The fire broke out, and the fire was still burning.

The noble district of Dranok, which should have been extremely quiet in the middle of the night, suddenly became extremely noisy.

The Prime Minister's Mansion was still burning. This luxurious mansion that had existed for hundreds of years was set on fire, and the flames rushed into the dark sky.

The billowing smoke was visible to many people in the non-noble district, and everyone was wondering whether the rebels had already rushed into the noble district.

Outside the Prime Minister's Mansion, a man with long red hair, holding a flaming sword, was not at all inferior to hundreds of fully armed Dranok soldiers.


Diluk shouted, and the greatsword carried the power of fire, and each sword rolled up a storm of flames and blew towards the guards.

Although the magic gun was lethal, it was useless if it could not hit people.

Diluk used the high temperature of the flame to distort the soldiers' vision, and combined with his flexible movement, he suppressed hundreds of people alone.

In just two minutes, most of the guards were killed or injured.

People looked at this important figure of the rebels in horror, and many nobles not far away were too scared to move.

"Do you want to continue?"

Diluk held the sword in one hand, stared at them and said, "Is it so good to be a lackey of the Dranok royal family?"

After hearing his words, many soldiers had some expressions on their faces. They were also civilians, so they were naturally dissatisfied with the royal family and nobles of Dranok.

But what can we do? This is the true thought in the hearts of many soldiers.

"I hope you can think about what this tyrannical royal family and nobles have brought to you and the people of this country?"

Seeing that his words seemed to be useful, Diluk continued: "I think you also want freedom, poetry, and happiness."

"Don't listen to him!" The leader immediately interrupted Diluk and ordered the soldiers around him:

"Kill him!"

"During the fight just now, you have been behind these soldiers." Diluk grabbed the big sword and slashed at the leader with lightning speed.

Everyone was caught off guard and saw their superiors being split in half before they could react. Then they were burned to ashes by the flames.

"Everyone, if you still have a beautiful heart. Wait until the day we officially arrive, lay down your weapons and help us fight against tyranny."

Diluk disappeared with the flames, but his words echoed in the ears of these soldiers for a long time.

They are not bloodless and tearless people, they also have their own thoughts and feelings.

It was just that the Dranoak royal family's perverse behavior made them afraid to express their feelings and thoughts.

During this period, the rebels used large loudspeakers to broadcast their thoughts and ideas. Even in the noble district, they could hear these words that made the nobles furious.

These words also gradually shook the hearts of these soldiers, but everyone kept silent.

A soldier looked at the body of his dead companion. He did not hate Diluk, but felt inexplicably sad.

Can we really only be running dogs of the royal family and the nobles in our lives?

Freedom and poetry, such beautiful and distant words.


He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by his companion next to him.

"Shut up!" His companion winked at him and whispered in his ear: "Don't say it here."

The other survivors were also silent, not knowing what they were thinking.

"Pack up and get ready to leave."

"This fire has attracted many people."

The guards quietly collected the bodies of their companions. The fire in the Prime Minister's Mansion was still burning, as if it was about to break through the sky, as if telling them that the corrupt royal family was about to usher in its own demise.

No one can trap a free soul.

Until then, just wait.


"Asshole! That guy named Diluk, I'm going to cut him into pieces!"

Marcus's helpless and furious roar filled the room. At this time, his hair had all condensed together to form a thick layer of grease because he had not been washed for a long time.

His eyes were full of bloodshot, and he walked without royal etiquette, swaying from side to side like a penguin.

"Where are the other army members? Where did they die?" Marcus looked at the attendant next to him and asked, "How long do I have to wait!"

"I'm here, Your Majesty

"The servant said with his head down: "We will be able to reach the capital in the morning."

"Good, very good." Marcus showed a cruel smile: "When they come, let them directly attack the capital with the magic cannon."

"Your Majesty!"

The servant looked at Marcus in disbelief: "That's all..."

"Shut up, I don't want you to say anything!" Marcus interrupted him and said angrily: "A group of bewitched and unruly people, die if they die."

"Order all the army groups, except for the noble district, all other places are bombarded with magic cannons. "

"But, but in that case... the capital is gone..."

The servant looked at Marcus with a face that was about to cry: "Your Majesty, this is the capital of Dranok, if you do this, the country will be ruined!"

"My throne is almost unstable, who cares! "

Marcus kicked the attendant over and continued to order: "The guys in charge of those army groups have their families in the noble district. I don't believe they will disobey!"

"Pass on my order and make sure they come here as soon as possible."

"Then kill all these ignorant and unruly people!"

"I must kill you all! "

The attendant was watching Marcus nearby, as if he was looking at a madman.


The fire in the Prime Minister's Mansion was finally extinguished, but it also caused serious damage.

First of all, the nearby area is no longer habitable. The fire spread from the Prime Minister's Mansion to other places, all of which were burned to ruins.

Secondly, many nobles have already planned to surrender directly, wondering if they can save their lives if they donate all their wealth.

And the three armies ordered by Marcus arrived outside the capital this morning.

Nearly 200,000 fully armed soldiers are on full alert at this moment.

Their leaders also received Marcus's ridiculous orders, but because their families were also in the noble district, they had to do it.

It's better to kill some civilians than to kill their nobles.

With this idea in mind, the leaders of the three armies simultaneously issued orders to attack all places in the capital except the noble district.

Many people were shocked by such orders. They couldn't believe that Marcus really did such a self-destructive act.

The entire army was filled with an unknown atmosphere.

What they didn't know was that above the three armies, Wendy was overlooking these troops ready to go.

Tols had already been waiting with the First Army in other places, and now it was his turn to do the real work.

Wendy smiled gently, and the two braids lit up with the wind. He was no longer dressed like a bard, but in a white outfit.

A pair of white wings appeared on his back, sacred and noble.

"It's my turn."

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