The dead body was broken, and the dead body was buried.

In the secret underground space of the wheat field.

Milandiel looked at the body that was dissolved by the flesh monster and only the skeleton was left, and recalled what the doctor had said to them. The lives of the Squirrel Party were about to be handed over to the other party.

"No matter what, as long as the queen can be rescued..." Mirandiel shook his head, threw away the distracting thoughts, and followed the doctor into it.

"Are all the people here dead?"

Looking around, the underground space was very large, and in front of them was a huge steel door.

"Right here, your queen and compatriots."

The doctor looked at the door and said, "It seems that these people value your queen."

After that, he walked straight to the closed door. The moment he approached, the door, which was as protective as a bank vault, turned into a pool of silver-white molten iron and rolled down.

Mirandiel and others stared at the doctor's back for a while before they reacted. They pushed their dazed companions and followed.

After the doctor entered, he saw the most eye-catching figure in the hall.

In the center of the hall, there was a bound female elf. Her hands and feet were bound to the cylinder on her back, and she wore a breathing mask on her head.

In addition, from her head to her feet, there was a silver ring surrounding her body every ten centimeters, which looked like a Faraday cage.


Mirandiel saw the bound female elf and shouted. He hurriedly walked up and pulled out a scimitar from his back to destroy it.

"Use a Faraday cage-like method to block spiritual perception?"

The doctor looked at this thing with interest. A lot of technology in this world is related to magic. After a brief inspection, he understood the principle.

It's not something profound, but it's very creative.

After Mirandiel and others destroyed the equipment, they took off the mask and untied the restraints, and supported her and asked anxiously: "Queen, are you okay?"

The queen looked about 20 years old, with a beautiful face, which could be regarded as the most beautiful in human society.

At this time, her face was a little pale, probably because she had been restrained for too long.

"I'm fine... Mirandiel, where are my people."

After being rescued, the queen looked around. When she was caught, many of her people also suffered.

"No, no, no, no... Why!"

At this time, the queen's face suddenly changed, and she grabbed Mirandiel's hand and said, "Why can't I sense them! Why!"

Mirandiel, whose hand was grabbed by her, was also stunned. After the queen untied the restraints, she should be able to sense her people through mental induction.

And if she can't sense it now...

"They are all dead."

The doctor said while observing the surroundings: "There is another room here, and there are still a lot of dried blood at the door."

After saying that, he pushed open the door next to him, and everyone felt a fishy smell coming in their faces.

I saw that the room was filled with various torture instruments and more than 30 corpses that had long been corrupted. Countless mosquitoes flew back and forth on their corpses.

Even though the corpses were already rotten, everyone could see that their corpses were not intact, which showed that they had been tortured greatly before.

"No! My children!" The elf queen let out a miserable cry and pushed Mirandiel who was supporting him away.

"My people, my children..."

Hot tears flowed from the corners of her eyes. It was not difficult to imagine the cruel torture that these people who were captured together to protect her had endured.


Other elves also showed extremely angry expressions. Mirandiel gritted his teeth and said, "No matter who the other party is, I must cut him into pieces."

He turned his head and looked at the doctor: "When I find the mastermind behind all this, let me become that thing too. I must kill them!"

"Mirandiel, you..."

Other elves also looked at each other worriedly. Before this, the doctor said that he would not turn them into irrational monsters.

And now Mirandiel actually took the initiative to ask to do so, which shows how deep his hatred is.

The doctor did not answer, but walked to the side of the queen and said:

"They all died because of you, but you are fine. Do you have any concerns?"

The elf queen's crying gradually stopped. After a long silence, she looked at the doctor.

, there was no more sadness in her eyes, only calmness:

"Every queen of our elves can not only connect with the spirit of her own tribe, but also with the queens of other tribes."

"They dare not attack me because once there is a problem with my spirit, it will be sensed by the queens of other tribes immediately."

"Even if these people use equipment to block my mental induction, they can only barely limit it."

She did not ask questions like who the doctor is, but directly confessed some secrets about the elves.

The queen of the elf tribe rules an elf tribe like a queen bee, and the others are her people and children, and also her worker bees.

Every queen of the elf tribe can have an equal mental connection with the queens of other tribes, as a way to ask for help at critical moments.

This is also one of the reasons why these people did not dare to torture her.

"These people are here for the secret of the Desert God's Treasure. They don't know where they got the news about me and the Desert God's Treasure."

"Desert God's Treasure?" Mirandiel didn't care about being angry after hearing this. He looked at her in surprise and said:

"Legend has it that it is a treasure left by the gods. Anyone who gets it will have the power to unify the Sulme Desert."

The queen nodded and said, "Yes, I accidentally learned the secret of this matter three years ago, but I didn't expect it to cause such a disaster."

"Sir, I can see that you are very powerful. As long as you help me get revenge, I am willing to tell you about the Desert God's Treasure."

After hearing about the Desert God's Treasure, the doctor thought to himself, isn't this the foreshadowing that the main body cast three years ago?

Unexpectedly, it was related to her.

At the beginning, Fu Li arranged foreshadowing about the demon god all over the world, and the Desert God's Treasure was one of them.

At first, it was intended to attract the attention of the desert people, but unexpectedly, the elf tribe in the neighboring forest knew the important clues, and the queen of the elf tribe was also an unprovoked disaster.

To the west of Dranok is the Surmer Desert. After crossing the Surmer Desert, there is a large forest to the west. This is the habitat of the elves.

Although I don’t know how she knew it, it doesn’t matter. The doctor doesn’t care who discovered this secret.

“Desert God’s Hidden Treasure…”


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