Soon, the news that Guiyuli City was being invaded by a large number of creatures was transmitted to Morax through the Thousand Miles Sound Transmission Note.

Morax, who received the report, could not help but frown.

A large number of biological invasions?

"What happened?"

Seeing Morax's expression change, Ruo Tuo asked.

"Guiyuli is being invaded by a large number of creatures. The specific situation is not clear, but we will know what happened when we get outside."

In Morax's divine perspective, he found that on the east side of Guiyuli City, there were densely packed small marine creatures approaching Guiyuli.

What happened, was it biological migration?

Obviously this is not normal.

"Okay, I'll go with you."

Ruo Tuo said.

Then the two of them decisively flew into the sky and flew towards the east of Guiyuli City. When they arrived here, they saw this scene.

A group of soft-bodied creatures, little guys with many tentacles, with thick mucus on their bodies, are crawling towards the inner streets of Guiyuli's outer city.

They enter the streets and crawl to any place they can climb.

Even the jars used by Guiyuli's people to pickle vegetables have been occupied by these little guys.

A large number of city guards who received the news dragged their tired bodies and came to the scene at night, fully armed. They looked at the scene in front of them and instantly fell into a state of confusion.

There are too many of these creatures, they are crawling everywhere!

The city guards who have never seen such a scene did not know what to do for a moment.

"What is this scene? Should these creatures crawl out of the ocean? Did they crawl all the way from the seashore to our Guiyuli?"

The scene in front of him shocked Ruo Tuo.

It is hard to imagine what is going on.

Although the location of Guiyuli City can be said to be close to the ocean, it is not built directly on the seashore like a port city.

There is still a distance from the ocean.

So did this group of marine creatures crawl from the sea to Guiyuli?

"From a universal point of view, this kind of creature living in the ocean should not leave the ocean easily. They are very dependent on the marine environment."

"The reason why they can crawl from the ocean to Guiyuli is probably because they are wrapped in thick mucus."

"But as they continue to go deep inland, as time goes by, the water will dry up and eventually return to the world."

"Perhaps something changed under the sea, causing them to lose their own homes and thus have to leave their homes."

After a period of analysis, Morax roughly guessed the possibility behind the migration of these marine creatures.

What kind of changes have taken place on the seabed has no direct impact on Guiyuli at present.

You can put it aside for now and don't worry about it.

At present, these hundreds of thousands of marine creatures are a big trouble for Gui Yuli, and will inevitably have various effects on Gui Yuli.

In order to ensure the normal operation of Gui Yuli, the most urgent task is to clean up these marine creatures first.

Morax told Ruo Tuo who was standing beside him that he was going to clean up these marine creatures.

"? Clean up all these marine creatures?!"

Ruo Tuo was stunned.

If it were placed in other scenes, cleaning up these marine creatures would be too simple, but this is in Gui Yuli City.

It is definitely not possible to let the power affect Gui Yuli buildings.

Then the question is, how to send these densely crawling creatures out of Gui Yuli one by one under the condition of limited power?

"You don't want to catch those creatures one by one and then send them out, do you?"

"From a general rational point of view, this method is the most feasible at present."

Morax affirmed.

Then Ruotu fell into deep thought.

"Emperor, what happened?"

Gui Zhong, who felt the movement in Guiyuli City, immediately brought Heulia to find the emperor after checking the bad situation in the city.

When Gui Zhong and Heulia arrived, the stove demon Marcosius also rushed over.

Then the five Yakshas and some immortals who came to Guiyuli from Jueyunjian to feel the festive atmosphere of the Sea Lantern Festival also gathered towards the emperor.

The people were almost all there.

Based on Morax's past experience, a certain feather god guy, it is estimatedJi had already entered a state of retreat and cultivation, so he did not continue to wait.

Everyone was very surprised by the current situation.

Morax briefly recounted the possibilities he had guessed before, and then explained the current priority.

The gods and immortals were quickly put into action.

"Yakshas, ​​listen to the order, immediately go to the sea area east of Guiyuli to check the specific situation."

"Got the order!"

After receiving the order, the five Yakshas immediately flew towards the sea area east of Guiyuli, and they must find out what happened in the sea area to cause such a cause.

"All immortals immediately cooperate with the City Affairs Department to mobilize the City Guards and Qianyan Army to capture marine life in the city to prevent the people of Guiyuli from being affected by marine life."

"Yes, Emperor!"

The immortals immediately flew towards the direction of Guiyuli City Affairs Department after receiving the order.

This made the City Affairs Department, which was at a loss and at a loss, find the backbone and completely stabilize. It seems that the city guards will be mobilized, the Qianyan Army will be notified, and they will fully cooperate with the immortals.

Then there were only a group of demons in the air.

"There are so many marine creatures, I don't know when they will be caught."

"The marine creatures in the city will be handled by the immortals, the city guards and the Qianyan Army."

"And we will cut off those marine creatures that have not entered Guiyuli."

"If they continue to enter Guiyuli City like this, I don't know when they will be caught with manpower."

Guizhong's proposal makes sense.

If the source of the continuous influx into Guiyuli is not cut off, then it will never be caught.

"That's right, let's go together."

Morax said.

Then the group came to the outside of Guiyuli City, and then saw another scene.

That is, the fields are also full of those marine creatures.

Crops like wheat were directly crushed into the fields by these marine creatures.

If these marine creatures are not dealt with as soon as possible, it will definitely affect the harvest of crops next year.

"Let's start. We must cut off this place."

said Marcosius.

The development of agriculture to its current scale is largely related to Marcosius's vigorous promotion of crops and taking the lead in cultivating new crops in the name of the demon.

So Marcosius understands the importance of this.

Marcosius took action first, and other demons followed closely. Only Morax was left floating above the farmland, frowning at the sticky object blending in the wheat field.

It seems... a little difficult to start.

Morax fell into deep thought.

At the same time, on the other side, Lin Yu and Qingyu returned to the palace. Qingyu proposed to play a few games with Lin Yu to show his hard work in the past ten months.

It's just a pity that Qingyu lost all three games to Lin Yu's smart chessboard purgatory mode.

Qingyu, who was depressed about this, decided to go out and relax.

When he passed through the soundproof formation of Liyu Palace, he heard the hustle and bustle in Guiyuli City at this time.

Marine life? Invasion?

Qingyu, who captured several important keywords, took off and flew into the sky of Guiyuli.

Then he saw that the whole city was crawling with those sticky, soft, and smelly marine creatures.

Then, Qingyu immediately returned to Yushen Palace.

"Brother Lin Yu, Brother Lin Yu, something happened, something happened!"

Lin Yu, who was about to go back to his room, paused.

"Huh? Something happened?"

He thought to himself, what big thing could it be? Could it be that the infinite wine pot that he gave him before was lost by him?

Oh, if the wine was lost, it would be a big deal for Qingyu.

"Brother Lin Yu, now the whole Guiyuli City is crawling with those slimy, soft, smelly marine creatures all over the streets!"

"Now the people in the city are busy cleaning up these marine creatures."

Qing Yu told Lin Yu everything he saw and heard when he went out just now.

....something really happened.

But why didn't Morax's stone call him?

Did he think that he could solve the current situation without his help?

If it were something else, Lin Yu would believe it for the time being.

But Morax, the guy who was afraid of seafood, could really accept this dense scene?

Lin Yu couldn't help but slowly typed a question mark.

"Let's go and take a look."

Lin Yu brought his little follower Qing Yu and then appeared directly in GuiyuliOver the city.

Used divine thoughts to find Morax's location.

He said that this kind of thing happened, why there was no demon god in Guiyuli City, it turned out that they all went outside Guiyuli.

Are you planning to block the seafood that keeps pouring in?

Ahem, if all these seafood are collected, it should be enough for everyone in Guiyuli to eat for a year, right?

Food delivered to the door!

Besides, these little guys look very similar to small octopuses, so they can have a set of teppanyaki.

It's just that I don't know why these seafoods crawled ashore, Lin Yu dare not promote these inexplicable foods.

If there is something like nuclear pollution in the sea, these seafoods have to crawl ashore to seek benefits and avoid harm.

Then the people eat it, wouldn't they share the "radiation"?

Soon Lin Yu brought his little follower to find Morax outside Guiyuli City.

Morax had a stern face, frowned, and used his divine power to fill the small octopuses crawling all over the wheat field into the big pit he dug.

The small octopuses piled up in the pit were squirming frantically at this time.

Such a scene really makes people's scalp tingle.

No wonder Zhongli in later generations said that just seeing seafood would think of that kind of... how to say it, the slippery touch, the fishy smell that can't be washed away.

Probably because of this incident.

"Morax, what are you doing."

Lin Yu came to his side and patted his shoulder and said.

Morax turned his head suddenly, he thought it was the small octopus crawling on him, it turned out to be Lin Yu... Fortunately, it was not these seafood.

"As you can see, these annoying marine creatures are being cleaned up."

Morax said.

"Oh~ So it's to clean up these annoying marine creatures."

"Since Brother Morax is so annoying, why don't I catch them all with a night light!"

Lin Yu said jokingly.

Of course he wouldn't do such a thing as bombing his own home with a night light.

"You might try..."

Morax grinned and said.

Can I try it?

Haha, Morax couldn't be forced to this extent by these seafood.

If it weren't for Gui Yuli's farmland, Morax would probably want Tianxing to start with it. I didn't expect that there would be something that made this stone feel uncomfortable.

It's really rare to see it in a thousand years.

But it seems that there seems to be a better solution, right? If you use divine power to catch them one by one, I don't know when you will catch them.

It's better to let them gather together in batches on their own initiative.

"Hehe, I thought about using a night light to deal with these cute little guys, but it seems a bit cruel."

"So I thought of another gentler solution."

After listening to Lin Yu's words, Morax's mouth twitched slightly.

These... cute little guys?

"What method?"

Morax just wanted to get rid of these things as soon as possible.

Cute is cute.

It is well known that this kind of seafood is very afraid of salt, so Lin Yu has another plan, which is to let the Salt Demon Heulia fully play her role.

Spread salt to the earth, leaving a gathering place in each area.

In this way, these seafood, in order not to suffer from salt, can only crawl to the salt-free area. In this way, won't those seafood be gathered together and caught in one fell swoop?

There is no need to worry about the flood of salt afterwards. After all, the Salt Demon Heulia holds the power of salt, and whether these salts disappear or not is not a matter of her words.

"Well, this is my method."

Lin Yu briefly told Morax about his method.

Morax touched his chin and felt that Lin Yu's method was feasible.

He went with him and found Heulia, who was catching small octopuses with Gui Zhong, and told the matter to the Salt Demon Heulia.

"Please, Heulia."

Morax said.

The Salt Demon Heulia, who suddenly took on such a big responsibility, was stunned at first, and then she mustered up her confidence.

"Okay, I can try, but I don't know the specific situation."

"Go ahead and try it. If something goes wrong, let Morax solve it!"

Lin Yu said with a big hand.

Encouraged by everyone, Heulia, who had not used her power for a long time, came to the sky above the seafood.

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