The king was in a hurry to get married.

In the hall, the royal priests were stunned by Edward Lin's words for a long time before they came to their senses and looked at the two.

"Your Majesty, you..."

"Don't listen to her, it's all fake!" Reinputz roared, looking at this person who is both his sister and his daughter with hatred.

Why did you come back, bastard!

"Of course it's true." Edward Lin stretched out his right hand, and a silver bracelet hung on his wrist: "Use it to prove it."

"Is this... a witch's cursed magic weapon?" The priests looked at the wrist.

"Yes, this is the magic weapon used by witches to curse the blood of their loved ones."

Edwardlin held the bracelet tightly, and the sharp part of the bracelet pierced her palm, and blood flowed out.

At the same time, scars also appeared on Reinputz's palm.

"You must have some other evil curse, it is definitely not like what you said!" The panicked Reinputz pointed at Edwardlin and said, "Nonsense, kill her for me!"

The priests did not respond to his order, but looked deeply at the scars on the palms of the two.

"As long as both parties are close enough... they can produce an effect similar to the holy scars in the Holy Trinity."

There is a saying in the Holy Trinity that if the wound of a believer happens to be in the same position as the saint's suffering, such a wound is called a holy scar.

The cursed bracelet in Edwardlin's hand has a similar effect, but it is linked to the blood of the loved ones. It was originally a magic weapon used by witches to curse enemies and their loved ones in a chain.

Now she uses it to prove her bloodline.

"In addition to my method, I believe you have other ways to prove my words."

The priests believed Edwardlin's words for the most part at this moment, and they just needed to confirm it in their own way.

"No, no! I didn't do such a thing!" Reinputz said as he retreated.

"Your Majesty, this is a serious matter. Please let us..." A priest walked up to him and blocked his retreat.

"How dare you! I am the king of Teloth, how dare you do anything to me?"

Reinputz shouted: "Why don't you arrest this woman who deceives people with her lies?"

Several priests winked at each other and surrounded him. One of them took out a magic weapon, collected the blood on Reinputz and Edwardlin's palms, and then chanted.

"Don't do this, don't do this!" Reinputz wanted to stop the other party's actions, but unfortunately he had been stopped long ago and could only watch helplessly.

At this time, his eyes were red, and his whole body was like a frightened animal, with hair standing up one by one.

After a while, the priest holding the magic weapon nodded heavily to the others.

"Your Majesty, you really committed an immoral act..."

Several priests sighed, and they could understand what he had done in the past few years.

With the queen's curse, his future fate would definitely not be much better.

In the hearts of the people of Telosia, committing a crime against human relations is the most unforgivable mistake, no matter who the other party is. This is the profound impact of the queen's curse on the people of this country.

"Edward Lin, why do you want to come back! Why!"

After looking at the attitudes of the priests, Reinputz knew that he was at the end of his road.

Those who knew the truth would no longer obey him, and the curse of thousands of arrows piercing the heart might come at any time.

"Uh ah..." Reinputz finally yelled dry mouth, tears kept flowing, and he uttered meaningless mumblings.

Edwardlin looked at Reinputz, with a complex expression on his face, and said, "Brother, you and I are both not allowed to exist by the world."

She grabbed Reinputz's hand, and the other party just let her manipulate him blankly, as if he was an unconscious puppet.

In the final analysis, Reinputz is a guy who looks strong but is weak inside. Not to mention Marcus, he is not even as good as Flamborough III.

Pulling Reinputz slowly out of the hall, Beidou and the worshippers did not stop him, but just watched this ridiculous farce that was about to end quietly.

Looking at the moonlight in the sky, Edwardlin's eyes were a little wet.

"I long for the outside world and countless adventure stories, but I know that I have my own responsibilities."

Reinputz was stunned for a long time before he regained his sanity.

"Edwardlin, will I... be pierced by thousands of arrows and die?"


"Please, I don't want to be cursed to death

! "Rhine Putz suddenly burst into tears, knelt beside Edward Lin, grabbed her hand, and said in a pleading voice:

"Help me, you are my daughter! You must have a way, right? Right?"

Rhine Putz at this time is more like a naive child than a king, constantly admitting mistakes and crying.

"If you make a mistake, you should be punished." Edward Lin helped him up, "This is what you taught me before."

"So brother, let's go to hell together."

After saying that, Edward Lin pulled out a dagger from her skirt and pointed it at herself.

"It's a pity, I haven't seen enough of the outside world..." Edward Lin's tears slowly flowed down, but a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth:

"But it's enough, at least I finally got rid of the birdcage today, and my heart is free."

Even if it's only for a little while, then before landing, let me fly freely in the moonlight.

"Big Sister Beidou, it's nice to meet you. "

The dagger carried obscure magic power, and stabbed at her neck under the gaze of everyone.

"Not good!"

"Stop her quickly!"

"She wants to commit suicide with Reinputz!"

Beidou was wrapped in thunder all over his body, and he rushed towards the two people with one foot, but stopped immediately.

Because at this moment, Edwardlin suddenly burst out with a dazzling white light.

Ice and snow suddenly fell from her vicinity, and the cold air gathered together, and finally turned into a gem-like object.

Eye of God.

This is something that can only be possessed after getting the attention of God.

The dagger cut a bloody mark on Edwardlin's neck, but her mind was attracted by the sudden arrival of the Eye of God.

"God, are you watching me?"

She looked at the floating Eye of God, stretched out her hand to take it, and immediately felt a strange power flowing through her body. She could feel that she had established some incredible connection with this Eye of God.

"Why do you get the attention of God! "Rheinputz suddenly yelled at Edwardlin madly: "But my bastard, why do you deserve to have the Eye of God!"

He pushed Edwardlin away and staggered outside.

"The Queen's curse is just fake!"

"As long as you never appear in front of me, the curse will not take effect. I have lived well in the past few years!"

"So why did you come back!"

Bang bang bang bang————

The sudden sound of gunfire interrupted his words.


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