The story of the Surme Desert is slowly fermenting.

At the port of Haimo Ling, countless cargo ships are moored here, and the containers on the shore are endless.

Since Ningguang came here, Haimo Ling has undergone earth-shaking changes.

First of all, after the brothels were banned, the infection rate of syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases dropped a lot, and prostitutes got safe and stable jobs after being treated and transformed.

Various light industries or handicrafts such as textile factories, food factories, oil and grain factories, and candy factories have obtained a large number of employees, and the social value or other values ​​created are by no means comparable to the former brothels.

Although many people complained about the abolition of brothels, under Ningguang's iron-fisted rule, no one dared to openly resist her.

The captured gangsters were sent to do hard labor, and those who dared to stab were taken as consumables for the doctor.

The city construction was replanned by Keqing and others, and it was no longer dirty and messy as before.

After stabilizing, Haimo Ling developed various commercial activities under the promotion of Ningguang. Relying on the natural deep-water port, a large amount of goods were brought in and out every day.

Now most of the underground forces stationed in Haimo Ling are almost agents from various countries, and all the gang forces that have become a little bit have been almost wiped out.

And today, several agents from various countries are squatting at the port, observing an armed fleet docked at the port, and then exchanging industry information with each other.

A Vistaria agent took a beer, took a sip, and said to the agents from other countries around him:

"Hey, did you see that? That woman dared to challenge Ningguang."

"I saw it. She's been very popular recently." Another agent sighed: "Beidou? I think that's her name."

"That day I saw her swaggering into Ningguang's territory, and I thought she was dead."

"In the end, nothing happened."

"The most incredible thing is that I don't know how she talked to Ningguang, but she actually got the armed permit!"

"Now we are forming a maritime armed force and recruiting a large number of people."

The agents expressed their surprise at Beidou. This woman appeared not long ago and gave everyone a big job as soon as she came.

At that time, she found the newly opened casino alone and told the behind-the-scenes boss Ye Lan that she wanted to gamble with Ningguang.

Who is Ye Lan? The agents know him very well. They are all in the same industry.

But this colleague was ruthless, and many gangsters and nobles died at her hands.

But Ye Lan agreed so readily.

After that, Ningguang came to the casino. It is unknown what she gambled on, but after that day, Beidou had a license for an armed fleet.

At first, everyone suspected whether Beidou was Ningguang's man, but after observing for a few days, the other party's style and style were different from Ningguang's.

Ningguang, such a ruthless person, was willing to let her form an armed force?

What a joke, Ningguang couldn't even tolerate the gangs, let alone an entire armed fleet.

But this was their misunderstanding of Ningguang. In fact, Ningguang's methods were ruthless, but they were all based on this world or Hai Moling.

If it was in Liyue in Teyvat, Ningguang's methods would be much milder.

Back to the overall situation, Beidou attracted quite a lot of people to join her because of the armed license, but most of them were brushed off by her.

"The other side has the Eye of God..." an agent muttered to himself, "Don't you think that many people with the Eye of God suddenly appeared now?"

"Didn't they say that the Seven Gods have awakened? It's not surprising that more people have received the attention of the gods."

"Look at Mond, there are almost ten known holders of the Eye of God there."

"I also want to get the attention of the gods..." A certain agent stared at the sky blankly and said, "What do you think those gods will cast their eyes on?"

"I don't know, it is said that some kind of desire or hope has reached the extreme."

"Does my desire to retire early count?"


No matter what these agents think, Beidou is a bit of a headache.

Many people or forces came to Beidou because she had an armed permit, thinking about whether they could take the opportunity to make a fortune.

This is a huge lucrative job. Look at those forces that have obtained casino licenses. The profits they get from casinos every day are simply astronomical figures.

Under Ningguang's casino license strategy, it can attract gamblers from all over the world every day.

It is safe here. The casino does not cheat. They will never cheat you just because you win money. They even provide bodyguard services and hotel services for gamblers. This has never happened in the world.

What is dimensionality reduction attack? This is it.

Use the casino rules of the previous life to attack the casino rules of today. There is no need for those dirty tricks.

As long as you do the math and pump the money, you have already won.

Not to mention the armed forces at sea. As a regular military organization, whether it is escorting caravans, fighting pirates, or doing business by itself, it is absolutely profitable.

Even if Beidou has no money, as long as she has this armed permit, countless people will rush to give her money.

"These guys are so weak." Beidou sighed, "Do you really think I'm here to do business?"

"In their eyes, this is business."

The one who answered her was a young man with white hair and red eyes, dressed in an exotic samurai outfit. At this time, he was sitting on the bow looking at the port of Hai Mo Ling:

"This voyage is not dangerous for us, but for them, it is a life-threatening adventure."

"I will make it clear to them before going out to sea, and I won't object if they want to leave."

"Also, Manye, don't just sit and watch, we still need a lot of sailors, help me test the quality of these guys."

Beidou said: "Although the important personnel of the fleet are our card-drawing characters, we still have to recruit the sailors below and buy the warships ourselves."

Just when the two were worrying about how to recruit sailors, they heard from their subordinates that a noble woman wanted to discuss a big business with Beidou.

"Big business? You really think we are a sucker, reject her."

Beidou didn't even think about rejecting, they were not going there for business.

"Please don't rush to reject."

A gentle voice came to Beidou's ears, and when she looked up, she saw a blond girl in gorgeous clothes standing in front of her.

"Edwardine van Merovingen, greets His Excellency."

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