number of subhuman slaves were sold to the noble district to live a life of slavery.

"Catch all the nobles and count the subhuman slaves they each raise."

Sophia ordered the soldiers beside her, looking at the trembling nobles with contempt: "We in Mond have already warned you, but unfortunately you have always ignored our warnings."

"Now tell me everything about the slaves!"

"Besides you, what other forces in the Mosan Empire and even abroad are continuing to oppress our compatriots!"

Sophia waved her hand, and the soldiers took the nobles together with angry eyes and prepared to send them to the temporary interrogation room.

This time, not only do we have to rescue the subhuman slaves, but we also have to get information about the slave trade from all over the world from these nobles.

Although the former Dranok has obtained a lot of evidence, it is only the tip of the iceberg after all.

As one of the three major empires in the world, the Mosan Empire hides much more darkness than Dranok.

The purpose of the main body is to bring the darkest side of all countries in the world to the table.

All the problems that cannot be said and dare not be said should be put on the surface and shown to the people of the world.

Such an approach is naturally to shake the foundation of the old world. Although Mond did not intend to occupy the Mosan Empire, it did not think of making the people of the Mosan Empire hate them.

In order to divert domestic conflicts, these countries almost all relied on militarism or instigated hatred to launch wars abroad.

After the end of the war, domestic conflicts were also eliminated due to a large number of casualties, and land was redistributed and interests were replanned.

Just wait until domestic conflicts increase and then launch wars abroad.

It has been like this for thousands of years.

In order to break this historical law and make the people of the world return to the Seven Gods, what they have to do is naturally to be enemies with the world.

Killing people must be heart-breaking, especially for a country.

Some things can be tolerated by civilians as long as they are not exposed.

But once it is exposed, it is not easy to solve.

Sophia sneered at these guys who were usually elegant and dignified, talking about etiquette and glory.

But she didn't expect that the glory and etiquette they talked about were built on the blood and tears of countless slaves. Seeing their bereaved appearance, she couldn't help but feel a pain in her heart.

She knew the ugly faces of these people better than ordinary people. When she was a slave, she saw the ugliness of the nobles with her own eyes.

At this time, a loud noise broke out in the noble area, and the fluctuation of magic power immediately awakened Sophia and others.

"There is a spellcaster!"

"Be alert!"

Sophia shouted, and the soldiers around her immediately raised their muskets and looked around vigilantly.

I saw several fierce-looking spellcasters holding muskets and firing several shots at them.


The wind element surrounded Sophia, and she pulled out

Two specially made large-caliber magic hand cannons fired back at several spellcasters.

Bang, bang, bang!

The huge recoil made Sophia's body lean back slightly, and the surrounding dust was lifted into the air by this force.

The large-caliber magic hand cannon burst out with fierce high temperature, and the bullets carried magic and wind elemental power, instantly smashing the head of a spellcaster.

Before the other spellcasters had time to react, they felt that their bodies were stained with red and white things.

"Catch them!"

The Mond soldiers collectively aimed their muskets at the rushing spellcasters, and thousands of bullets poured into the enemy in less than a second.


After a brief moment of unconsciousness, the spellcasters immediately reacted and quickly used their magic to resist.

Ding ding ding ding ding————

Several spellcasters gathered their magic together to form a transparent wall to resist all the bullets.

These bullets were ordinary bullets and could not effectively penetrate this magic wall.

Just as Sophia was about to fire another shot, she saw a blood-red line coming from the horizon and entwined around the necks of several spellcasters.

Then, she saw this strange blood line cut off the heads of several spellcasters like cutting tofu.


Bright red blood gushed out from the necks. Since several spellcasters were still in high-intensity and violent exercise and magic operation, their gushing blood was like a fountain, splashing most of the street.

The nobles who were still watching all this in a daze were also stunned by the blood rain.

The head that was still dead turned in the air and fell to the ground. Finally, it rolled a few times and fell into the trash can next to it.

The red blood line finally turned into a human figure and came to Sophia and others.

The Mond soldiers were as if they were facing a great enemy, and they aimed their muskets at the uninvited guest again.

"Put down your gun! They are our own people!" Sophia shouted, stopping the soldiers around her.

She knew that there were people from the Witch Sisterhood in the Mosan Empire who were working with her from the inside and outside.

A young and beautiful woman slowly walked to Sophia's side. She was wearing a gorgeous dress and a huge hat with a bunch of goose feathers on her head.

She was dressed as if she was going to a ball. She lifted the hems of her skirt and bowed to Sophia and others.

"Witch Sisterhood, Rosemary, meet this lady."

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