The news of the newly established Winter Kingdom is spreading all over the world, and countless official or private speeches have been made.

Most of them are ambiguous, and only a few countries will express support and opposition.

After all, the former Byersos was not a powerful country.

But the underground has long been undercurrents, and various reporters and spies have been sent to Winter Kingdom to find out the true situation.

What they are most concerned about is the aristocratic system that Winter Kingdom announced to abolish, which makes the royal families and nobles of various countries feel a little uneasy.

After all, before this, countries have never announced the abolition of aristocrats, and they have become a little wary of Winter Kingdom.

In the space filled with gray fog, Fu Li discussed the current situation with Pucciniella and Pantalone.

"All the nobles have been controlled. They must pay back the interest they earned." Pucciniella handed a long list to Fu Li.

All the nobles and chaebols on the list have been marked and must be cleared out.

These corrupt things have been entrenched in this country for too long and have taken root. If they cannot be uprooted, there will only be endless troubles.

"I believe everyone has understood the consequences of doing so. The royal nobles in the international community will definitely strongly resist us." Fu Li looked at the densely packed names on the list and said:

"But it doesn't matter. They can't really send out troops."

Pantaronie also nodded and said: "Most of them are strong on the outside but weak on the inside. I have seen too many such people in the past five years."

"Of course, we must also despise the enemy strategically and pay attention to the enemy tactically. There will also be counterattacks from these various royal nobles."

"As long as we get through it smoothly, everything will be fine." Fu Li pinched his chin and thought for a while and said: "In this case, then our actions in Hai Mo Ling will also begin."

"Divert the attention of various countries, I'm afraid that only one Hai Mo Ling will not work." Pucciniella explained:

"A large number of nobles will be purged by us, which is very contrary to this world. Let Xinola take action as well. Isn't she very close to the Witch Association recently?"

"Rosaline? That's fine. She will also take action in other countries after a while." Fu Li thought about it and felt that it would be okay for multiple ladies to cause trouble.

"What about Dranoq? Are we going to leave this slave state alone?" Pantalone said with a smile, "Look how pitiful those cute animal-eared girls are. We are old 2D people, how can we let them suffer?"

"Of course we won't leave it alone." Fu Li replied, "It's just that the Fatui don't need to take action."

"Also, Pantalone, don't mention the 2D world next time. It's really disgusting to be sarcastic."

"It's okay to scold yourself for being disgusting." Pantalone said nonchalantly, "Don't forget your roots... …”

“It’s not just the beast-eared girls who are enslaved, there are also beast-eared tough guys. How about finding a few tough guys to serve you in the future?” Fu Li said unhappily:

“Let’s not talk about jokes for now. Pantalone, you should pay attention to the price fluctuations in the Kingdom of Winter. Anyone who dares to take advantage of this to cause chaos and drive up prices should be eliminated without any mercy.”

“Leave the public security issues to Dartaglia, and Pucciniella will focus on cleaning up these nobles.”

“Is everything okay?”

After discussing some details, the few people withdrew from this spiritual space.

It must be said that it is really convenient for all the characters played by themselves to work together, plus the secret transmission of the spiritual space regardless of distance.

In addition, most of the officers of the Fatui are low-star cards drawn by the system, so all political orders can be faithfully implemented to the greatest extent.

There is no endless wrangling, no high-level officials who pretend to obey but disobey, and no selfish and corrupt insects.

It is so comfortable to rule a country. This alone can surpass all countries in the world.

After all, they don't want to let themselves be the rulers of a country.


On the first day of the establishment of the Kingdom of Winter, since Pucciniella gave a speech on the founding of the country, countless former Byersos have been living in fear. Now they have changed their name to Winterlanders.

All cities have been taken over by the Fatui. They are guarding important government agencies, military facilities, radio broadcasts and other places with weapons.

The streets are full of patrolling Fatui soldiers, and there are already many blind people.

The gangster died under their guns.

In the capital of the Kingdom of Winter, there was an even more solemn atmosphere.

Ordinary people watched the nobles who were usually arrogant being dragged onto a large truck by the soldiers of the Fatui like dead dogs.

What awaited them was probably not a good ending.

"You can't do this! I am the head of the Astiyan family. Why did that bastard Pucciniera abolish the aristocracy and rob our property!"

The noble who was held by the Fatui screamed and cried, and the gorgeous clothes cut by the senior tailor were torn to pieces. His dusty appearance no longer resembled his former arrogance.

"I'm sorry, sir, your Astiyan family has been on the list of Lord Rooster for selling state secrets, organizing slave trade, corruption and other issues. Please honestly go back with us and confess your crimes."

Tatiana Xuenetsevna sneered at the embarrassed noble in front of her.

She was not produced by the system, but was a war orphan born in Byersos. She was trained by the Fatui five years ago, and now she has become the captain of the Fatui secret operation team through her own efforts.

All Fatui soldiers, at the moment they officially become Fatui, will get the surname of Xuenetsevich for men and Xuenetsevna for women.

When Tatiana was a little girl in her teens, she witnessed the most brutal war and the tragedy of her family members being starved to death.

At that time, these nobles and tycoons had hoarded a lot of food and wealth but were not willing to take them out at all, and even raised the prices of food and various materials crazily.

And the noble in front of him was one of the culprits who raised prices crazily back then.

"You are making enemies with the nobles! I want to talk to Pucciniera, where are the Pucciniera people! Come out to see me quickly!" The head of Astimov shouted ferociously.

Unfortunately, no one paid any attention to him.

"Shut up." Tatiana clenched her right fist and hit him in the abdomen.

The noble Astiyan finally shut up, spitting blood and becoming listless.


"Take them away, there are several more families that we need to take care of next." Tatiana took a look at the list in her hand, took out a pen and crossed out the Astiyan family on it.

The people on the list were all tasks assigned to their teams by the rooster.

After Tatiana and her people left, the civilians of the Kingdom of Winter slowly walked to the place where it happened just now and discussed with each other.

"These nobles really deserve to die."

"Lord Pucciniella is right, they are a bunch of termites."

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