If the only spot in this area has been fixed in Gui Yuli, then what is the use and meaning of all their efforts?

After the Whirlpool Demon God Osel finished telling about Gui Yuli's situation and the situation on land, they all fell into deep thought.

Seriously thinking about the situation in the Whirlpool Demon God Osel's words.

The facts are here, and what the Whirlpool Demon God Osel said is indeed the case.

Gui Yuli has such a strong strength, so at the last moment of the Demon God War, wouldn't the only spot have nothing to do with them?

After all, they didn't think that when the fight came to that moment, the remaining ones could beat two upper demon gods, three middle demon gods, one lower demon god, and several immortals and Yakshas.

The demon gods couldn't help but frown.

Damn it!


Why on earth!

They couldn't figure it out, no matter how hard they tried, what exactly was the reason that allowed Gui Yuli to build such a huge force in the era of the Demon God War when everyone was fighting and suspicious of each other.

After nearly a thousand years, there was no internal fighting.

If nothing unexpected happened, wouldn't the only quota in this area be born in Gui Yuli's forces?

When the demon gods thought of this, they felt unwilling.

We are all demon gods, who is more noble than who?

Why do you, Gui Yuli, want to monopolize the quota directly?

"Osel, the Demon God of Whirlpool, tell me why you gathered us together? Do you want us to gather together and attack Gui Yuli together?"

Enxust, the Demon God of Swordfish, looked at Osel, the Demon God of Whirlpool and said.

As a demon god who had fought each other in the sea for so many years, Enxust, the Demon God of Swordfish, immediately saw through the meaning of Osel, the Demon God of Whirlpool.

The same is true for other demons. Now that the swordfish demon Enxust asked it, the eyes of all demons are focused on the whirlpool demon Osel.

Let's see what the whirlpool demon Osel is selling.

"Yes, that's right."

"If we don't fight, the final spot will be Gui Yuli's. If we defeat Gui Yuli, the spot will be born among us."

"I want you to make a choice. It should be obvious how to choose, right?"

The whirlpool demon Osel has made it very clear.

If they don't fight to the end, they can't beat Gui Yuli, and the spot will be Gui Yuli's, and it has nothing to do with them.

But if they fight, they will unite first to defeat Gui Yuli, and then the spot will be born between their competition.

This truth, without the whirlpool demon Osel saying, all the demons can actually understand.

There is just one thing....

That is, can all the demons present here really defeat Gui Yuli?

You should know that Gui Yuli's strength is two upper demons, three middle demons, one lower demon, several immortals and Yaksha fighters, etc.

And the demons they gathered at this time are all the demons in this sea area.

That is

Upper demon: Ocean Demon Xiusert.

Middle demon: Whirlpool Demon Osel, Swordfish Demon Enxust, Tsunami Demon Aporia, Ocean Current Demon Saltonno

Lower demon: Osel's wife, Ba Che

Dependents: Many shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

In the case that Gui Yuli has two top upper demons, it seems that if they gather together to attack Gui Yuli, the chance of winning is very small.

What's more, among them, Xiusilt, the Demon God of the Ocean, who is a high-ranking demon god, has always disliked participating in these fights. Whether he will participate in this war is still unknown.

Therefore, the Demon God of Swordfish, the Demon God of Tsunami, and the Demon God of Ocean Current are actually skeptical about this battle against Gui Yuli.

"Whether the war between demon gods is over, that person did not give a deadline."

"So whether to start a war against Gui Yuli, I still need to think seriously for a while."

Said Xiusilt, the Demon God of the Ocean.

Xiusilt is now hesitating. On the one hand, he really doesn't like war, and on the other hand, he is pushed by the general trend of the demon war, and he is not willing to go to the dark outer sea that can be called purgatory.

As for the attitude of Xiusilt, the Demon God of the Ocean, towards this matter, the demon gods have already guessed it.

It is indeed so.

How can a demon god with such a personality get the strength of a high-ranking demon god?

It can only be said that he is worthy of being favored by the ocean.The Son of the Sea holds the power of the ocean. It can be said that he is the king of the ocean!

"Well, everyone needs to go back and think about it."

"Let's agree to gather here again next month. At that time, we will all make our own choices and decisions. How about it?"

The Whirlpool Demon God Osel said to the demon gods.

He himself had never thought that just a simple gathering would be able to unite all the demon gods in this sea and face the outside world in unison.

But he believed that no matter what, it was inevitable to unite and attack Gui Yuli.

After all, the fact that Gui Yuli existed was there.

Unless they choose to withdraw from the competition for the quota, they will leave the continent of Teyvat forever and go to the dark outer sea that can be called purgatory, and never return to this beautiful ocean.

"Okay, then see you in a month." The Swordfish Demon God Enxust said.

The Demon God of Ocean Currents, Saltonno, said, "I will seriously consider the weight of it."

After a brief gathering, the demon gods of the sea returned to their own seas.

In fact, in their hearts, they have already had their own answers. After all, they want to stay in the continent of Teyvat, not the Dark Sea.

The only swing is the Demon God of the Sea.

On the way back to his own sea territory, the Demon God of the Sea has been thinking about the content of today's gathering in his mind.

He asked himself, he didn't want to leave the continent of Teyvat and go to the Dark Sea.

But...if you want to start a war and fight to the death, you always feel a little...

He was very entangled in his heart and hadn't made up his mind.

After he returned to his own sea, he found that something was wrong. As the Demon God of the Sea, he knew everything that happened in the sea.

This is the power of the ocean, and the ocean will tell you the answer.

He frowned, mobilized his ocean authority, and then checked the sea area that he thought was wrong.

Silent Island?

The scenes that happened before the Silent Island were now being reviewed in the mind of the Ocean Demon God.

It started with the sea elves attacking the invaders, and then a space door opened at the back, and three people came out and beat up the sea elves, and then everyone left.

He had never seen these demons, but he was still clear about the Yaksha clan. Isn’t Gui Yuli the only one who has the power of the Yaksha clan?

The Ocean Demon God frowned, and his figure flashed and moved quickly in the ocean, and then he came to the habitat of the sea elves.

I saw the sea elves weakly entangled on the shell, and the whole body was full of cracks.

The Ocean Demon God couldn't help but feel distressed.

This was the life he created with his own hands, created with the essence of the sea that combined the girl's strong emotions, and it was his only dependent as the Ocean Demon God.

Putting away his distressed look, the Ocean Demon God Xiusert mobilized the power of the ocean and continuously injected the power of the ocean into the body of the Sea Elf.

With these ocean powers, the cracks on the Sea Elf's body were constantly healing with flashing blue light.

In about three minutes, the cracks on the Sea Elf's body were completely invisible.

At this point, the Ocean Demon God put away his power input. He had helped the Sea Elf heal the external injuries, but the internal injuries required the Sea Elf to continue to cultivate.

At least the Sea Elf is not as weak as before.

"Sea... Lord Poseidon!"

"Are you back?"

The Sea Elf slowly opened his eyes and saw a very familiar figure, its master, the Ocean Demon God Xiusert.

Seeing Lord Poseidon by his side, the Sea Elf suddenly felt full of security.

"Well, no need to say more."

"The sea has told me everything that happened before."

"Recuperate here."

The sea elf Xiusert said to the sea elf.

After he finished speaking, he turned and left, leaving only the sea elf who was deeply moved by the sea demon.

After leaving the sea elf's habitat, the sea demon returned to his underwater palace. Sitting alone on the throne of the underwater palace, he fell into deep thought.

Simply avoiding war will not stop the war from coming to him.

As long as he exists in the Teyvat continent, the fight will never stop.

To stop the fight, you must win the prize and die in battle! Or you can choose to leave the Teyvat continent and go to the dark sea.

Although I have no intention of participating in the fight, I know that the fight will never end.

The sea demon XiusertSpecial, at this moment, he seemed to have made up his mind, and he made his own choice.

Fight! Only fight! Can you get eternal peace!


Compared to the undercurrents under the sea, Gui Yuli has completed the capture of seafood, and has moved from a short pause to prosperity and stability.

After the seafood incident was over, people returned to their respective positions.

The stove demon Marcosius summoned all the gods, immortals and yakshas in the pavilion of the sea of ​​flowers in the clouds, and everyone gathered together to taste the delicacies made from various seafood.

Each of these delicacies contains Marcosius's exquisite cooking skills.

Many unique flavors and production methods can be said to exist beyond Lin Yu's imagination, which also creates different delicacies.

Everyone ate delicious food together, drank immortal wine, and talked and laughed about their own topics.

In general, everyone's face was full of smiles, and the atmosphere of the party was very happy. Even Ganyu was rolling happily in the sea of ​​flowers.

Wait! Rolling in the sea of ​​flowers?

When Lin Yu came back to his senses, he saw that Ganyu's mouth was already full of broken branches of various flowers...

Forget it, it's just some flowers and plants. At most, they can be re-materialized after the party. It's not too expensive.

After taking another photo of Ganyu's black history with the tablet, Lin Yu, who was admiring the photo, smiled again.

However, in the crowd, it seems that only one person is not happy.

He sat at the dining table with a stern face, holding tea in his hand and tasting it mouthful by mouthful. The tableware placed in front of his table was clean and obviously untouched.

He was Morax, who exuded a sense of dislike for seafood.

As for why he appeared at the seafood feast.

After all, the Stove Demon God invited Gui Yuli and his people. As Gui Yuli's emperor, he couldn't be absent from such a grand seafood banquet, right?

So he suppressed his discomfort with the seafood on the table and sat calmly at the table drinking tea alone.

Looking at Ruo Tuo next to Morax, he was eating these plates of seafood with relish. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a pot of fairy wine after a mouthful of seafood?

The comparison and contrast between the two formed a strong contrast.

Morax, who hated seafood and didn't eat seafood, appeared at the seafood feast. I wonder what the shadow area of ​​Morax's heart was at this time.

"Morax, everyone is eating, why don't you eat? Is it because you don't like it?"

Lin Yu put one hand on Morax's shoulder, and then asked knowingly.

Faced with Lin Yu's question, Morax just glanced at him and continued to drink his tea.

"Don't ignore me, I'm here to give you a treat!"

Lin Yu snapped his fingers, and then a dish of food appeared in front of Morax.

All of them were dishes Morax liked.

For example, Xian Tiao Qiang, Menglue Bamboo Shoots and Meat Soup, Boiled Cabbage, Radish and Mushroom Soup, etc.

"Thank you."

Morax, who had been sullen all night, finally smiled at this time, and then started to use his chopsticks.

The Stove Demon was busy making all kinds of seafood, and he couldn't spare the time to make some food for Morax alone.

Hehe, I still have to look at Lin Yu at the critical moment!

The seafood banquet lasted for a long time. After all, the seafood collected by Marcosius and Ruota was too much, and they couldn't finish it!

But there is no banquet that will never end. With the last seafood being solved, this seafood feast held by the Kitchen God also came to an end.

Afterwards, Lin Yu and Qing Yu returned to the Feather God Palace together.

After a game of chess, Lin Yu naturally won a great victory and returned to his room. He sat cross-legged in the air, closed his eyes and entered the state of cultivation again.

This is how he spent those dull and repetitive days.

Manifestation Power +1

Manifestation Power +1

Manifestation Power +1


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