Heulia opened her hands in the air, and she closed her eyes to feel the power of the authority of salt in her body.

Soon, the tail of Heulia's white hair burst into a dazzling white light, which was the light emitted by the power of the authority of salt.


From Heulia's hand, a white shock wave burst out, and this shock wave rushed straight to the ground, and then the place where the shock wave touched the ground was instantly salted.

As Heulia continued to inject endless power, this piece of land was salting at a very fast speed.

If someone who didn't know saw it, it would probably think that Gui Yuli had leukemia.

The beauty of salt was first experienced by the seafood close to Heulia.

It burned every part of the seafood's body that was in close contact with the salt.

In such salted land, in addition to bringing endless pain, it would also die after a long time.

Although seafood does not have its own independent consciousness, it has the instinct to survive as a living being.

So these seafood, in order to survive, began to move towards the place outside the salt, so the seafood entered the salt prison that Heulia had circled for them.

Looking at the densely packed seafood, they began to twist painfully on the ground and move towards the salt prison.

Morax frowned even more.

The sense of the picture was too strong, and he really couldn't look directly at these seafood.

"The seafood is stimulated by the salt and is moving towards the open space."

"In this way, it is equivalent to us driving these seafood together and catching them all in one net!"

Gui Zhong showed a happy face.

Originally thought it would take a long time to catch all these seafood among these seafood full of fishy smell.

Thanks to Lin Yu for coming up with such a method.


Otherwise, I don't know how long it would take to catch them.

"Hahaha, when they gather together, leave it to me to deal with!"

"I promise to kill them all without leaving any."

Ruo Tuo laughed loudly.

It was because of these abominable seafood that I accompanied Morax to pick them up for so long, and almost stained the clothes made by Mi Nu for me with fishy mucus.

Ruo Tuo's heart was full of anger, and he could use physical methods to deal with these seafoods, and he would be in a good mood!

"Ruo Tuo, you don't want to make seafood into seafood meat paste with one punch, do you?"

Marcosius noticed that something was wrong with Ruo Tuo.

So many seafoods are all excellent ingredients, which can be said to be gifts from nature. How can they be wasted like this?

If they are pickled with salt, I am afraid that it will be enough for everyone in Guiyuli City to eat for a whole year.

"What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

Ruo Tuo said puzzledly.

Marcosius rolled his eyes and said, "Don't you think these seafood can be used as ingredients? When the time comes, you can come and collect them, and I will directly heat the oil in the pan to make delicious and delicious dishes. Isn't it wonderful?"

Just seafood, look at me, the stove demon Marcosius, I will directly turn you into a delicious meal!

When he heard that it was edible, Ruo Tuo immediately became interested.

For seafood, both results are the same death, it is better to grind them into pieces and put them into his stomach, which seems to be more relieved.


"Then it's settled."

Ruo Tuo agreed.

In the entire Guiyuli, except for the delicacies that Lin Yu manifested, no one's cooking skills can compare with the stove demon Marcosius.

He has eaten many meals at Marcosius's place and highly recognized Marcosius's ability.

".... I say, we still don't know why these marine creatures came ashore. What if there is dirt in the sea?"

"You are not afraid, but what about the people?"

Lin Yu saw that Ruo Tuo couldn't walk when he saw the delicious food, and he was a little helpless.

Ruo Tuo and Marcosius thought about it seriously, and it seemed to be the case.

The strength of the demon's body can be said to be immune to all poisons, but weak humans are completely different.

"After Yaksha finds out the reason, it will be fine."

Morax said.

Although he hates these seafood, in terms of general rationality, this is indeed a rare food.

Ten minutes later, the Salt Demon Heulia stopped the energy output in her hand.

At this time, she had completed the group of seafoodof salt covering work.

Then all you have to do next is wait.

Waiting for this group of small octopuses to step into the open space circled by the area step by step.

But the crawling speed of this group of small octopuses is really not fast.

Everyone may have to wait here for a while.

But in general, it is at least better than catching them by yourself.

Seeing Morax still frowning, Lin Yu secretly took out his tablet and came to the side of Morax.

He took pictures of Morax frowning and the seafood crawling all over the ground.

Save it for future generations as precious memories and teasing Morax.

Really good.

"Clouds are coming!"

Then Lin Yu made a move towards Guiyu Licheng and said a word of "Clouds are coming" in a very middle school way.

Just when everyone looked at Lin Yu with doubts, wondering what Lin Yu was doing, they saw a cloud flying towards Gui Yu Li Chen at a very fast speed.

This cloud seems familiar!

Looking closely, isn't this the cloud that has been floating above Gui Yu Li City all year round, carrying the Pavilion in the Cloud?

No wonder it looks so familiar.

"It looks like it will take some time. It's useless to wait here. Why not take this opportunity to go to the Pavilion in the Cloud and have a good gathering."

Lin Yu said with a smile.

Qing Yu said in amazement: "Can this cloud be summoned?"

I thought that Lin Yu's sword coming before was outrageous enough.

I didn't expect that there would be another cloud coming now.

It's really outrageous.

"That's good."

Morax was the first person to climb the Pavilion in the Cloud. It can be seen that he really didn't want to stay here for a moment.

Go to the pavilion in the cloud, sit in the pavilion and pour a pot of hot tea.

The bitter tea gradually eased Morax's mood.

Alas, just thinking of the seafood, the mind is full of that slippery, soft, and sticky picture.

Lin Yu waved his hand and directly materialized a table of delicacies.

In order to take care of Morax's mood now, Lin Yu deliberately removed seafood and other delicacies from the menu.

He is really a kind and thoughtful little angel!

After dinner, some played chess, some played cards, and some chatted. Anyway, they just had fun in this pavilion in the cloud.

Everyone can have so many ways of entertainment, all thanks to Lin Yu.

When he was in Liyue City before Lin Yu learned to retreat and practice, he stuck to Morax every day and played various chess and card games in different ways every day.

So this has led to the fact that Gui Yuli now has a variety of entertainment chess and card games.

At the same time, on the other side, the Yakshas who were responsible for exploring the sea area arrived at the beach.

The beach at this time seemed to be no different from the past.

Except for the mucus left on the beach by the seafood after crawling over it, there seemed to be nothing unusual.

"If you just look at it from the sea surface, it seems that there is nothing wrong."

Yingda said.

The sea is still the same sea, and it seems that there is nothing wrong.

"No, the concentration of water elements in the sea is obviously higher than the normal sea. There must be something messing up the seabed."

As a water Yaksha, Fanan is naturally more sensitive to water elements than others.

When she flew low and approached the sea surface, she immediately noticed something wrong inside.

"If that's the case, will the situation be like this?"

"Because the concentration of water elements in this sea area is beyond the ordinary, the group of marine creatures can't stand the excessive water element power and climbed onto the shore?"

Mi Nu made a simple analysis based on the current situation.

Generally speaking, ordinary creatures cannot feel the existence of elemental power, but when the elemental power in an area is too strong, it will have different effects on the surrounding environment.

It seems that marine creatures must leave the seabed because they are affected by excessive water elements.

"Why climb onto the shore instead of going to other sea areas? It's impossible that this situation has occurred in all sea areas of the entire ocean, right?"

Yingda said.

It is obviously unreasonable for this situation to occur.

"If you want to know what the reason is, go down and take a look."

Fushe pointed to the sea surface and said with a smile.

"Okay." Xiao nodded.

Fushe looked at Xiao: "We need to leave someone on the sea surface to take care of us so that we don'tSomething unexpected happened, and we couldn't convey the news to Gui Yuli in time. "

"Xiao, you stay up there and wait for us."


He also wanted to go down with everyone.

But Fushe was right, one person needed to stay up there.

Although he was very reluctant, Xiao had no choice but to accept it.

The Yakshas smiled and greeted Xiao, and then jumped into the sea one after another, splashing water.

After Xiao sighed secretly, he began to observe the surrounding situation vigilantly.

To prevent any unexpected situation from happening on the sea.

The Yakshas led by Fushe went deep into the seabed.

This was not Fontaine, and there was no water protection, so the Yakshas could not speak underwater. The transmission of information between them was changed to the use of fairy magic to transmit sound.

"Fannan, can you feel where the source is? "

Fushe asked Fanan.

The world under the sea is too vast. It is obviously not a realistic method to rely on a pair of eyes to see through it.

"I should be able to"

Fanan nodded, and then transmitted the voice to everyone.

Fushe, Yingda, and Mi Nu also nodded, indicating that Fanan would lead the way next.

Fanan felt the concentration of water elements in the water and led everyone to continue to move forward to a place where the concentration of water elements was even higher.

It took about an hour and a half to swim quickly under the sea.

The Yakshas came to a place.

"What is this? This seems to be a sunken island, right?"

Mi Nu said in a voice transmission.

Everyone nodded.

This is definitely a sunken island.

Although the buildings on the island only retain a part of the ruins, it can still be seen that there were traces of human life.

"I can feel that the concentration of water elements inside this island is the deepest. This should be the source. "

Fanan said.

What is puzzling is why the source of such a strong water element is a sunken island.

This is a bit puzzling.

So what happened on this island?

Why did it sink under the ocean, and why did such a strong water element remain on the island?

Did two powerful demons once fight on this island?

The intensity of the battle was enough to sink the entire island into the ocean.

Thus, a strong water element remained.

But it seems that it cannot be fully explained. After all, only one kind of power was emitted from this island from beginning to end.

That is the extremely high concentration of water element power, and there is no second power besides this.

So the theory of the demon fighting was quickly overturned by the Yakshas.

"Never mind, let's go in and take a look, maybe we can find some clues. "

After discussing for such a long time, no one could come up with a solution, so Mi Nu suggested entering the island to investigate.

At this time, there was no other aura on the island except for the thick remnants of water elements.

It is still a safe place for the time being.

Fu She thought about it, and then made a decision to take everyone to go deep into the island to try to find the answer to the problem with their own strength.

If there is still no discovery in the end, they can only return the same way and report the specific situation here to the Emperor and Lord Yu Shen.

Then the Emperor and Lord Yu Shen will The people made the decision.

Soon the Yakshas swam towards the island and arrived at the island in a short while.

This island is much larger than imagined.

It takes a lot of energy to sink it into the sea.

Mi Nu found that the building ruins on the island did not collapse because of the earthquake caused by the sinking of the island.

The appearance of the collapse of these building ruins is more like a huge force that hit the bottom from above, flattening the entire building in an instant!

So much so that there is no clue in the ruins, and almost all traces have been wiped out.

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