"Well, since there is a guest, the Emperor should deal with the matter of Zhidong Ice God first." Gui Zhong looked at Morax and said. "Then wait until the matter is dealt with, and then consider how to consider the affairs of Liyue." Morax nodded and said. Then he stood up from the coffee table and walked out of the Temple of Dust. His figure flashed and disappeared directly in the clouds. Recently, Zhidong has been making various moves frequently, so Gui Zhong thought that Zhidong Ice God's visit this time was probably not to discuss anything good with the Emperor. The Ice God appeared above Gui Yuli's cloud. She only knew that the gods of Liyue lived in a secret space called Yunshang Palace. But she didn't know how to visit Yunshang Palace. So now she could only float above Gui Yuli and look around with her own mind. But she didn't see anything. Then a strong breath of the Rock God suddenly appeared, and a figure appeared in front of the Ice God, and this figure was the Emperor Morax of Liyue.

"I am the current Ice God of Zhidong, also known as the Queen of Ice. Hello, Morax, the Rock God of Liyue." Zhidong Ice God looked at Morax and introduced himself.

"Well, hello." Morax nodded slightly, and asked again: "I wonder why the Ice God suddenly visited Liyue?"

"I heard that the Cloud Palace is the residence of the gods of Liyue. It happens that I am more curious about this Cloud Palace. Why don't we visit and chat?" Zhidong Ice God said.

"Yes." Morax nodded.

He agreed to Zhidong Ice God's request to visit the Cloud Palace because he and Zhidong Ice God were both in charge of the mortal world.

But I don't know what medicine Zhidong Ice God is selling in his gourd.

Under the guidance of Morax, the two came to the South Gate of Heaven. Standing at this position, Morax waved his hand lightly, and the next moment, the two had already entered the Cloud Palace.

Standing under the South Gate of Heaven, the Ice God could see the prosperous scenery inside the Cloud Palace at a glance.

It seems that those myths and legends did not exaggerate the existence of the Cloud Palace.

"Please." Morax said.

Then he began to take the Ice God of Winter to visit. After Morax had a perfunctory and simple visit to a part of it, the visit to the Cloud Palace was stopped.

Morax also took the Ice God of Winter to the Pavilion in the Cloud.

A pot of tea was brewed in the Pavilion in the Cloud, and the two began to discuss some things in the Pavilion in the Cloud.

"I have only one purpose for visiting Liyue this time, that is, I want to borrow something from you, the God of Rock." The Ice God of Winter said.

Borrow something? Morax frowned slightly.

"What is it?" Morax took a sip of tea, put down the teacup, and then looked at the Ice God of Winter, asking her what she wanted to borrow from him.

"Heart of the Rock God."

The Ice God of Winter looked at Morax and said bluntly.

Morax just picked up the teacup and put it back.

Then he looked at the Ice God of Winter with a scrutinizing look.

"Is there a reason?" Morax said.

The Heart of the Rock God is not so important to Morax. On weekdays, Morax basically does not need the Heart of the Rock God.

The Heart of the Rock God is more like a symbol to Morax.

"Of course." The Ice God nodded. "I have a grand plan, and a very critical part of this plan is the Heart of God."

"Can you tell me about the plan that requires the Heart of God?" Morax said.

Regardless of whether you want to lend the Heart of God or not, when someone asks you to borrow an item, you always need to know the reason for using the item before considering whether to lend it or not.

After all, Morax and the current Ice God, apart from being the rulers of the world, did not know each other, so there was naturally no relationship between the two.

"Of course."

The Ice God did not hesitate at all, and then began to tell his plan.

"As the current master of the Teyvat continent... (four thousand words omitted here.), what I have to do is to correct the mistake."

"And to correct this level of mistake, it is obviously impossible to do it with the power of our winter."

"So I need to use the Heart of God, collect the seven Hearts of God in the world to get the power of the ancient dragon, and this is just part of our careful plan."

"Wear and tear are inevitable, and the fate of the world has long been destined in this starry sky."

"Morax, are you really willing to watch the world flourish under your governance?"Will the glorious Liyue go to the destined ending written in the starry sky?"

"Only by correcting the mistakes can we get the destiny that truly belongs to us."

This is really a very bold plan.

After listening to what the Ice God said, Morax put down the teacup in his hand, and then frowned and fell into deep thought.

This matter is very important, and Morax cannot make a decision alone for the time being.

After seeing Morax was silent for a while, the Ice God still did not give a definite answer.

She looked at Morax and continued: "Most of the materials used to make the Heart of God are actually the bones of the third descender. I think it is better not to carry such an object that will bring bad luck to people. "

Ice God said that Morax glanced at her.

He did not expect that the Heart of God was made of the skeleton of the third descender.

From a general rational point of view, it is indeed not good to carry the skeleton of others all day long.

But if that is the case, Morax cannot make the decision to hand over the Heart of God to the Ice God.

Because it is almost a bet on the future of the entire Liyue.

If you win, you may be able to obtain the true destiny as the Ice God said, but if you lose, the entire Liyue will bear the endless wrath from the sky.

The price is too high, and he cannot make such a decision.

"This matter is too important. I have to discuss it with other people in Liyue before I can give a definite answer."

Morax stood up from the Pavilion in the Clouds.

Then he poured a cup of tea for the Ice God and motioned her to wait here. The Ice God herself had no opinion on this, and she did not think that the Rock God would easily give in.

But does the Rock God Morax still have to go to other people to discuss it? For ordinary beings, the Rock God should not tell outsiders about such things.

The only person that the Ice God could think of in this cloud palace was the Ruler of Order Zennos.

She was very curious about the Ruler of Order Zennos.

After all, she had only heard of him and had never really seen him.

Fortunately, the Ruler of Order was not on the side of Heavenly Principle, otherwise the Rock God Morax would have discussed this matter with the Ruler of Order, and wouldn't that have directly transmitted this information to the sky.

If the sleeping Heavenly Principle was awakened by this, it would be the true death of the former emperor before he had completed his business.

After leaving the Pavilion in the Clouds, Morax went to the direction of the Feather Temple without hesitation. Although Lin Yu usually behaved a little childishly, he was as calm as a god in the face of such a major event.

"Morax? Why are you here? "

Seeing the outsider in the Yu Shen Temple, Qingyu in the temple was stunned at first, and then said in a somewhat puzzled tone.

Then he thought that Morax came to the Yu Shen Temple to find Lin Yu, after all, it was impossible for him to come to find him.

"To discuss some important matters with Lin Yu." Morax said.

"Oh, Lin Yu's room is over there. If you walk over and see the sign "Practice in seclusion, no disturbance", it is his room."

"There is another game in the game tablet center today, so I will go ahead and not disturb you to discuss important matters!"

Qingyu had already expected in his heart that Morax came to find Lin Yu, Then he pointed Morax in a direction, and then took the game tablet and walked out of the Feather Temple with a casual look.

The matter that Morax wanted to discuss with Lin Yu must be something very important about the entire Liyue. How could a small Qingyu like him get involved in such a matter, so he chose to go to the game tablet center to watch the game.

In today's game, there are two heavyweight players, Ruotu and Marcosius, which must be very exciting.

After Qingyu left, Morax walked straight to the direction pointed by Qingyu, and then saw the sign in front of Lin Yu's door [Retreat and practice, no idle people disturb].

He stretched out his hand and knocked on the door directly.

As the knock on the door sounded outside, Lin Yu, who was sleeping and practicing in the room, also felt the knock on the door. Immediately, Lin Yu exited the state of sleeping and practicing, slowly opened his eyes and woke up.

The whole body was full of strength, and the inventory consumed in the space was also accumulated.

"Who is it? "Lin Yu's lazy voice sounded.

He stood up, and then waved his hand and the door opened automatically.

"Morax?" Lin Yu was a little surprised.

People who usually wake up when they hear a knock on the door are generallyQingyu is the right guy.

I didn't expect it to be Morax this time. Qingyu knocked on the door to wake me up because of some unexpected situations in Liyue. What could Morax come to me now?

It can't be that Morax hasn't seen me for hundreds of years, and then he wants to buy osmanthus flowers and wine, and suddenly misses my existence, so he comes to reminisce.

Obviously, Morax is not such a person.

The probability of this happening to Qingyu is higher than that of Morax.

"Come in."

"Tell me, what happened that requires my help?"

"As long as I take a little action, it will be the limit of this world."

Lin Yu sat in front of the desk in his room. There was a small night light on the desk, which was emitting a faint light.

At the same time, he said some embarrassing little words that he thought were very handsome.

But Morax had already gotten used to these things, so in Morax's mind, he had automatically ignored these words.

"The current Ice God of Zhidong came today, she... (4000 words omitted here)"

"So I want to hear your opinion on this matter."

Morax first repeated to Lin Yu the words that Zhidong Ice God had told him before, and then asked Lin Yu for his opinion.

It turned out that in the plot, the content of the contract that Zhongli had never mentioned was like this.

However, Lin Yu felt that the plan of Zhidong Ice God would not be that simple. Zhidong Ice God probably just talked about the tip of the iceberg in his plan, but it was not a big problem. Regarding these contents, it was not something that Lin Yu needed to worry about.

"Agree, why not agree?" Lin Yu said with a smile.

"But although we agree, we can't give it directly to Zhidong Ice God. We have to find a way to give the Heart of God out."

Change another method?

"We will arrange such a scene to let the Ice God of Zhidong snatch the Heart of God from us."

"In this way, where this Heart of God is used in the future will not have much to do with us Liyue. After all, it was Zhidong who robbed our Heart of God, and we Liyue are just a victim."

"While clearing the relationship, we also found a way out for Liyue. Whether Zhidong's plan succeeds or not has nothing to do with us, so why not do it?"

Lin Yu told his inner thoughts.

The Heart of God was snatched away by Zhidong, so what does the mistake made by Zhidong have to do with their Liyue?

After listening to Lin Yu's words, Morax fell into deep thought. He thought about it and felt that Lin Yu's method seemed feasible. As long as he knew how to avoid risks and give away the Heart of Rock God, he would not implicate their Liyue.

"It's a good method to avoid the risk of handing over the Heart of God. But Liyue has not completely avoided the risk. While the plan is being implemented, the plan itself also has the risk of being exposed." Morax said.

"Don't worry, even if you know it, it doesn't matter."

"Don't I still exist in Liyue? As long as we don't really participate in the correction plan of the Winter Ice God, Liyue will not be in trouble because of this."

Lin Yu looked at Morax and said.

If the Ice God's plan is exposed, the law of nature will be held accountable for it. At that time, Lin Yu will look at the law of nature and let Him give him a face.

As long as He doesn't want to push himself into the abyss, the law of nature should not be too entangled in this issue.

After listening to Lin Yu's words, Morax saw the confidence on Lin Yu's face again.

He chose to believe that Lin Yu would not do something he was not sure of. This is the trust accumulated over thousands of years.

"Okay, I listen to you." Morax looked at Lin Yu and said.

Lin Yu stood up from the desk, walked to Morax's side, and patted Morax's shoulder.

"Let's go, I'll go with you to see the Winter Ice God." Lin Yu said.

Since he has woken up, why not accompany Morax to see it together. The most important thing is that Lin Yu is a little curious about the current Ice God.

At the same time, it can also be regarded as a kind of witness.

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