The dead body was broken, and the dead body was buried.

Rheinputz lowered his head and looked at his body, which was already riddled with holes. Countless holes began to bleed.

"So... the heart pierced by thousands of arrows also includes muskets..."

The queen's curse still took effect, but it changed from being pierced by thousands of arrows to being shot into a hornet's nest by muskets.

Edwardlin also reacted and walked over to the dead Reinputz in front of him.

"General Mel, I didn't expect it to be you who took action."

"Not bad."

When Mel entered the royal family tonight, he saw that several worshippers invited by Reinputz at a high price were killed by Fengyuan Manye, and he ordered his men to surround the palace without hesitation.

When he saw Reinputz running out of the hall frantically, he ordered his men to open fire.

The curse of thousands of arrows piercing the heart came true today.

"Reinputz made a big mistake. He violated human ethics and died from the queen's curse." Mel said coldly:

"Princess Edwardlin discovered her brother's mistake, so she was hunted down. Now she returns to Tilos to kill her relatives and take over the throne."

"General Mel, there is no need to hide the truth." Edwardlin shook her head, looked at Reinputz's body, and sighed:

"He is right, I am a bastard and not suitable to take over the throne."

"I should die with him."

"Princess!" Mel suddenly shouted: "As long as we don't say it, no one will know your true identity! Please take over the throne and lead Tilos back to normal."

"Besides, you already have the Eye of God, and everyone will believe you."

Mel's words were recognized by Beidou and the royal worship.

As long as they don't say it, Edwardlin can keep her identity secret forever.


Edwardine rejected Mel's proposal and picked up the body of Reinputz, who was both her father and her brother.

"Fake is fake after all. I don't want my identity to cause the country to fall into danger again."

Mel's lips moved, and finally watched Edwardine leave without saying anything.

"I'll go and see." Beidou greeted Mel and followed Edwardine.

After the two left, Mel returned to his previous appearance and said to several royal servants: "Protect the princess, now she is the last heir of Delos."

"We understand."

An hour later.

Beidou leaned against a tree and watched Edwardine raise the shovel and keep digging the soil.

Her long skirt and face were stained with dust. It took a long time to dig a big hole in the ground.

"Are you really not going to inherit the throne?" Beidou said, "You are the only heir left in Telos now."

"Telos will not perish because of the lack of an heir."

Edwardine put Reinputz's body into the newly dug pit, rested for a while, and then raised the shovel to sprinkle the soil on it.

"I should have died with my brother, but I didn't expect that someone like me would be noticed by the gods."

After saying that, she smiled self-deprecatingly: "Parricide..."

"I am also a patricide."

"Anyway, at least let me, your daughter, help bury him."

Edwardine's identity also made Beidou at a loss for words. Such an identity would still be pointed out in this world, not to mention in the previous life.

No matter which world, people's malice will not decrease.

If the truth is exposed, Edwardine will face more malice.

"Do you really want to reveal the truth?"

"I've made up my mind, no matter what kind of malice and ridicule I face in the future." Edwardlin wiped the sweat off his face after filling the soil.

"Who do you want to take over Telos?"

Edwardlin put the shovel aside, thought for a while and said, "I once read a book. It is said that many years ago, the sages proposed a kind of governance idea."

"In a republic, the monarch is no longer the supreme leader of the country, but the people govern the country together."

Beidou looked at Edwardlin in surprise. She was not surprised that there was a republican political idea in this world.

But she was surprised that Edwardlin, the only heir to the royal family, wanted to promote a republic in Telos.

There is no real republic in this world, and this ideological system has been criticized by many scholars as a castle in the air and unrealistic.

"I only know a little about the republic, and I have to discuss the specific situation with General Mel."

Edwardlin smiled

: "Just now after getting the Eye of God, I figured it out. I can't die now."

"Telos still needs me to change. It's ridiculous to expect every generation of monarchs in the country to be powerful and wise."

"The so-called Queen's Curse is a curse on the monarchy. The emergence of a tyrant can turn the efforts of dozens of previous monarchs into ashes."

"My brother is the best negative example."

"So you want to promote the monarchy?"

"Yes, only when the king completely disappears will the Queen's Curse disappear."

Edwardlin looked at the small earthen slope under her feet, the person who gave her life, The person who wanted to strangle her life again, just slept here forever,

"In the next few years, I want to travel around, see the political systems of various countries, and find ways to replace the monarch."

"The theory of republicanism requires a lot of information and theoretical experience."

At this point, Edwardlin looked at Beidou: "So, Big Sister Beidou, can I join your fleet?"

"You are most welcome!"

Beidou stretched out her hand and held Edwardlin: "From now on, you are a member of my fleet."

Tillos, a country located on the edge, many people have completely changed after waking up.

Rheinputz van Merovingen, because of the crime of violating human ethics, was cursed by Tilos and died.

Edwardlin van Merovingen, the princess who was once loved by the people, also announced her true identity on the national broadcast.

This made many people unacceptable. They thought that the princess was hunted by Reinputz because of the power struggle of the royal family.

But they didn't expect that the truth was so unacceptable.

However, this also explains the series of actions taken by Reinputz after he came to power. The white terror and the isolation of the country were all to prevent the truth from being revealed.

People fell into confusion and didn't know how to face Edwardlin.

At this time, Edwardlin announced another major event.

As the only heir to the royal family of Tilos, she announced the complete abolition of the monarchy. From then on, there would be no more kings, and she would no longer be a princess.

The political affairs of Tilos will be temporarily managed by General Mel and others, and she will follow Beidou and travel around the world to complete a political concept called "republic".

Today is sunny and the sky is clear.

Edwardlin stood on the deck, looking at the gradually shrinking port.

"Goodbye, Tilos, my hometown."

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