The truth is, the truth is, the truth is.

What happened to Tatiana and the others was happening all over the Kingdom of Winter.

Especially in the capital, all the civilians had a big eye-opener today.

After countless glamorous nobles were dragged away by the Fatui, radio stations covering the whole country were broadcasting the crimes these nobles had committed.

"The Soros family, the Ramovich family, the Aspending family, etc., will be ruthlessly sanctioned by the Kingdom of Winter for their suspected crimes of profiting from the national crisis, slave trade, robbery, rape, etc."

"The vast people of Winter, please don't panic, our actions are only against those who are extremely evil."

"The love of the Ice Queen will only take care of those kind people, and for these country's parasites, only ruthless ice and snow and swords can send them to hell!"

With the propaganda of the radio, more and more people in Winter walked out of their homes, and they felt extremely happy when they saw the iron-blooded fools dragging out those nobles and their gangster minions.

It will take some time to clean up the nobles, after all, they still have a lot of wealth that needs to be spit out before being punished.

But these gangs don't need to be so troublesome.

Gangsters are the group that has the deepest contact with the ordinary people of Winter, and they are hated by all the people.

Pucciniella needs to use their heads to stabilize the hearts of the people of Winter.

So in the center of the largest square in the capital of Zhidong, a huge temporary platform was built with thousands of people kneeling and tied up tightly.

Below was a huge crowd of Zhidong citizens who came to watch. After receiving the notification from the radio station, they immediately rushed over.

The radio continued to broadcast to the whole country:

"These gangsters bully men and women and commit all kinds of evil. They have committed crimes such as murder, robbery, smuggling, slave trade, and forcing women into prostitution!"

"Countless people have been destroyed by them, and countless happy families have been destroyed because of them. As a member of Zhidong, we must never let this crime go!"

"The noble and great Ice Queen will never allow such crimes to exist, so..."

"In the name of the Ice Queen, these gangsters are sentenced to death and executed immediately!"

As soon as the voice fell, the people in the square burst into thunderous cheers. They have suffered from gangsters for a long time. The gangs in this country have been rampant for too long, so they have become accustomed to the existence of gangsters.

But after today's speech, the people of the Kingdom of Winter finally realized that these gangs were just a group of stray dogs in the eyes of Pucciniella and others.

The gangs used to be because Byers was indulged by the royal family and the nobles, but now that the Kingdom of Winter was established, they can no longer tolerate them.

With the support of the nobles and the chaebols, they never thought that they would have today's ending. No matter how powerful the gangs are, they are all lambs to be slaughtered in the face of Tartaglia and the Fatui armed with the evil eye.

"For the great and noble Ice Queen!"

"For the great and noble Ice Queen!"

"For the great and noble Ice Queen!"

Someone in the crowd shouted this sentence, as if it was somewhat contagious, and it spread from one to ten, and from ten to a hundred.

In the end, the whole square was shouting the Ice Queen.

The gangs tied to the execution platform were all gang leaders and thugs who were selected by intelligence agencies for their heinous crimes.

At this time, they no longer had that arrogant look, only fear spread all over their bodies.

Dadalia stood on the execution platform and raised his hand: "All kinds of soldiers, ready---!"

After hearing Dadalia's order, the soldiers of the Fools raised their muskets and put the muzzles of the guns against the backs of the heads of these gangsters.

Many gang leaders could no longer hold back, their bodies kept trembling, and they cried and begged for mercy.

"Let me go, I still have a lot of money, you can take it all, just leave my life..."

Their pleas for mercy were useless, and Dadalia gently waved his hand down.


"Bang bang bang--"

The sound of gunfire continued, and the criminals on the execution platform finally got the punishment they deserved.

The collective execution of thousands of people, this is something that has never happened in this world.

Seeing the death of these gangsters, the people in the square burst into more enthusiastic voices again.

"Long live the Ice Queen! Let these damned gangsters go to hell!"

"Master Puccini did a great job! Long live the Ice Queen!"

"For the noble Ice Queen,

"Your Majesty the Queen!"

The mood that had been suppressed for many years finally broke out and was released, and this fanatical trend of thought then spread throughout the country of winter.

Pucciniella and Pantalone were watching the execution scene on a building not far away.

"Sure enough, collective execution of these gangs is a good choice, which can quickly gather the mood of the people." Pantalone took a sip of coffee and said: "This is also beneficial to our rule and the harvest of cause and effect points."

"It's just that our approach will create a lot of enemies." Pucciniella carefully checked the cleansing list to see if there were any omissions.

"Hehe, are you afraid?" Pantalone chuckled and looked at the execution scene below.

"You're joking, there is no opponent in front of us." Pucciniella replied.

"Hey, you still say you are not a second dimension, and you said what Aizen said. "

"I just relax my mood. After all, we communicate with ourselves, so we don't have to act so deeply. "Pucciniella said indifferently: "Everyone is a second-dimensional person."

"Is it really okay for us to be OOC like this?"

"No one sees it anyway, what's wrong with it?"


On the first day of its establishment, the Kingdom of Winter gave people all over the world a big surprise.

Thousands of gang leaders and thugs were collectively executed, and various nobles were captured. Countless media and reporters wanted to hug Pucciniella and kiss him.

This rare spectacle in a century made them very happy.

Reporters from many countries have already rushed to the Kingdom of Winter, and some news media have even communicated with the Kingdom of Winter through their own diplomatic means, hoping to interview Pucciniella and Pantarone.

It would be even better if their Ice Queen could accept the interview.

Official spokespersons of various countries said that they would pay serious attention to the matter, and then there was no movement.

Whether the gangs live or die is none of their business, but the nobles are If it is really abolished and executed like a gangster.

Many nobles in many countries will express strong resistance.

For example, Vestalia.

At this time, in the palace council hall of Vestalia, Jupiter frowned and watched a group of nobles and officials quarreling below.

Most of these nobles are old nobles over 60 years old. Because of their age, they did not go to the battlefield five years ago and survived.

There are also some young nobles, who are basically women. They are widows who inherited the titles of their husbands who died in the war.

Since the armistice agreement, the world's atmosphere has changed a lot. The boundaries between nobles and civilians have gradually faded, and these ladies who used to only appear in social occasions have not only obtained titles, but also have the right to participate in politics.

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