The witch sisterhood is the most frightening urban legend in the folklore of the Mozang Empire. It is said that these witches eat animals alive, eat human livers, bathe in the blood of virgins, and seduce men to absorb their essence and spirits, and finally become a mummy. However, most of these are rumors made by the officials of the Mozang Empire. Although most witches often do some strange things, they basically don't cause trouble for ordinary people. Their main targets are still the royal family and nobles, or the "monarchs" behind them. Sophia has no prejudice against witches. She has seen many witches since the establishment of New Monde. Except for their weird behavior, there is nothing to be afraid of. The way of cutting heads just now is a little weird, but it is also within the normal range. "Witch Sisterhood, Rosemary, meet this lady."

The witch who called herself Rosemary smiled gently at Sophia. If it weren't for her previous trick, Sophia would have thought she was a lady going to a ball.

"My name is Sophia, and I am the current captain of the assault force of the First Division of Mond."

"Nice to meet you, Lieutenant Sophia." Rosemary looked at the military rank on Sophia's shoulder and said gently, "Can you make an exception? There are relatives in the noble district."

"Relatives?" Sophia looked at Rosemary in surprise. This young lady-like girl was indeed of noble origin.

But the order she received was to capture all the nobles first, and then make a decision according to the actual situation after interrogation.

"This..." Sophia was a little embarrassed. On the one hand, it was a military order, and on the other hand, the other party had helped her just now.

"Please rest assured, Sophia. I won't make things difficult for you. I just want to talk to my relatives."

Rosemary lowered her head, and the etiquette of the nobility was fully displayed on her.

Even Sophia, who hated the etiquette of the nobility, had to admit that the girl in front of her was gentle and generous, and her words were appropriate, which left a good impression on her at the first meeting.

"Okay, but time should be faster. We still have a lot of things to do tonight." Sophia looked at her watch and asked the soldiers to make way for her.

"Thank you, Lieutenant Sophia."

After lifting her skirt to thank Sophia, Rosemary walked in front of the nobles.

These nobles had just wiped the blood off their faces and bodies, although they didn't wipe much clean.

"Valentina! You..." Some nobles saw through the identity of the girl at a glance and looked at each other with extreme shock.

The red line that cut off the head just now was made by Valentina?

How is it possible...

"Good night, everyone." Valentina saluted the still shocked nobles and said, "Where are my parents? Where are they?"


Some older nobles looked at Valentina in disbelief. They really couldn't imagine that this popular girl in the noble social circle was actually a member of the Witch Sisterhood!

"Why?" Valentina looked at the old man and asked in confusion, "Is it strange that I am a member of the Witch Sisterhood?"

"Rather, it would be strange if I am not a member of the Witch Sisterhood."

Valentina ignored the old man's ugly face and said gently, "Where are my parents? Where are they?"


Two middle-aged people walked out of the crowd. Although they were a little embarrassed, it could be seen that they were well maintained and lived a wealthy life all year round.

"Father, mother, I'm so worried about you..."

Valentina's eyes were slightly red, and she threw herself on her parents, tears in her eyes, and choked with sobs: "I'm so worried about you..."

This scene seemed very warm, but considering Valentina's identity as a witch and her parents' extremely stiff and unnatural expressions.

Sophia felt that they didn't seem to be as close as they appeared.

"Valentina... let us go, okay." The father smiled stiffly, and the mother beside him nodded.

"Yes, my daughter, please let us go, cough, let us go..."

The mother looked at her pleadingly and said the word "please" to her daughter.

"My dear father and mother, why did you do that?" Valentina looked at them and asked with tears in her eyes:

"I am your most beloved daughter, why..."

"We are also forced to..."

"Have to

Already, for the so-called family interests, you actually want me to be the mistress of the Speaker of the House of Lords. "

"You also said that after becoming the mistress of the Speaker, I will be able to marry better in the future!"

Valentina's eyes showed hatred: "This world is really abnormal. There are so many people who are proud to marry the Speaker's mistress."

"The last person who married the Speaker's mistress showed off this thing in the social circle every day."

"He not only gained many envious eyes, but also gained more benefits."

"You don't treat me as a daughter, but as an item that can be exchanged for benefits."

Valentina laughed bitterly and held her parents' hands tighter and tighter: "You actually sent several spellcasters to watch me. If I wasn't a witch, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to leave the house."

"You scold me every day for not knowing what's good for me, scolding me for not paying attention to the interests of the family, beating and scolding me, and as long as it doesn't meet your wishes, you will use all kinds of words to humiliate me!"

"These are my parents! My father and mother who love me! "

"I'm sorry, Valentina..." Valentina's parents felt their hearts aching more and more, and fear continued to spread.

"Let us go, I am your parents..."

"Yes, my parents." Valentina's face suddenly changed, and the pitiful look with lowered eyebrows and tears just now suddenly changed.

The beautiful face was now full of endless hideousness, and the gentle temperament turned into a murderous aura like a storm.

"For your dear daughter, die here! "

Crazy words flowed out of Valentina's mouth. Seeing this, Sophia hurried to stop it.

But it was too late.

In front of everyone, Valentina placed her left and right hands on the position of her parents' hearts, and red blood wrapped around her hands.

There were only two puffs, and under the horrified eyes of everyone.

The two hearts were dug out alive by her, and her parents fell slowly with their empty chests covered with extremely painful expressions.

Valentina looked at the two scarlet hearts in her hands and smiled cruelly. The smile gradually became bigger and finally sharp, echoing throughout the aristocratic district.

"Is this the so-called noble aristocracy?"

"It turns out that the heart is the same as that of ordinary people, there is no difference."

"Just for the glory of the aristocracy and the interests of the aristocracy, you have to endlessly force me, beat and scold me, deprive me of my thoughts, and listen to your bullshit theories! ”

“If that’s the case, then all of you go die! Hahahahahahaha!”

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