The more you go, the more you go.

Since Sophia and others published the Declaration of Freedom, the increasingly fierce slave resistance has spread to the entire territory of Dranok.

Many forces have begun to revolt outside the capital, and a large number of nobles and slave owners have died in this resistance movement.

In the past, oppression not only had the effect of slave collars, but also had an ideological effect.

Physical shackles are easy to remove, but mental shackles require a drastic change, and the Declaration of Freedom is the best start, allowing countless people to see that the royal family and nobles are no more than this.

In addition, the advent of the wind god has dealt a heavy blow to the idea of ​​slavery, and the radio propaganda of the rebels these days, so ideas have gradually changed.

This made the nobles in the capital very uneasy. Every night, they kept their guards by their side and dared not even turn off the lights, fearing that the rebels outside would rush in at any time.

Dorothy had been exerting psychological pressure on them, and from time to time she sent people to harass the nobles' district, making the nobles think that the rebels had broken in.

If it was just a story of crying wolf, the nobles would not have to be so frightened as they are now.

The key is that these people really could break in. The rebels kept broadcasting every day that they would hang the nobles and send Marcus to the guillotine.

The nobles became more and more anxious, and many of them had already suffered from neurasthenia.

Although the lights were bright in the noble district at night, it was extremely quiet, and the sound of the guards' patrolling footsteps echoed in the quiet streets.

And an uninvited guest came to Dranok's Prime Minister's Mansion.

Diluk left from the shadows with a greatsword in his hand and faced the guards guarding the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion head-on.

"Who is it!" The guards raised their magic rifles and pointed them at Diluk: "Stop!"

Diluk was unmoved, the power of the Eye of God flowed through his body, and the greatsword began to burn with raging flames and rushed towards them.

"Oh no, it's Diluk from the rebels!" After the others approached, the guards finally found Diluk's appearance.

As one of the leaders of the rebels, many gangs and noble forces died under his hands, and now he ranks high on the bounty list.

"Flame————Burn it all!"

Diluk shouted, and the flames of the greatsword in his hand burst out with strong high temperature, instantly making the area within a hundred meters extremely hot.

A firebird appeared in front of the guards, Diluk swung the greatsword forward, and the firebird made a crisp cry, flying towards them with flames that seemed to burn the sky.

"Quickly retreat!" Seeing such a scene, the guards did not dare to neglect and hurriedly looked for cover.

But Diluk didn't give them a chance. The high-temperature flames from the firebird instantly burned the guards to ashes, and then rushed to the Prime Minister's Mansion.


After the firebird collided with the Prime Minister's Mansion, it turned into a huge ball of fire and burned the place completely.

At this time, the people nearby were awakened by Diluk's actions. The nobles who had long been nervous looked at the Prime Minister's Mansion, which had become a sea of ​​fire, and hurriedly fled.

In panic, many people were like headless flies, running around everywhere, and the streets were full of nobles wearing pajamas or simply not wearing anything.

Diluk naturally ignored these people. What he had to do now was to rush into the Prime Minister's Mansion in the chaos and find the secret room.

According to Sophia and others' repeated interrogations, Alswei told the method of opening the secret room, and the top-secret documents were stored in a safe.

Diluk, who has the Eye of the Fire God, can control the surrounding flames to a certain extent to prevent them from burning himself, which is why he chose to break through directly from the front at the beginning.

The fire in the Prime Minister's Mansion caused chaos in the surrounding area. After the guards were killed, no one noticed that he had entered the Prime Minister's Mansion.

"It's here."

After finding the door to the secret room, Diluk's God's Eye shone with red light, preventing the surrounding flames from approaching.

"The password is 114514..."

After turning the password knob a few times, there was a "click" sound, and Diluk pushed open the door of the secret room and walked in.

"It seems that there are not only top-secret documents here, but also his pension. It's really an unexpected fortune."

Looking at the pile of gold and jewelry stacked up, Diluk took a look and turned his attention to the safe that Alswei mentioned.

"It should be it."

The greatsword swung in Diluk's hand

After dancing a few times, he pried the safe out of the wall. He didn't have time to open the safe now, and the documents couldn't be guaranteed to be intact in the fire.

It's better to take it back and open it later.

He took out the jade bottle that had been prepared and put the safe and gold jewelry in front of him.

The Eye of God can only contain system weapons. This is the jade bottle for the exterior scene that he specially spent causal points to buy. The principle is similar to the Chen Ge pot, but the space inside is much smaller, about the size of an ordinary room.

But it's enough.

"Mission completed, time to go." After Diluk checked around again, he found nothing left behind and left the Prime Minister's Mansion.

"Found him, it's him!"

At this time, the nearby guards found Diluk who walked out of the Prime Minister's Mansion, and nearly a hundred well-equipped soldiers surrounded him.

"Catch him!" The leader ordered the soldiers around him: "If you can't catch him, kill him!"


Diluk snorted coldly and threw the jade bottle into the air. Then a figure quickly flew over from the air and caught the jade bottle.

"Leave it to you. I'll stop these people."


After Rosaria caught the jade bottle, she thrust her spear downward, pierced the throat of the guard beside her, and immediately ran towards the direction of the rebels.

"Catch her quickly! Don't let her run away!"

Although they didn't know what the other party had taken, it must be something important. The leader immediately asked his men to aim their guns at Rosaria.

"Your opponent is me."

The flames blocked their vision. The high temperature in the space distorted their vision, and the flame wind blew them so hard that they could hardly open their eyes.

The elemental force formed a wall of fire to stop them. If they wanted to cross it, they had to defeat Diluk first.

Although the jade bottle has a certain protective function, it was given to Rosaria for safety reasons.

The other party had followed him long after he left the rebel camp.

"Now, you can let go." After seeing Rosaria's back disappear, Diluk showed a mocking smile to these people:

"Are you ready?"

The Eye of God suddenly shone brightly, and the majestic elemental power flowed around Diluk. The flames were like his closest companions, and the firelight was more dazzling than the nearby lights at this time.


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