A month passed in the blink of an eye.

The demons in the ocean, according to the previous agreement, gathered in the depths of the ocean again.

Today is the time for them to express their attitudes.

"A month of thinking time may indeed be a little short. This matter is important and there is no rush. Today, let's express our respective attitudes for the time being, put aside the unpleasant fights in the past, and see what everyone thinks about joining forces."

This sentence from the Whirlpool Demon Osel was more directed to the Ocean Demon Xiusert.

After all, among their group of demons, only the Ocean Demon did not clearly express his intention to join forces with them to attack Gui Yuli.

The power of a superior demon is obvious in the ranks of attacking Gui Yuli.

The hesitation of the other demons is not that they have no intention of joining forces to attack Gui Yuli, but that they are worried about whether they can defeat the powerful Gui Yuli demon force.

As long as everyone's ideas can be unified, whether they can defeat it is a matter of the future.

"Let me first state my own attitude. If we want to obtain the quota of ascending to heaven from Gui Yuli, we can only unite and attack Gui Yuli together, so I support the alliance."

Osel, the Demon God of Whirlpool, took the lead and said.

"Well, the Demon God of Whirlpool is right. Anyway, I will never give up the quota to Gui Yuli. I also support the alliance." Enxust, the Demon God of Swordfish, said.

"Trying to fix the quota among the demon gods of Gui Yuli, such behavior obviously does not take us outside of them into consideration. I support the alliance!" Apollia, the Demon God of Tsunami.

Saltonno, the Demon God of Ocean Current: "Me too, our goals are the same, so I agree to the alliance."

The four demon gods on the field have expressed their opinions one after another under the leadership of Osel, the Demon God of Whirlpool.

Their goals are the same, to unite and attack Gui Yuli, to get rid of Gui Yuli first, and then to fight each other and rely on their own abilities to obtain the quota of ascending to heaven!

Now only the Ocean Demon God Xiusilt has not expressed his opinion.

At this moment, everyone's eyes are gathered in the direction of the Ocean Demon God Xiusilt.

The Ocean Demon God Xiusilt said: "I agree, to unite."

"However, with only the five of us, I am afraid we don't have the strength to completely defeat Gui Yuli?"

While expressing his attitude, the Ocean Demon God Xiusilt also raised such a question.


What did the Ocean Demon God Xiusilt say just now?

He said he agreed to unite?

Is that right?

The answer of the Ocean Demon God Xiusilt was obviously beyond the expectations of other demons.

Originally, the Whirlpool Demon God Osel felt that he needed to continue the persuasion work for a few more months before he could impress the Ocean Demon God Xiusilt.

Let him join the ranks of the joint fight against Gui Yuli.

Unexpectedly, after only one month, the attitude of the Ocean Demon God Xiusert has changed dramatically.

Although it is unknown what the reason is, which led to such a change in the attitude of the Ocean Demon God Xiusert.

But this change is undoubtedly a good thing for them.

"Even if we choose to unite and deal with Gui Yuli, the exception, first, Gui Yuli is still one upper demon god higher than us in strength." Swordfish Demon God Enxust said.

It is not difficult for an upper demon god with strong power and special authority to hold back several middle demon gods.

The Ocean Demon God Xiusert thought that he was not strong enough to kill two upper demon gods.

Osel, the Demon God of Whirlpool: "What Enxust, the Demon God of Swordfish, said is right, but don't forget that we in the sea are not the only demon gods who can become enemies of Gui Yuli."

"Can other demon gods just watch and see that the final spot is born among Gui Yuli?"

In other words, we should unite the demon gods on land, gather the most powerful force, and strive to crush Gui Yuli completely in one wave?


"You said it lightly, but why should others listen to you? We have been fighting each other for nearly a thousand years, and we know each other well."

"Will the demon gods on land listen to the words of a demon god whose background is unknown? Not to mention such a big thing as a joint attack on Gui Yuli."

The Demon God of Ocean Current Saltonno said immediately.

Obviously, it is not easy to persuade the demon gods on land to attack Gui Yuli together..

Especially after the battle between the demons began, the trust between the demons almost collapsed.

Who knows whether you are attacking Gui Yuli in a joint attack, or taking the opportunity to ambush and destroy them under the pretext of attacking Gui Yuli in a joint attack?

But this is the prerequisite for attacking Gui Yuli in a joint attack.

If the demons on land are not united, then with the gap in strength between them and Gui Yuli, the probability that they can defeat Gui Yuli is less than 20%.

With such a low probability, obviously no one will take actual action for it.

"Although this matter is difficult, are we going to give up that quota so easily?"

"What if it is difficult? As time goes by, we will always gain the trust of the other party."

"As long as we pry open a small hole and pull other demons into the alliance, isn't it easy?"

The whirlpool demon Osel said confidently.

It must be said that what the whirlpool demon Osel said is right.

They really couldn't give up the quota easily, but if they wanted to have a chance to compete for the quota, the first thing they had to do was to unite and beat Gui Yuli.

As long as Gui Yuli was not destroyed, the quota would not be born among them.

Because when the end came, if no one united, no one would be Gui Yuli's opponent.

Or the demon gods would lose a lot of people because of the fighting, and even if they united, they would not be Gui Yuli's opponent.

The Demon God of the Sea Xiusert said: "Is it possible to let Gui Yuli fight first and let them collapse without fighting?"

You have to know that solid barriers often start to collapse from the inside.

"This possibility is very small. You should know that Gui Yuli was established before the struggle between the demons began. At that time, Gui Yuli only had three demons, but as time goes by, how many demons does Gui Yuli have now?"

"Even when Gui Yuli's trust among the demons was the most fragile, there was no accident. Could it be that Gui Yuli, which has survived for nearly a thousand years, will fall apart due to internal conflicts?"

"I think Gui Yuli has reached a complete interest distribution system, which allows so many demons to gather together. There is no sign of collapse for a thousand years, but Gui Yuli's development has become stronger."

The vortex demon Osel had already collected a lot of information about Gui Yuli before, and had already analyzed Gui Yuli inside and out.

Not to mention whether there are conflicts between Gui Yuli and the demons, even Gui Yuli and the mortals have no conflicts because of faith. From this point, it can be seen that Gui Yuli is stable internally.

Therefore, in order to defeat Gui Yuli, the only way, in the opinion of the Whirlpool Demon God Osel, is to defeat him head-on, unite all forces that can be united, and completely overwhelm Gui Yuli with a strength far beyond Gui Yuli! !

"It seems that the only way now is to unite." The Ocean Current Demon God Saltonno said.

Swordfish Demon God Enxust: "Let's discuss a charter and see how to gain the trust of the land demon gods as quickly as possible and bring them into the ranks of the joint crusade against Gui Yuli."

"Then let's brainstorm." The Ocean Demon God Xiusert said.

In the following time, the six demon gods in the ocean began to discuss how to quickly gain the trust of the land demon gods and get them into the ranks of fighting against Gui Yuli.

After three days of discussion, new methods were constantly proposed, and other demon gods constantly found problems in them. Finally, with the brainstorming of the demon gods, they finally got a method that looked pretty good.

After having a method, it is natural to take action.

The demons agreed to spend about three years to gain the trust of the demons on land, and then pull all the demons on land into the ranks of the joint crusade against Gui Yuli.

After three years, a powerful force was gathered to crush Gui Yuli to death!

As time goes by, the demons in the ocean are taking action!

They are steady and began to gain the trust of a demon on land step by step, and then through the demon's communication chain, they gain the trust of other demons.

And so on, with continuous efforts, breaking down barriers of trust, as more and more demons join, the difficulty of gaining trust becomes smaller and smaller.

Now it is almost three years, but there is still a demon on land who is still hesitating and has not joined the ranks of the joint crusade against Gui Yuli.

So the demons are still fighting the final battle!

As long as this lastAfter taking down a demon god, they will be able to unite and crush Gui Yuli's power!

Sweep Gui Yuli, the exception who does not play by the rules, into the garbage dump of history!

After this battle, there is no Gui Yuli in the world!

At the same time, in Gui Yuli, Morax received a report from Jueyunjian, which said that in the northeast of Jueyunjian, the godless mountain Qingce Mountain Villa was being harassed by a Chilong.

Qingce Mountain Villa is now facing the possibility of being destroyed by the evil claws of the Chilong at any time.

That's nearly 10,000 lives.

The people of Qingce Mountain Villa, relying on the steep terrain, built a mountain villa with only humans, allowing them to live and reproduce here.

But without the existence of gods, in a world with gods like Teyvat.

They cannot guarantee that they can live a stable life forever with the remote geography and steep terrain.

With the appearance of Chilong, it requires the people of the villa to provide 20 fresh lives every month as its nutrients.

If the villa does not provide, then Chilong will destroy the entire Qingce Villa.

The people of Qingce Villa, facing such a powerful Chilong, they are weak mortals, and they can't be the opponent of Chilong at all.

They heard that there was a powerful immortal in Jueyunjian, so they sent a group of people to find the immortal. On the way to find the immortal, they encountered monsters and suffered heavy losses. In the end, only one person arrived in Jueyunjian.

They asked for a meeting with the immortal, and finally told the immortal about the situation of Qingce Villa, wanting to ask for the immortal's help.

If it was an ordinary monster, they would agree to help as immortals, but it was just a monster that could be destroyed with a wave of their hands. What's the difficulty?

But... if it is really as he said, it is a Chilong that invaded Qingce Villa.

They had records about the existence of Chilong, and the strength of Chilong was equivalent to that of a high-level demon god.

And the immortals in the entire Jueyunjian combined, forming a formation to gather strength, could only exert the strength of a middle-level demon god.

Obviously, the immortals were no match for this Chilong.

So after discussing, the immortals used a thousand-mile transmission note to pass the news to the emperor of Gui Yuli.

Morax received the news.

When he knew that nearly 10,000 people in the godless village of Qingce Villa were facing the danger of Chilong, he immediately prepared to set out to suppress Chilong.

The people of Qingce Villa were able to exist alone for so long in the troubled times without relying on the power of the demon god, and they have developed to the current scale.

In this regard, Morax admired the courage and perseverance of the people of Qingce Villa.

Morax gathered everyone on the pavilion in the clouds.

"Why did you suddenly call for a meeting? What important matter has happened?" Gui Zhong asked.

Ruo Tuo said, "But which blind guys are causing trouble in our Gui Yuli's territory? Let me entertain them!"

Ruo Tuo immediately rubbed his hands, and fighting was also a form of entertainment for Ruo Tuo.

"The matter is like this..."

Morax briefly told everyone about the Qingce Villa on the Pavilion in the Clouds.

After Morax's narration, everyone also understood the seriousness of the matter.

"We can't watch nearly 10,000 people in Qingce Villa die under the evil of Chilong." Gui Zhong said.

Ruo Tuo said, "Chilong also dared to cause trouble?"

"Morax, you and I will set off to Qingce Villa immediately. If it's too late, I'm afraid Chilong will attack the people of Qingce Villa."

Considering that the people of Qingce Villa spent a certain amount of time looking for immortals.

Ruo Tuo was worried that the one-month deadline was approaching, and the people in Qingce Villa might be in danger.

"Well, we have to quell the Chilong rebellion."

"Gui Zhong, Marcosius, Heulia, during the time when Ruo Tuo and I are away, Gui Yu Li will be handed over to you."

"The demon god over there in Tianheng Mountain has been restless recently, so you need to pay attention."

Morax instructed.

"Well, I will pay attention."

"You can go with peace of mind."

Gui Zhong nodded and said.

With the Tianheng Mountain defense line, even if the demon god over there moves, it will not be able to break through the Tianheng Mountain defense line for a while.

And there is also a powerful demon god in Gui Yu Li, Lin Yu is there!

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