At the same time, Lin Yu wanted to convince the people in front of him.

Lin Yu's eyes suddenly became dull. This was because he had cut off the connection between himself and this body. After losing the soul, wouldn't the body be dull?

A burst of white light emanated from the heart of Lin Yu's body, and then a white, crystal-clear prismatic crystal appeared in front of everyone.

"And this is my body."

"So I am not in the ranks of the Demon God War Rules, that is, except for me, there is only one Demon God left."

Lin Yu's voice emanated from the crystal.

A group of Demon Gods felt the breath on the crystal, but they didn't feel anything. Anyway, it was a very unique and wonderful breath, but there was no breath of Demon God in it.

This point revealed by Lin Yu also made everyone convinced that Lin Yu was not a Demon God.

After everyone was sure, Lin Yu put the crystal back into his body.

In fact, for him, his strength would not be affected by whether he had a body or not. It was just that Lin Yu preferred and was more accustomed to his own body than using a crystal as his body.

After the divine consciousness was connected with the body, Lin Yu returned to his previous state.

"So, have you decided who to stay?"

Lin Yu smiled and looked at everyone and said.

He was not among the demon gods, which meant that among the remaining demon gods of Gui Yuli, there was still one demon god who could stay.

So who would be the demon god who stayed?

I think the answer is obvious.

"I still mean what I said before. The identity of a demon god is not that important to me. Why not leave this quota to Morax, he is also our Emperor Gui Yuli."

Gui Zhong said with a smile.

"I have no objection."

Heulia said gently.

"Me too."

Marcosius said.

The three demon gods except Morax have already expressed their intentions, so the one who can retain his demon god identity and stay is Morax.

Everyone has said so much, if Morax shirks this matter, it would be a bit impolite.

Morax was silent for a while.

"Then let it be."

"Thank you all."

Morax looked at the three people and said.

He did not choose to shirk, but chose to take it directly.

This is indeed the case. Among the four demon gods, no matter in terms of age, strength, qualifications, and identity, they are the most suitable.

After the quota of the seven rulers of the world was determined, Marcosius looked at Lin Yu with some expectation.

"I wonder when we can start the work of transplanting flowers and trees?"

After hearing Marcosius' words, Lin Yu couldn't help but roll his eyes at him.

He thought that Heulia, who least wanted to be a demon god among them, was not in a hurry, so why should you, Marcosius, be in a hurry?

"At present, only our area has completed the war, not all areas have completed it, so the demon war has not ended."

"Don't rush for this moment."

"As a demon god, you have a power far stronger than other existences. It is better to use this power before grafting and invest it in Gui Yuli's reconstruction plan."

"It's better than eating dust in the future, right?"

Lin Yu was right.

After all, when the grafting is completed, they will no longer have this body, and their bodies are not materialized by Lin Yu with the power of embodiment, so they are not within the scope of reversal.

If they cannot be reversed into a materialized power, then they will be left to eat dust in the space.

Although there is no dust in the space...

After hearing Lin Yu's suggestion, everyone lowered their heads and fell into deep thought.

Marcosius suddenly realized that he seemed to have thought of some feasible methods.

"I can inject the power of my body into this land, so that the Guiyuli land that was changed by the 100-meter tsunami can be restored to its former state."

Marcosius' eyes lit up.

After he did this, the Guiyuli Plain would be able to restore its former prosperity and solve the food problem of the people of Guiyuli.

There is no need to worry about the lack of ingredients for making food in the future.

After all, with such a large arable area, how could there be a lack of food ingredients?

With the inspiration of Marcosius, Gui Zhong and Heulia also came up with some good ideas.

But none of them were as good as Marcosius.

After all, the physiques of the demon gods and demon gods are alsoThere is a gap.

"Well, this is indeed a good way to use it."

"Then let's continue to talk about Gui Yuli's reconstruction plan."

"I suggest rebuilding a city, and it must be a coastal city, because only along the coast can the shipping industry be developed."

"I personally name this city Liyue Port. It will become the most prosperous commercial capital in the world. In the future, there will be countless ships entering and leaving the port."

"These ships carry wealth and connect the whole world."

"Let Mora, not just our Mora. Let it really circulate throughout the world!"

"How about it? Don't you think this is a very cool and fulfilling thing?"

Lin Yu's face was full of smiles.

Although he knew that Mora would definitely become the common currency of the Teyvat continent in the future, knowing and doing it personally are two completely different concepts.

Gui Zhong was thoughtful.

Through Lin Yu's previous thoughts on Gui Yuli, Gui Zhong actually understood a lot.

Before, they were still limited to one city.

Now, it is time for them to complete the transformation from city to country!

"I roughly understand what Lin Yu means."

"The city of Liyue Port will become a commercial capital in the future, and it will be the starting point to circulate Mora to the whole world."

"This is indeed a challenging thing, but it is not difficult to do it, after all, we have many advantages."

"The Demon War is over for us. As Lin Yu said, we should look further ahead."

"So Emperor, I think it is time for us to establish our own country."

"Now, please name this country that is about to be born."

Gui Zhong was still talking about Lin Yu's words in the first half, and he turned his head and went straight to Morax in the second half.

But what Gui Zhong said also makes sense.

Now it is indeed time to transform from a city to a country.

Suddenly, everyone on the Pavilion in the Clouds basically focused their eyes on Morax.

And Morax also fell into deep thought.

He originally wanted to continue using the name Gui Yuli, but then he thought it was not appropriate.

Because the three words Gui Yuli were too obvious, that is, Gui Zhong, Lin Yu and Zhongli.

As the founders of Gui Yuli, the three of them each took their own names from the world.

As the name of a city, it is nothing.

But as the name of a country, it seems a little inappropriate.

After all, there are not only the three of them in this country.

In addition, there are many people who joined Gui Yuli later. In Morax's view, this country also belongs to them.

After thinking about it, Morax rejected several names in his mind, and in the end he did not find a suitable name for the country.

Finally, a flash of inspiration came, as if there was a destiny in the dark.

In Morax's mind, the word Liyue appeared.

"The name of the country should be Liyue."

After a moment of silence, Morax said softly.


"In fact, I thought this name was very good long before, but some people are so unsophisticated that they just took one character from each of our names."

Gui Zhong said with a smile.

And Lin Yu was the person Gui Zhong was talking about.

"Gui Zhong! You! You! You!"

"What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Obviously, neither of you objected at the beginning! You also said that the three characters Gui Yuli sounded good!"

Lin Yu was immediately anxious.

At the same time, he silently wrote down Gui Zhong's words in his heart.

I will remember this grudge!

"I think Gui Yuli is also very nice. It was originally just part of the name, but they were exquisitely combined together, like a finishing touch, instantly making these three characters full of poetic beauty, and a picture of a prosperous land slowly rose in my mind."

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Heulia quickly turned her head and praised the three characters Gui Yuli.

It must be said that Lin Yu really fell for this.

If Lin Yu had a tail behind him, it would probably be up to the sky at this moment.

"Not bad, not bad, Heulia has good vision!"

He decided.

In the future, when giving Heulia a body, he must uphold the spirit of craftsmanship!

After the incident between Lin Yu and Gui Zhong, Morax began to ask other people for their opinions on Liyue as the name of the country.

Then, after the approval of everyone on the Pavilion in the Clouds, including Lin Yu.

LiyueThe name officially became the name of their country.

History will remember this day, because on this day, the most prosperous country in the world, Liyue, was born!

Under Lin Yu's instigation, Morax took a brush and dipped it in ink, ready to write the word Liyue on the rice paper in front of him.

It symbolizes the establishment of the city of Liyue Kingdom, and it is also for commemoration.

Lin Yu took out the tablet, and then included everyone in the picture. In the picture, everyone surrounded Morax and watched Morax pick up the pen.

One stroke after another explained what it means to write like a god. The two prosperous and majestic words Liyue were written by Morax on the rice paper.

When Morax wrote the last stroke, Lin Yu was also very good at finding an opportunity and immediately pressed the shutter button of the tablet.

This historic moment was forever fixed in the tablet.

It marks the official establishment and birth of Liyue as a country!

Everyone's face was filled with a very gorgeous smile at this moment, and they were happy for the moment from the bottom of their hearts.

The matter of Liyue has come to an end for the time being.

After all, Liyue, which only has a name, is a sky loft without any foundation.

Liyue has just been established, and there are still many things waiting for them to be busy.

And Lin Yu was also rarely active on such an important day today. He fully participated in the planning of the Liyue Kingdom and actively made suggestions.

First of all, in the future, the Liyue Kingdom will shift its focus from Gui Yuli to Liyue Port, and build Liyue Port into a commercial capital.

As Zhongli said in later generations, ships built for circulation will also dock when they encounter ports, so Liyue is the place where all wealth is deposited.

But it is definitely not enough to have a commercial capital.

The foundation of business is built on people's livelihood.

If people are not well fed and clothed, who will have extra things to take out for trade? In this case, the domestic business of Liyue will be affected, not to mention the future international trade.

So there is another city outside Liyue Harbor, which is the original Guiyuli City.

In the plan, the existing Guiyuli inner city will be retained, and the reconstruction plan of Guiyuli City will continue to be implemented, and then the Guiyuli Plain grain planting base will be built with it as the center.

The ultimate goal is to plant grain all over the Guiyuli Plain, as far as Shimen!

Although a swamp has formed near Shimen due to the 100-meter tsunami, it doesn’t matter that wheat can’t be planted, we can still plant rice!

Heulia will use her own power to transform the seawater in this swamp from seawater to fresh water, creating the prerequisite for planting rice.

Then Qingce Villa will be included in Liyue. There is also an area to the north of Qingce Villa, where the climate and terrain are particularly suitable for growing tea.

And tea is also a cultural business card of Liyue, the main export product in the future, and it is also the love of Morax.

So in the plan, this area was designated as a tea planting area.

Since Tianheng Mountain has been rebuilt twice, mining in Tianheng Mountain is definitely not available, but the development of Liyue needs those ores.

Therefore, in the planning, the natural large mine pit of the Layered Rock Abyss was naturally included in everyone's vision and became the object of Liyue's vigorous development of mining in the future.

One by one, the plans were gradually assigned under the fierce discussion of everyone.

Morax, Guizhong, Heulia, Ruotu, Marcosius, Xian and Yaksha were all assigned different tasks.

Only Lin Yu and Qingyu were relaxed and had no tasks.

Ahem, my task is to be responsible for assigning tasks. Isn't this reasonable? Can't this be considered a task?

Morax quickly found the blind spot.

"In the development plan of Liyue Kingdom, we each took on a job that belongs to us, but it seems that Lin Yu is not among them?"

Morax looked at Lin Yu and said.

Seeing Lin Yu's positive attitude today, he originally thought that Lin Yu had changed his character, but he didn't expect that his positive attitude was just an appearance, and he still showed off when he should.

"Ahem, since Liyue Harbor is the focus in the future, I plan to rebuild a Liyu Palace on the cloud. After Liyue Harbor is built, I have to push the Pavilion in the Clouds and the Flower Sea in the Clouds to Liyue Harbor together."

"Please, this is really tiring!"

Lin Yu said without blushing or beating his heart.

Seeing Lin Yu's determined look, everyone knew that there was no hope for Lin Yu to work.

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