The golden-haired girl who called herself Edwardlin van Meroving was standing in front of Beidou and Fengyuan Manye.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Beidou. Please forgive my offense." Edwardlin lifted the hem of her skirt and bowed to the two of them.

"We are not doing business this time."

"Mr. Beidou, I think you are short of skilled sailors." Edwardlin stared at Beidou and said, "I can provide you with skilled sailors. They are all former navy officers who have experienced the End War."

"Oh? Interesting..." Beidou became interested as soon as he heard it. There are not many navy officers who have experienced the End War, even in the entire Haimoling.

"You said they are former navy?"


"Just tell me, what do you want to do with me?" Beidou looked at the other party. Whether it was her dress or her temperament, this girl didn't look like an ordinary noble.

And her last name seemed to be unusual.

"I..." Edwardlin bit her lip, thought for a while, and waited for Beidou to disperse his men before speaking:

"I want Mr. Beidou to send me to Telos."

"Telos?" Beidou was unmoved: "There are many ships going to Telos, you don't have to find me."


"Miss Merovingian, please tell the truth, Big Sister Beidou is not a talkative person." Fengyuan Manye walked to Edwardlin and said, "If you don't tell the truth, we can't help you."

"Just call me Edwardlin, and may I ask this gentleman..."

"My name is Fengyuan Manye."

"Okay, Mr. Fengyuan..." Edwardlin closed her eyes for a while, took a deep breath and said, "I am the princess of Telos. This time I returned to Telos to stop my brother."

"Telos?" Beidou and Fengyuan Manye looked at each other. They had heard of this country. The southernmost part of the Elf Forest through the Silent Land is Telos.

But almost no one can survive the Silent Land, so most people choose to take a detour or take the sea route.

A coup d'état took place in this country a few years ago. After the old king was killed by the prince, the prince became the new king of Delos.

The brother she mentioned should be the current king of Delos.

"You want to go back and stop your brother? How to stop him?"

Beidou glanced at her. The girl had delicate and smooth skin, and her appearance and figure could be called a beauty, but her limbs were weak. Although she walked elegantly, she lacked strength.

"My brother has committed an unforgivable mistake. As long as I return to the country and announce the truth, he will be punished."

"In order to cover up his mistake, my brother tried his best to kill me. I took a few people and hid for several years before I came to Haimoling." Edward Lin looked at the two of them seriously and said:

"My brother controls all the passages into Delos. If ordinary ships enter, they will be stopped and even their lives will be in danger."

"But..." Edward Lin looked at Beidou and Fengyuan Manye: "Both of you have the Eye of God, and you have obtained Ningguang's armed permission."

At this point, Beidou and Fengyuan Manye understood that they were just hired to send the princess back to Delos.

Beidou did not object to being a mercenary, but she felt that the girl was too naive. No matter how big the mistake was, her brother had made it. He killed his father and established himself, and he became the king steadily.

"If you want to make public his mistakes, you can go to the media. Why do you have to go back in person?" Fengyuan Manye asked curiously, "Isn't this better?"

"No, since my brother became king, he has banned the outside media and driven them all away."

"Miss Edwardlin, I think you should think about it carefully. According to what you said, your brother has already controlled the country. Even if his mistakes are made public, it may be useless."

"No, this is a mistake that is absolutely unacceptable to Telos..." Edwardlin insisted on his opinion, "I wonder if you have heard of the Telos curse?"

"Telos curse?"


Edwardlin talked about the most famous curse in her country.

It is said that hundreds of years ago, or thousands of years ago, a king of Telos was extremely cruel, arrogant, extravagant, and killed innocent people indiscriminately.

But his queen was very kind and kept admonishing the king.

But the king did not listen to the queen and continued his cruel and cruel character. Countless people were killed by him, and the country was almost collapsed because of him.

The most

Later, the king may have been impatient with the queen and wanted to execute her.

On the day of the execution, the queen shed tears of blood and shed a curse that lasted for a thousand years:

"The king who violates human ethics must be pierced through the heart by thousands of arrows."

Later, the king also responded to the curse and was killed by thousands of arrows pierced through the heart by his people.

At that time, people thought that the queen's curse referred to patricide and self-establishment, but later another king who killed his father and established himself appeared in Delos, but he did not respond to the curse.

The curse seemed to be broken, which is what people later thought.

But in the next few hundred years, dozens of kings were killed by thousands of arrows pierced through the heart, so people summarized the lives of these kings.

In the end, they were shocked to find that the queen's curse was still continuing.

But her curse never referred to patricide!

"So..." Beidou looked at Edwardlin deeply. She was very young, only in her teens, and his brother was already in his forties.

"It seems that Lord Beidou has guessed it..."

Edward Lin smiled bitterly: "My biological brother is the king of Delos and my biological father..."

Maple Leaf's hand holding the knife trembled, and his pupils trembled.

The so-called Queen's curse, those who violate human ethics, turned out to be like this.

It's no wonder that his brother is so afraid of her, as long as she goes back and announces this matter.

Her brother will never have a peaceful day. He will start to guard against everyone, doubt everyone, and no longer trust everyone, so as not to suffer the curse of thousands of arrows piercing the heart.

At that time, the people below don't want to oppose him, but they can't.

Or, he no longer trusts anyone now.

Getting rid of Edward Lin is also a kind of psychological comfort, hoping that the curse can be calmed after silencing her.

"My brother has made too many mistakes, I must stop him." Edwardlin looked at his hands and said, "I am not a person who should exist in this world..."

"You two, after I kill my brother, I will give you a generous gift."

"Now, I have brought a lot of experienced naval sailors and a lot of money."

"I wonder if Mr. Beidou is willing to accept this commission?"

Beidou looked at Edwardlin for a long time. This girl is young, but she gives people a tendency to self-destruct.

"I accept this commission."

Beidou agreed. There are karmic points to earn, and there is money to be made. It's a waste not to do it.

"However, we have to finish the business first before we can go to Delos. Is that okay with you?" Beidou glanced at her: "Similarly, this trip is very dangerous. Are you ready?"

"Thank you, sir. I'm at the end of my rope." Edwardlin said: "You are my only choice."

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