The people who came out of the wheat field also found that the masked man was probably a master.

He was the one who threw the glass box. Kill him first!

Hundreds of people turned their guns to the doctor and fired wildly.

The doctor was not afraid of the hundreds of people shooting at him. The metal storm formed by countless bullets swept towards him, Mirandiel and others.

"No, get out of the way!"

Mirandiel subconsciously shouted at the doctor's direction, and then asked his companions to find cover.

"Heh, your opponent is not me."

The doctor's voice still had no waves, but when these metal storms were about to sweep him, the flesh and blood that had pierced many people just now suddenly swelled, forming a blood-colored membrane to block it.

Ping ping ping ping --

The sound of bullets hitting this seemingly weak membrane densely, but it made a metallic sound.

"What is that thing..."

Everyone who saw this scene could not help but step back subconsciously.

Then this flesh-and-blood membrane shrank together again, turning into a monster more than two meters tall with no skin, only muscles and fascia, hundreds of eyeballs growing all over the body, and blood constantly oozing from the edges of the eyeballs.

Such a strange monster made an extremely piercing roar.

"Uh ah --"

The monster's roaring mouth split from the corner of its mouth, and finally tore half of its body, and everyone saw that it was full of sharp barbs.

"Kill them all."

The doctor spoke lightly, and the hundreds of eyeballs on the monster's body kept rolling, staring at those who had long been frightened and dared not move.

The spikes made of blood came out of the monster's body, and this time the range was no longer five meters, but a radius of fifty meters.

Puff, puff--

Hundreds of people were pierced by the blood spikes in an instant, and then the spikes turned into a barb, hooking the pierced people to the side.

"Uh! Puff--"

The monster's huge mouth bit several people's bodies at once, swallowed them into its stomach, and then made a terrifying chewing sound.

The corpses that were not bitten, as if they melted and merged into the monster's body the moment they stuck to it, as more and more people entered its body.

Its body was also constantly expanding, and before long, it turned into a flesh and blood monster as tall as a hill.

"Strange, monster..."

Some people trembled all over, and the hand holding the musket could no longer hold it, so they dropped the gun and fled in the opposite direction.

His action, like an infection, immediately spread to other people. Even though they were well-trained, they had never seen such a weird situation.


Someone shouted loudly, and these fully armed people suddenly became a mess and fled to the surrounding areas.

"Here, get back here! Kill them!"

The voice underground was panic and fearful.

The people who were running away ignored the angry voice, fearing that they would lose a leg.

Unfortunately, the monster would not let anyone escape. It rushed towards the scattered crowd at a very fast speed, with hundreds of blood spikes emerging from its body and rushed towards the crowd.

"No! Don't come over!"

"Please, let me go!"

The people who were frightened to death begged for mercy loudly, but unfortunately, the monster could not understand the words of people other than the doctor. No matter how they begged for mercy or cried, they died here.

"Unexpectedly useful."

The doctor looked at such a bloody scene and commented: "It's a pity that it is an irrational monster after all."

Milandil and others who were not far from the doctor shuddered after hearing his words. Although they had already realized it, it was still difficult to accept it after seeing this monster in real life.

Will the doctor really turn them into this?

"Are you worried about turning into this kind of monster?"

As if he could see their uneasiness, the doctor smiled and said, "If you just turn into this kind of monster, I won't help you. I still have a lot of this kind of consumables."

This kind of monster was transformed from prisoners sent by Zhidong Country and Haimo Ling. At the beginning, some gangsters and nobles were not sentenced to death, and they dared to act arrogantly when they were in prison or sent to labor reform.

So they were sent to the doctor as consumables.

Mirandiel resisted the urge to vomit. Although he often killed people and cut off heads, this was the first time he saw this kind of situation.


, that would be good..."

He forced a smile, and then heard the retching sound of his companions nearby. It seemed that his companions were not much better.

"Oh? Are they all dead?"

The doctor no longer paid attention to Mirandiel. After seeing that everyone nearby was dead, he slowly walked to the gap.

"You come out by yourself, or I let you out."

There was silence for a long time, and then he spoke: "Who are you... Why do you want to help the Scoia Party?"

"Why do people always like to ask questions like who we are?" The doctor shook his head and sighed: "And when they are about to die."

"I gave you a chance, but you didn't take it."

The doctor waved his hand gently, and the flesh and blood monster that had become huge turned into mud and flowed into the gap.

"Don't, don't do this! I'm coming out, I'm coming out!"

"Let me go, I'll come out right away." "

The voice cried and begged the doctor: "The queen and compatriots of the Squirrel Party are still in there. Don't you want to save them?"

"No, I have my own way."

"Asshole! I'm going to kill that woman now! If I can't live, they can't live either!"

The doctor replied indifferently: "You can try."



"Really, please, don't kill me--"

"I--ah ah ah--"

The extremely painful sound came from inside. Mirandiel didn't want to know what kind of pain this guy had suffered. He only cared about the queen and his compatriots.

"Open here and go in." The doctor ordered.

"Yes. "

Mirandiel greeted his companions who were still in a daze and walked towards the half-opened crack door.

At the same time, he glanced at the doctor with lingering fear.

Since he came here, the doctor has basically not moved. Except for throwing out the glass box containing the flesh and blood monster, he has always kept his hands behind his back.

Even when the most dangerous time was before, when hundreds of muskets were pointed at him, the doctor did not react at all, as if all this was just a child's play to him.

It's not worth it at all.

When the door of the wheat field was pried open, everyone saw a skeleton lying in a pool of blood. The flesh and blood monster that had killed hundreds of people just now had become a pile of meat mountains, constantly emitting blood-red bubbles and gradually melting.

"It can only hold on for this little while, and there is still room for improvement."

"Then, your lives will be used by me."

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