Lin Yu was still fighting with the Abyss Servant in the sky.

He approached the Abyss Servant several times, but he had no chance to touch the weakness of the Abyss Servant. The power of the Abyss Servant was endless.

And the power of the Abyss Servant seemed endless.

After Lin Yu's accurate observation, he found that the source of the power of the Abyss Servant seemed to come from the Abyss Pearl in the chest of the Abyss Servant.

And the power of the Abyss Pearl is needless to say.

The two abyss light pillars that burst out, one upward and one downward, can tear the sky and break the earth, opening a channel for the arrival of the abyss.

Being able to have such power is enough to see the power contained in it.

Lin Yu glanced at the Broken Sky Sword in his hand. Now he was holding the Broken Sky Sword and using the swordsmanship he learned from Qing Yu, but he was getting more and more powerless to deal with the enemy.

It seems that this Broken Sky Sword is not keeping up with the version.

Lin Yu didn't want to continue to tangle with the servant of the abyss. He had to find a chance to get rid of it.

Put away the Broken Sky Sword.

Lin Yu looked at the small black hole floating in the palm of his hand, and a new idea came to his mind.

He looked in the direction of the servant of the abyss.

A ray of materialized power flashed from his fingertips.

Then four barriers composed of materialized power appeared in the sky, and the barriers confined the servant of the abyss.

"Abyss! No! Stop it!"

The servant of the abyss trapped by Lin Yu burst out the power of the abyss pearl in his chest.

At the same time, the materialized power in Lin Yu's body used to maintain the barrier was being rapidly consumed by the attack of the servant of the abyss.

But Lin Yu really wanted to trap the servant of the abyss for a while.

It doesn't matter if some materialized power is consumed for this reason.

Then next.

Lin Yu looked at the small black hole in his hand.

This small black hole has the power of a thousand night lights.

Lin Yu now wants to see what kind of power this small black hole with the power of a thousand night lights will release when it blooms.

He has never seen it before.

Now let's experiment on this servant of the abyss.

Then Lin Yu threw the small black hole in his hand out.

The barrier has the ability to block space transmission, so now the servant of the abyss can only attack the barrier with force, but the barrier is maintained by Lin Yu's materialization power, so it is not so easy to break.

The small black hole hit the servant of the abyss like this.

The chest of the servant of the abyss burst out with the light of the starry sky, and it actually directly resisted the distortion from the gravity of the black hole. Even with such a close contact, the servant of the abyss is still safe and sound.

"Black world, collapse!"

Lin Yu raised his hand and shouted.

Then the small black hole began to collapse under Lin Yu's control.

As the small black hole collapsed to the extreme, a strong gravitational force began to gather.

The Servant of the Abyss felt a little uneasy in the face of this sudden black hole power.

The light emitted by the Abyss Pearl began to fluctuate, as if fighting against the power of the black hole.

Suddenly, the small black hole burst into dazzling light, and the power of a thousand night lights was blooming in the sky at this moment!

A powerful shock wave spread from the center of the small black hole, tearing the surrounding space into pieces. The light bloomed like fireworks, reflecting the entire sky in a variety of colors.

In an instant, a scene more beautiful than the starry sky appeared in the sky of the Xumi Desert.

But there was a crisis in this beauty!

The explosion of the small black hole generated huge energy and also shattered the surrounding space.

If an ordinary person entered it, he would be torn into pieces by these broken spaces in an instant.

The Servant of the Abyss was hit by the explosion of the collapse of the small black hole at close range.

His figure was directly annihilated in it.

However, Lin Yu did not know whether the servant of the abyss was completely destroyed, because after the aftermath of the explosion, the abyss bead was still suspended in the air.

Lin Yu waved his hand to control the barrier to compress inward.

Fortunately, the small black hole was made of materialized power, and Lin Yu had complete control over it, so that the energy generated by it when it exploded would not hurt the barrier set by Lin Yu.

Otherwise, if Lin Yu wanted to make his barrier, he would not know how much materialized power he would consume under the explosion of the night light.

Lin Yu controlled the barrier to shrink.

Until the barrier framed the abyss bead.

Lin Yu waved his hand to call, and the abyss bead framed by the barrier flew from a distance to Lin Yu's hand.

Looking at this abyss bead from a close distance.

The bead is the color of the starry sky, with the abyss.That deepness, the Abyss Pearl was covered with faint starlight.

After the collapse of the small black hole just now, the light of the Abyss Pearl dimmed a lot.

But keeping this thing is still a disaster.

If it can be destroyed directly, it would be the best.

But what kind of means should be used to completely destroy this object from the abyss?

Lin Yu immediately fell into deep thought.

After a while, Lin Yu remembered that he still had the Rule of Light.

And this Rule of Light came from the hand of Heaven.

Since Heaven gave the Rule of Light to himself, it must be that this Rule of Light should have some special uses.

Since ancient times, light has driven out darkness, so Lin Yu was wondering if he could use the power of the Rule of Light to drive out the darkness on the Abyss Pearl?

Thinking of this, a ray of light elemental power flashed on Lin Yu's fingertips.

A ray of light elemental force came out from Lin Yu's fingertips, then passed through the barrier set by Lin Yu, and then wrapped around the Abyss Pearl.

When this ray of light elemental force came into contact with the Abyss Pearl.

The Abyss Power and the Light Elemental Force collided with each other, and a reaction similar to annihilation occurred immediately.

Seeing that there seemed to be some effect, Lin Yu immediately increased the intensity of the light elemental force in his hand, and suddenly Lin Yu's body glowed with soft light elemental power.

After this experiment, Lin Yu now understood.

It seems that the Abyss Power and the Light Elemental Force are mutually reinforcing and restraining. While light drives out darkness, darkness can also cover up light.

However, the final result is that the card gets which is stronger between the Abyss Power and the Light Elemental Force.

Under Lin Yu's continuous output of light elemental force, it seems that all the Abyss Power on the Abyss Pearl has been washed away.

The Abyss Pearl, which was originally the color of the starry sky, has now become a pure white bead in Lin Yu's hand.

Seeing this change, Lin Yu untied the barrier, and then the white bead fell into Lin Yu's hand.

After observing it in his hand, just when Lin Yu was about to put the white bead into the space, the white bead moved and turned into a white light, rushing towards the bottom of the world.


Lin Yu slowly typed a big question mark.

He was actually deceived by a bead pretending to be harmless? !

But when untied the barrier, Lin Yu had carefully checked the breath of the Abyss Pearl.

At that time, the Abyss Pearl was full of the holy breath of light element power.

After seeing that the breath of the Abyss power was completely gone from its body, Lin Yu untied the barrier and took it in his hand to observe it closely.

Who knew that the Abyss Pearl was a deception, and took advantage of Lin Yu's slight relaxation, and actually ran away.

Seeing that the white bead fled, Lin Yu immediately chased after it.


At the same time, on the other side.

In the underground kingdom of Kanreya.

After a long period of war with the abyss monsters, the once prosperous and brilliant city scene in Kanreya has now become a ruin with flames everywhere.

In the ruins, Ying is still looking for her brother in the city.


"Brother, where are you!"



Ying, who is looking for her brother, keeps calling her brother, but has not been able to get a response for a long time.

Now she hears her brother calling her name.

Ying suddenly became emotional and immediately chased in the direction of her brother's voice.

At the corner of a ruin, the two finally met again.

"Ying, what happened here? Why did this happen?"

As soon as Kong woke up, he saw Kanreya in the midst of war.

Everything around him had already become a ruin.

He looked at his sister and asked.

"Brother, I don't have time to explain everything here to you. Come with me now."

"We must leave this place now."

"After we leave this world, I will explain everything that happened here to you."

Ying said anxiously.

Kong saw his sister's anxious look again, and then he realized the seriousness of the matter.

He also understood that the current scene of war was not suitable for further questioning.


Kong nodded and said.

Then Ying took her brother and followed the road that Dain pointed out to her before leaving to leave Kanreya.

After leaving the underground kingdom of Kanreya, the two came to the desert of Xumi and saw Xumi.The endless war in the desert.

Then the two of them immediately turned into two golden lights and flew into the sky to leave this war-torn world.

At the same time, on the other side.

Lin Yu followed the direction of the white bead.

From tens of thousands of meters high.

I saw the white bead fly into the crack where the power of the abyss gushed out.

Seeing this situation, Lin Yu couldn't continue to chase.

After all, he didn't want to plunge into the power of the abyss, it really didn't look like a good journey.

Just when Lin Yu was about to find another way.

The Heavenly Justice Maintainer, who seemed to have recovered almost, appeared in front of Lin Yu in a flash. It seemed that she still had something important to discuss.

"The ruler of order, the servant of the abyss has been repelled by you."

"The current situation is still stable. I just sensed that the son of the man who committed such an act of usurpation is now fleeing in the Teyvat continent, trying to leave Teyvat after committing such an act of usurpation."

"This is part of the spatial power."

"Can the ruler of order take this spatial power to stop the son of the man who is trying to leave, and seal him in space and wait for the disposal of the superior."

"The endgame of the war will be solved by me and the gods of the world."

The Heavenly Justice Maintainer said.

At the same time, a blue spatial cube was handed to Lin Yu.

To be honest, this proposal of the Heavenly Justice Maintainer surprised Lin Yu, because the current situation has completely deviated from the plot!

Didn't the beginning of everything in the plot start with the Heavenly Justice Maintainer stopping Kong and Ying on the Sky Island?

And now he actually wants himself to go.


This is really something that is hard to refuse.

"Okay, I understand."

"I will stop the son of the person who committed the usurpation."

Lin Yu nodded and said.

Then he integrated this space cube into his body, just like the way he integrated the light rules before, and swallowed this space cube with the materialized crystal.

Then Lin Yu gained the power to drive some space rules.

Different from the restart of the light rules.

After integrating this space cube given by the Heavenly Law Maintainer, Lin Yu was able to mobilize all the space rules in Teyvat in this part of the power.

The difference between the two is so big.

Perhaps it is because there is no light elemental power in the current Teyvat continent.

Forget it, don't worry about it.

Lin Yu directly mobilized the power of space, and then locked the position of Kong and Ying, but after that Lin Yu did not start to act immediately.

Instead, he was waiting for Kong and Ying to enter the Sky Island and prepare to break through the sky from the Sky Island to leave the Teyvat continent.

Lin Yu waved his hand casually, and the space rules moved in response.

Then a space gate appeared in front of Lin Yu. After crossing this space gate, he came to the Sky Island.

Kong and Ying were running on the Sky Island corridor bridge.

After seeing the space gate opened by Lin Yu, they immediately became alert.

When Lin Yu crossed the space gate, he did not forget to use his position to change his appearance in the eyes of others, so now the Lin Yu in the eyes of Kong and Ying is the adult Lin Yu whose appearance is only a little similar to Lin Yu.

"Outsiders, your journey ends here."

The adult Lin Yu slowly walked out of the space gate, and his appearance and behavior were full of the noble honor and steadiness of mature gods.

"Who is it?!"

Seeing the adult Lin Yu blocking the way, Ying shouted immediately.

At the same time, he and Kong were ready to fight, ready to attack the adult Lin Yu at any time, so as to fight for a way out!

"The maintainer of heaven's law, here to put an end to the usurpation of the son of man."

Lin Yu thought again and again, he couldn't call himself the God of Feathers, right? That's so inappropriate!

So, Lin Yu simply named himself the maintainer of heaven's law, which can be regarded as respecting the original from another perspective.

While the adult Lin Yu was speaking, the azure space block was suspended in his hand.

As soon as the words fell, the space block in Lin Yu's hand instantly enlarged.

At the same time, a huge space block was generated under the feet of Kong and Ying, but Kong and Ying had already prepared and avoided it by taking advantage of the pre-swing of the space block generation.

The two also instantly summoned golden wings, and at the same time, they all sacrificed their weapons.

The battle between Lin Yu and the son of man is about to break out!

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