During this period, Lin Yu had already thrown a total of seventeen night lights towards the abyss demon tide on the ground of Xumi Desert.

But the abyss demon tide was still pouring out from the ground.

It seemed that these abyss monsters blessed by the power of the abyss had an endless number and there was no way to completely solve them.

"Star Helium Flash!"

A round of blazing sun shone again.

Well, now it's eighteen night lights.

After seeing Lin Yu burst out such a powerful attack power again, the gods were unwilling to lag behind and used their most powerful moves.

Begin to clear the monsters on the Xumi Desert.

"Red Flame Sky Sea!"

The God of Fire waved the spear in his hand, wrapped in an extremely powerful force of fire element, and waved a sea of ​​fire towards the ground of Xumi Desert.

"Frost is coming!"

The God of Ice was hanging high in the air, with the light of ice element flashing on his fingertips, staring at the land of Xumi Desert with a cold expression.

Then huge ice spikes fell from the sky!

"Water shape transformation!"

Water God Egolia directly copied and pasted the desert field, transforming the corresponding Chaos Mechanism and Beast Realm Hounds into water-shaped creatures.

Thousands of water-shaped war machines joined the battlefield.

"The sky is moving!"

The Rock God Morax's eyes burst into golden light, and the sky and the earth changed color with a wave of his hand!

A huge star suddenly appeared in the sky at an altitude of 10,000 meters, and the star smashed towards the ground of the Xumi Desert at a very fast speed from 10,000 meters!

It caused huge AOE range damage to the ground, and at the same time, the rock element power poured out from the explosion, turning the surrounding Chaos Mechanism and Beast Realm Hounds into rocks!

A shock wave passed by, and these rock-turned Chaos Mechanisms and Beast Realm Hounds were instantly shattered into nothingness in an instant!

"Don't even think about running away!"

Wendy, wearing a divine outfit, took off with the wind, and pulled the bowstring in the sky towards the land of Xumi Desert. The surrounding wind element power gathered towards the bow and arrow.

Wendy put down the hand holding the bowstring, and a wind element arrow flew away.

As the wind element arrow flew, it gathered into an eye of the wind, and expanded rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Everything on the land of Xumi Desert was swallowed into the eye of the wind.

Then it was crushed by the wind in the eye of the wind!

Seeing the God of Fire, the God of Ice, the God of Water, the God of Rock, and the God of Wind burst out with powerful moves one after another.

Zhen was slightly stunned. She thought carefully that she didn't seem to have any unique martial arts skills, but at this moment, the arrow was on the string and had to be shot.

So Zhen learned a half-finished move.

Waving the blade in her hand, a huge lightning sword light rushed away, leaving a canyon on the land of Xumi Desert.

The elemental explosions from the six gods came one after another, directly clearing 80% of the chaos mechanisms and beast hounds in the Xumi Desert.


There are still many abyss monsters gushing out from the cracks in the ground.

The 80% that was just cleared away seems to be soon filled up by these newly appeared abyss monsters.

Lin Yu was speechless.

So how many of these chaos mechanisms has Kanreya produced in these hundreds of years? !

If the battle continues like this, Lin Yu has a premonition that this war will last for several months.

Lin Yu closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

In the current situation, if you want to fight quickly, you can only use that trick.

Lin Yu, who was hanging high among the gods, slowly stretched out his right hand.

"Black Realm·Descend!"

A small black hole appeared in Lin Yu's hand.

This small black hole was left over from the fight against the twelve demon gods a thousand years ago.

It has been suspended in a corner of Lin Yu's space.

Until today, it finally saw the light again!

The small black hole flew out of Lin Yu's hand and flew to the largest crack in the Xumi Desert on the ground, and then the small black hole began to expand.

From the size of a hand, it expanded to a black hole horizon with a diameter of 10M.

Under Lin Yu's control, the huge gravity of the black hole began to lock the power of the abyss, the chaos mechanism, the beast realm hound, and the other abyss monsters.

Then a very spectacular picture appeared in the sky above the Xumi Desert.

It appeared in the eyes of the gods.

I saw that the power of the abyss that originally rushed straight to the sky began to twist under the action of the gravity of the black hole, and finally rotated around the black hole in circles.

A halo composed of the power of the abyss formed around the black hole.

Not just the power of the abyss.The chaos mechanisms and beast hounds that emerged from the ground, whether they could fly or not, now left the ground with their feet and gathered in the direction of the black hole from all directions.

As they gradually approached the black hole, the gravity of the black hole instantly tore these abyss monsters into particles, and finally they were ruthlessly swallowed by the black hole.

For a moment, the situation on the battlefield in the Xumi Desert was instantly reversed.

The gods held their weapons and floated above the sky of Xumi, looking at the black hole wonder created by Lin Yu in the sky with a slightly dull look.

As soon as this move came out, it seemed that the situation on the battlefield no longer required them, the gods, to take action.

All the abyss monsters on the Xumi Desert could not escape the lock of Lin Yu's black hole.

The abyss monsters that emerged from the ground can be said to be locked by Lin Yu's black hole as soon as they appeared, and then quickly flew into the sky and were finally swallowed by the black hole.

Even the gods did not dare to look directly at the face of the black hole for too long.

When the gods looked at the black hole, they always felt that they would be captivated.

If they were locked by the black world, they would probably be annihilated and swallowed by it, right?

Compared with this, the night light bombing that they were amazed at Lin Yu before was nothing compared to this black world.

So this is the real strength of Lin Yu as the ruler of order?

It was so powerful.

The God of Fire felt fortunate because she had thought of exchanging martial arts with Lin Yu before.

Fortunately, she never found the right opportunity.

The matter of exchanging martial arts with Lin Yu was delayed again and again.

Seeing that all the abyss monsters were attracted by his small black hole, Lin Yu's mouth corners slightly raised.

Then all he had to do was wait. The small black hole would swallow up all the abyss power and abyss monsters that would burst out from the ground. Then the war in Kanreya should be over.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu wanted to materialize a cloud on the spot, and then put a table on the cloud.

It just so happened that everyone except the God of Grass was there.

Why not hold a banquet for the gods, enjoy the banquet while appreciating the masterpiece of the little black hole, and then wait for the end of the Kanreya War and go home.

Isn't it fun?

That's a wonderful decision!

Lin Yu waved his hand and materialized a cloud under his feet, and then an exquisite wooden table appeared on the cloud.

Lin Yu's move was a surprise to all the gods.

Obviously before this, they were still in the midst of the war, why did they suddenly become so leisurely now?

Just when Lin Yu was about to materialize 108 delicacies and invite the gods present to enjoy the food together.


A figure fell from the sky.

It hit the table that Lin Yu had just materialized not long ago very accurately.

The entire exquisite wooden table was smashed in an instant, and sawdust flew!

"The Heavenly Justice Maintainer!?"

After the smoke cleared, Lin Yu could not help but blurt out after seeing the figure falling down clearly.

It was obvious that Lin Yu did not expect that the person falling down from the sky would be the Heavenly Justice Maintainer.

Then Lin Yu immediately became alert and looked up in the direction of the sky.

I saw a black shadow descending from the clouds.

The black shadow continued to condense into reality, and a humanoid creature with a very abyssal color stood in the sky. It was obviously the guy who had been fighting with the Heavenly Justice Maintainer before and seriously injured the Heavenly Justice Maintainer.

It was him!

"The abyss is unstoppable!"

"The abyss, descend!!"

The abyss humanoid creature in the sky spread its arms, and then a huge black abyss light ball appeared on its chest.

Then two abyss light pillars burst out from the light ball.

A abyss light pillar rushed straight into the sky, and the sky changed color!

A beam of abyssal light rushed straight to the earth, and countless rocks collapsed under the impact of the abyssal light column.

"Stop... stop it."

"The abyss, can't come..."

The Heavenly Justice Maintainer barely supported herself from the cloud, and she looked in the direction of Lin Yu and said.

At this moment, the Heavenly Justice is asleep, and it will not wake up until a certain moment. If the Abyss Servant tears the barrier between the earth and the sky apart.

When the power of the abyss rushes into Teyvat unscrupulously.

Even if the Heavenly Justice wakes up because of this, it will be too late.

Lin Yu observed for a while and seemed to have understood the intention of the Abyss Servant.

"Leave it to me."

Lin Yu nodded and said

Although I don't know how the gods led by the Heavenly Justice Maintainer solved this war in the original history of the Kanreya War.

But it is obvious that the appearance of the Abyss Servant should not be in line with the original TeyvatThe course of the continent.

The Heavenly Justice Maintainer may be seriously injured in this war.

But he should never fall down at this time.

It seems that history has changed. Is it because of this little butterfly that flapped its wings and changed the original course of the Teyvat continent?

In this case.

Then history should also be rewritten by him!


Lin Yu summoned the Sky-breaking Sword, rushed towards the direction of the Abyss Servant, and slashed at the Abyss Servant!

This sword was going to cut the Abyss Servant in half.

"Abyss, unstoppable!"

When Lin Yu's sword was about to hit the Abyss Servant, the Abyss Servant stopped the continuous burst of the Abyss Light Column, and then rushed to Lin Yu within 0.1 seconds, and then put his hand on Lin Yu's abdomen, and a beam of Abyss Light instantly pierced Lin Yu's body.

Under the impact of the Abyss Light Column, Lin Yu flew backwards with the Abyss Light Column.

Severe pain suddenly surged into his heart.

Lin Yu immediately cut off the pain connection between himself and his body, and then deployed his defensive stance.

At the same time, he mobilized the power of embodiment to repair his body.

Lin Yu was immediately furious.

With a wave of his hand, the small black hole suspended in the sky immediately smashed towards the Servant of the Abyss.

Facing Lin Yu's attack, the Servant of the Abyss turned into the power of the abyss and dodged it in an instant.

Lin Yu mobilized the gravity of the black hole, wanting to lock the Servant of the Abyss, so that it would be sucked into the black hole, and then torn into powder by the huge power of the black hole.

What surprised Lin Yu was that.

Obviously, he had mobilized the black hole to lock the Servant of the Abyss, but the Servant of the Abyss seemed to have not been affected at all in the face of the powerful gravity of the black hole.

"The sound of the tide of the abyss!"

Even the huge abyss ball on his chest was summoned, and a beam of abyss light with a diameter of hundreds of meters burst out towards Lin Yu!

The defensive stance flashed with white light.

Instantly, the materialized power of more than 20 night lights dissipated in an instant, and all were used as defensive stances to resist the abyss light column from the servant of the abyss.

So far, Lin Yu has been passively beaten.

Watching the servant of the abyss take the abyss ball back to his chest, it became a tiny starry sky bead.

Lin Yu noticed something.

I'm afraid the weakness of the servant of the abyss lies in this starry sky color bead.


Lin Yu held the sword forward and chopped the bead of the servant of the abyss with one sword.

The servant of the abyss immediately blocked it with his arms, and the broken sky sword flashed sparks on the arms of the servant of the abyss, and left a sword mark on the servant of the abyss.

Seeing the Servant of the Abyss protecting the bead so carefully.

Lin Yu's mouth corners slightly raised.

His guess was proved. Obviously, the star-colored bead on the chest of the Servant of the Abyss was the weakness of the Servant of the Abyss in front of him.

Tens of thousands of meters above the sky, Lin Yu held the Broken Sky Sword and continued to attack the weakness of the Servant of the Abyss. With the other hand, he seized the opportunity to continuously bombard small night lights.

The battle in the sky was so fierce.

And in the Xumi Desert below, because Lin Yu had previously recruited the small black hole to attack the Servant of the Abyss.

So now the situation in the Xumi Desert is out of control again.

A large amount of abyss power continued to gush out from the ground.

In the several cracks on the ground, countless chaos mechanisms and beast hounds blessed by the power of the abyss gushed out again.

The vibration of the ground became stronger and stronger.

More abyss monsters gushed out!

After seeing the current situation in the Xumi Desert, the gods in the sky looked at each other, then picked up their weapons and joined the battle.

Even the Heavenly Justice Maintainer had been severely injured and defeated by the black shadow above.

The gods now knew the pressure Lin Yu faced in the sky.

As the rulers of the mortal world, they did not have enough strength to intervene in the battle in the sky.

So what they can do now is to suppress the situation in the Xumi Desert and reduce the pressure on the rulers of order who were fighting the black shadow in the sky.

But the gods had been fighting for a long time, and they had taken turns to explode the elements before.

The remaining strength in the body can only delay for half a month at most.

At present, they can only hope that Lin Yu can defeat the black shadow in this half month.

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