Among all the people present, who is really willing to give up?

"Lin Yu, what do you think?"

Lin Yu, who was sitting in the middle and slacking off with Qing Yu, was suddenly cueed by Morax.

What do you mean by how he sees it?

How else can he see it? Of course, he can see it with his eyes, otherwise where else can he see it.

Regarding Morax's inquiry, Lin Yu thought that he still needed to think for a while before he could give the most appropriate answer.

"Emmm, let me think about it for a while."

Lin Yu supported his head with his hands on the table, and fell into deep thinking in a moment of contemplation.

What he needs to do is to comprehensively consider the series of problems that Gui Yuli is facing now.

Then gradually lead the direction to the major historical event of moving to Tianheng Mountain and building Liyue Port.

It can also be regarded as a small test for the people of Gui Yuli.

After all, in the history of Gui Yuli's construction, there are many demon gods who help.

Let the new city of Liyue Port be completely completed by Gui Yuli's people from design to construction, gradually ushering in an era of human rule, laying the foundation for the transition from divine rule to civilian rule in the future, and for the early retirement of Gui Zhong and Morax, two of Gui Yuli's politicians.

It marks the process of Gui Yuli's people gradually moving towards independence under the leadership of a group of gods.

It symbolizes the spirit of man conquering nature.

It is definitely not that Lin Yu feels troublesome, nor is it a manifestation of Lin Yu's laziness, but it conforms to the development of the times.

This is the general trend!

After a period of thinking, Lin Yu finally pieced together various language words in his mind.

"Everyone, except for Gui Yuli, all other demons on this land have either been killed or suppressed."

"So the war on this land is now over in a sense."

"We now own the entire land, so I think we should not limit our sights to Gui Yuli, but should broaden our horizons."

"Gui Yuli is there, and its existence or non-existence is in the hearts of each of us."

"Does it make sense to rebuild a Gui Yuli? In my opinion, the beauty in our hearts cannot be recreated by rebuilding a city. ”

“As long as we are still here, and our people are still here, no matter what kind of land we are in, it is Gui Yuli.”

“Gui Yuli is just the name of an area, not a representative of us.”

“So I think that since we have acquired this land, we should make use of it, and we should not limit ourselves to Gui Yuli.”

“All of us are gathered in one place, which restricts our development.”

“So I think that now we need to re-plan our future.”

Lin Yu looked at everyone in the Pavilion in the Clouds, and he expressed his inner thoughts.

After listening to Lin Yu’s words, the people in the Pavilion in the Clouds fell into deep thought.

What Lin Yu said seems to make sense!

Recently, because Gui Yuli was destroyed by the 100-meter tsunami, people were almost all busy with the reconstruction plan of Gui Yuli.

But they did not realize that there was another equally important thing.

That is, after Morax and Roto suppressed the vortex demon Osel and his wife, the demons in this area were only the demons in Guiyuli.

That is, the rock demon Morax, the embodiment demon Zennos, the stove demon Makosius, the dust demon Hagentus, and the salt demon Heulia.

Roto is the elemental dragon king, not a demon, and is not within the rules of the demon war.

And in a sense, Lin Yu, the alien, should not be within the rules of the demon war.

The enemies on the periphery have been resolved, but according to the rules, their demon war has not ended.

According to the rules, only one demon can get a quota, become one of the seven rulers of the world, and get the qualification to continue to stay on the continent of Teyvat.

And now what Lin Yu said has potentially brought up this issue in advance.

That is, how should they face the demon war next?

When they thought of this, everyone was stunned.

Fight each other, or leave?

"Lin Yu is right, the current situation has changed."

"Perhaps we should really think seriously about a more important issue besides rebuilding Gui Yuli."

Gui Zhong said.

Although she did not directly point out the problem in her words, everyone knew the problem that Gui Zhong was talking about.The question is whether Gui Yuli will be chosen and whether he will stay or go.

If this question cannot be solved, all the demon gods who created Gui Yuli will end up falling apart.

Then what is the significance of rebuilding Gui Yuli?

The atmosphere at the scene fell into silence for a while.

Regarding such a topic, the immortals in Jueyunjian and the Yakshas led by Fushe fell into silence.

"If it really comes to that time, I will choose to leave on my own. Fighting is not suitable for me after all."

The gentle voice of the demon god Hewuliya of salt appeared, breaking the silent atmosphere at the pavilion in the clouds.

After the demon god Hewuliya of salt spoke first, the eyes of the immortals and the Yakshas became nervous.

They were afraid that under Hewuliya's opening.

The past Gui Yuli fell apart directly.

Gui Zhong remained silent, she hadn't thought it through yet, because if she really wanted to do that, would she be a little selfish just to stay?

"Lin Yu, you should have a way to solve this problem."

Qing Yu, who was beside Lin Yu, poked Lin Yu's waist with his finger, then leaned closer and whispered in Lin Yu's ear.

The voice was very small, but it was not small enough for the insight of the demon gods.

All the demon gods heard Qing Yu's voice.

Then a series of eyes were cast over.

The moment Morax looked at Qing Yu, he remembered what happened before, and also knew what Qing Yu said Lin Yu's solution to the problem was.

If he became an immortal under Lin Yu's seat...

It seems not bad.

.... However, after all, he is Lin Yu... The days in the future may not be very, peaceful.

But only one demon god can stay in this area. He does not have the ability to change flowers and trees like Lin Yu. For them and Gui Yuli's people, he is willing to make such a choice.

Fortunately, a thousand years ago, he had already challenged the gods, otherwise he would be reluctant to give up this powerful force.


"Oh, you mean that I will create a fairy-level body, and then transfer the soul into it, complete the process of changing flowers and trees, and lose my identity as a demon god?"

Lin Yu simply asked knowingly.

But this is also the best way he can think of to keep all his friends.

After all, the rules are set by heaven. He can't go to heaven to beat him up and then ask him to change the rules, right?

Before mastering the power of rules and laws, you should avoid their edge...

Pay attention to a thirty-year east and thirty-year west... Three thousand years is the same truth...

After hearing Lin Yu's words, the salt demon Heulia's eyes suddenly lit up.

If she could have made her own choice before she was born into this world, she would definitely not have chosen the identity of a demon god.

The identity of an immortal should be more suitable for her now.

"No matter whether the method is feasible, Zennos, I am willing to try this method. Even if I fail and die in the end, I will have no regrets in this life."

The Salt Demon God Heulia once again showed her courage.

Because Qingyu abandoned the identity of the Sword Demon God, he joined Gui Yuli as Lin Yu's close friend and immortal.

Morax, Guizhong, and Marcosius, who knew about this, naturally would not mention this past.

So the current Salt Demon God Heulia did not know that this method already had a predecessor, so in her eyes this was an unknown road.

She was willing to use her life to explore this road.

"What is the immortal Yahe Wulia? In fact, Qingyu's predecessor is a demon god, so this method should not be dangerous."

When hearing He Wulia's determination, Gui Zhong on the side hurriedly pulled her and said.

"Well, this is indeed a way to solve the problem."

"Although it will cost a lot for me, I am willing to do it even if I overdraw my origin if I can keep everyone here."

"I just don't know what you think."

Lin Yu looked at Morax with a smile.

....Feeling Lin Yu's gaze, Morax knew Lin Yu too well. Sure enough, his previous guess was not unreasonable.

"My own strength is not strong, and the power of authority is dispensable to me. Its existence or not will not affect my wisdom and technology!"

Gui Zhong raised his head proudly and said.

Is authority important to her? That must be her wisdom and technology that she is proud of!

"My companion artifact salt cup can produce salt continuously. Even without the authority of salt, it will not affect my wisdom and technology in the future.There will be no problem with the people's use of salt. "

The Salt Demon Heulia said gently.

Although she is not very good at fighting, she has two companion artifacts, the salt cup and the salt ruler.

The salt cup can pour out salt continuously, and the salt ruler inserted into the ground can saltify an area.

"It's my turn"

"My hobbies and goals are all about food. Whether I have the stove demon or not does not affect my pursuit of food and my goal of delivering food!"

"Perhaps the only regret is that I can't cook anytime and anywhere in the future."

Marcosius said jokingly.

Beside Marcosius is Ruotu, Ruotu is the elemental dragon king and naturally does not need to express his opinion, so he came to Morax.

After feeling Lin Yu's gaze, he was silent for a while.


"Well, I am willing to give up my own authority."

"Wait! "

When he saw that Morax actually had this idea, Lin Yu immediately changed from the state of watching the show.

No! This is absolutely wrong!

You are Morax, the Rock God. After giving up your own authority, who will be the Rock God of the Seven Worldly Rulers in the future?

You don't want me to be the Rock God, right?

In the end, Morax, Marcosius, Heulia and Ruota!

Can the five of them naturally push all the affairs of Liyue to themselves? Then they will live a happy and beautiful retirement life?!

Finally, he said to himself, as one of the Seven Worldly Rulers, isn't it your duty to manage state affairs?

This is absurd, he disagrees!

It's too evil, he absolutely can't let this happen!

"Any problem?"

"From the perspective of universal rationality, only one demon god can be left among us, and only you can help us complete the transformation from demon god to immortal. "

Morax looked at Lin Yu, and it seemed that he didn't want to give up his identity as a demon god.

But the rules of the demon war were like this, and only one demon god could be left.

Obviously, only Lin Yu was the most suitable one to stay.

"Of course, no problem."

"I mean, not this, but another meaning."

"That is to say, is there a possibility that, strictly speaking, I am not a demon god?"

Lin Yu looked at Morax and blinked his eyes, full of sincerity.


Strictly speaking, Lin Yu is not a demon god?

What does this mean?

A look of astonishment appeared on people's faces.

Only Morax remained calm. In fact, Morax had guessed about Lin Yu's identity a long time ago.

At that time, a ray of white light fell from the sky from Lin Yu, and Morax followed the light to check, and found a demon god who looked like a teenager lying on the ground.

At the beginning, the source was damaged, and there was no news about the demon god. The skills and experience that a god should have.

In this regard, it is very different from other demon gods.

Anyway, Morax is well-versed in history and has never heard of it.

But Morax still has one last doubt. Since Lin Yu is not a demon god, why can he feel a demon god breath on Lin Yu?

It is this demon god breath that makes him feel close.

(It is manifested according to Morax's strength, how can he not be close? Whisper)

That's why he invited Lin Yu to visit his territory with him, and he finally relied on him.

"Not a demon god? How could this be?"

"Lin Yu, the demon god breath on you, we can't possibly sense it wrong, right?"

Marcosius said with great surprise.

At the same time, he released his divine thoughts and repeatedly wandered around Lin Yu to confirm that this was indeed the breath that only demon gods have.

How could it not be a demon god?

"Yes, Lin Yu, what's going on? "

Gui Zhong also asked with a puzzled look.

It was the first time for them to encounter such a thing. Lin Yu exuded the aura of the devil all over his body, but he said that he was not a devil.

This is the first time I have seen it!

Seeing everyone's curious faces, Lin Yu thought about the most likely possibility.

Then he said.

"I guess it's probably because of this body, because this body was materialized by me consuming the power of embodiment, and for this reason, I accidentally damaged the origin..."

It's so embarrassing, let's not talk about this kind of thing!

After hearing Lin Yu's explanation, everyone looked as if they had suddenly realized something.

In this way, it seems that everything can be explained. After all, the people present already know very well about Lin Yu's power of embodiment.

ManifestationWith a demon body, what's unreasonable?

It's too reasonable!

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