"Okay" Morax looked at Lin Yu and nodded slightly.

Then the two walked side by side. After hundreds of years, Lin Yu finally walked out of his room again.

The two came out of the Yu Temple and flew directly to the Pavilion in the Clouds where the Winter Ice God was.

The Winter Ice God, who was waiting on the Pavilion in the Clouds, felt two powerful auras approaching her. One of the powers was known to her, which was the aura of the Rock God Morax.

And the other aura in it, the Winter Ice God did not know the owner of this aura.

But combined with what Morax said before leaving, she guessed that the person next to Morax at this time was another powerful existence in Liyue, the Ruler of Order Zennos.

Lin Yu and Morax landed steadily in front of the Winter Ice God in the Pavilion in the Clouds.

"I guess the person next to Morax is the well-known Ruler of Order Zennos? I have heard about your deeds a long time ago."

After seeing Lin Yu, the Winter Ice God stood up and began to speak to Lin Yu.

There seemed to be a sense of compliment in this speech.

At the same time, Lin Yu's eyes were constantly looking at the Winter Ice God in front of him.

From Lin Yu's aesthetic point of view, the new generation of Ice God is not as good-looking as the previous generation of Ice God. The previous generation of Ice God is a cold big sister, especially a certain part of her body is also an abnormal big sister.

On the other hand, this new generation of Ice God looks like a young version of a cold big sister.

"Well, hello." Lin Yu said in a flat tone. "Morax has told me about your affairs before, and now we can give an answer."

Lin Yu took up his shelf as a god and sat in the pavilion in the clouds.

Then, while speaking, he waved the power of manifestation, and a cup of fresh Coca-Cola with bubbles appeared in front of Lin Yu.

After speaking, he picked up the Coke and drank it elegantly. It felt good.


"Okay, please speak." said the God of Winter.

In the eyes of the God of Winter, since the ruler of order is willing to follow Morax, he must have agreed with his plan.

If not, is there any need to come?

"Regarding your plan that requires the use of the Heart of the Rock God. Our Liyue's answer to this is that we do not agree to lend the Heart of the Rock God." Lin Yu said lightly.

Huh? The God of Winter was stunned. It was obvious that the answer given by Lin Yu was obviously not what the God of Winter expected.

"But," Lin Yu changed the subject, "Although we in Liyue do not intend to lend out the Heart of the Rock God, you, Zhidong, can snatch the Heart of the Rock God from Liyue with your own strength."

? ? ?

After listening to Lin Yu's words, Zhidong Ice God slowly typed three big question marks.

She was stunned.

With the existence of the Rule of Order, only Liyue can snatch Zhidong's Ice God Heart, and there is no reason for Zhidong to snatch Liyue's Rock God Heart.

If she can easily defeat the Rule of Order, why is she still preparing these careful plans here?

However, Zhidong Ice God thinks that this matter should not be as simple as it seems on the surface.

Lin Yu's meaning seems to be saying.....

After Zhidong Ice God fell into deep thought for a while, her eyes suddenly lit up and she knew the meaning of Lin Yu's words.


"But how can we, Zhidong, snatch the Heart of the Rock God from Liyue?"

Zhidong Ice God, who understood Lin Yu's meaning, asked further.

Then Lin Yu looked at Morax.

"Regarding your question, it is beyond my scope of handling. Perhaps you can ask Morax." Lin Yu continued after refilling a cup of Coke.

He is not a worm in Morax's stomach. How can he know what Morax is thinking in his heart?

After all, the original plot of Liyue has changed slightly, so for a while Lin Yu is not quite sure what kind of death Morax likes.

Then Lin Yu stopped caring about this matter.

He was beside Morax and Zhidong Ice God, silently listening to what Morax and Zhidong Ice God were talking about, and then drinking Coca-Cola that he used the power of embodiment.

The specific content discussed by Morax and Zhidong Ice God was very simple.

It was Morax who first expressed his intention to retire, and then changed the topic to the people of Liyue welcoming the rule of man.The test of the times.

However, Morax had not thought about this test yet, but he intended to arrange the scene of the Heart of God being snatched by Zhidong in this part.

Then he was opposed by Zhidong Ice God.

What a joke, although it is a snatch, it cannot be snatched in front of the entire Liyue Port.

Wouldn't the whole Liyue know that it was Zhidong who murdered the Liyue Emperor. According to the extent to which the people of Liyue admire the God of Rock, it is very likely that a war between Liyue and Zhidong will break out.

So Zhidong Ice God decisively rejected Morax's proposal.

Then the two began to discuss again, but they did not get a definite answer in the end.

In the end, the two signed a contract, and the content of the contract was that the Heart of the God of Rock in Liyue would be snatched away by Zhidong.

But as for how to snatch the Heart of the God of Rock from Liyue. The two have not yet reached a conclusion on this issue.

So Morax left a Lin Yu authentic Thousand Miles Transmission Note for the Ice God of Winter.

After Morax discussed his retirement plan, he would use this Lin Yu authentic Thousand Miles Transmission Note to inform the Ice God far away in Winter of part of Morax's plan about the Heart of the Rock God.

After receiving the information, the Ice God arranged the personnel of Winter Country according to the information.

Then, without most people knowing, this drama was staged in front of everyone.

"The contract has been concluded, and those who break their promises should be punished by eating rocks."

Morax said, which also meant that the contract between him and the Ice God of Winter was formally concluded.

And the content of this contract is to exchange a Rock God's Heart for another possible future of Liyue.

After the contract was signed, the Ice God of Winter did not stay in the Cloud Palace for a long time, and soon left the Cloud Palace of Liyue.

Then Morax passed the message and called Guizhong to the Pavilion in the Clouds.

The two began to continue the topic that was interrupted by the arrival of the Winter Ice God.

Discuss what kind of test should be set for Liyue.

"Nowadays, the people of Liyue rely heavily on the gods. It is often said that Liyue has the protection of the Emperor and the Feather God, and there is no need to worry about anything."

"But as a god, it is impossible to protect the people of Liyue in everything."

"So the idea they have now is incorrect."

"Therefore, to completely open the era of human rule, it is necessary to let the people of Liyue understand that the gods can no longer provide them with protection."

"But ordinary explanations lack persuasiveness."

"But, what if the gods who have been protecting Liyue have fallen and are no longer in the world?"

"In this case, no matter what, Liyue must open the era of human rule."

Guizhong said, and also put forward a bold idea.

After listening to Guizhong's words, Morax fell into deep thought.

Morax thought that what Guizhong said was feasible.

Perhaps they could create a disaster for Liyue, and then in the era of godlessness, see whether Liyue today is capable of surviving this disaster with its own strength.

If they can successfully pass this test, it means that Liyue is now ready to welcome the era of human rule.

At that time, Morax will be able to completely put down the burden on his shoulders.

"It's a very feasible idea. According to your idea, I can create an illusion of the emperor's fall in front of everyone in Liyue."

After Morax said this, he immediately turned his eyes to Lin Yu.

After Lin Yu felt the gaze from Morax, his figure was slightly stunned.

Ha! No way!

Isn't it enough for you, Morax, to die alone, and you want to drag yourself to death? Lin Yu thought that he had not sworn brotherhood with Morax, so there was no such thing as not asking to be born on the same day as the same year, but only to die on the same day as the same year.

Lin Yu did not plan to accompany Morax on this journey to the underworld.

"Why are you looking at me? Since the battle before the Demon God War, I have not revealed my existence in front of the people of Liyue for more than two thousand years."

"So now I am actually no different from not existing."

"When Morax fakes his death, and arranges people to spread the news in Liyue, saying that I, Yu Shen, was seriously injured in the battle of Kanreya and needs to recuperate for a while.1,800 years." Then Lin Yu spread his hands, and said with a look on his face that said "I don't fake my death". Seeing Lin Yu in this state, Morax's mouth slightly raised, and he couldn't help but smile. He didn't actually want Lin Yu to fake his death with him, so this was all Lin Yu's own imagination. "Well, what Lin Yu said makes sense, so let's do it according to what Lin Yu said." Morax said. "Then how do you want to die? I can provide special effects customization services here. If you want to be slapped to death by the Heavenly Justice Maintainer, I can do it. "Lin Yu looked at Morax and said.

He can use the power of embodiment, just like the last time he took Qingyu to the Fontaine Obiclay Opera House, he used the power of embodiment to create the special effects of the Heavenly Justice Maintainer.

As for why Morax was slapped to death by the Heavenly Justice Maintainer, it was simply due to the evil taste in Lin Yu's heart.

Who made Morax want to take him to death just now?


Morax, who was drinking tea, choked on the tea that he had not completely swallowed after hearing what Lin Yu said.

This way of death, being slapped to death by the Heavenly Justice Maintainer, is a bit too weird.

"Thank you Lin Yu for your kindness, but I think I should not be able to use it. Before this, I had already decided on how I would die. I was going to do it at the annual Liyue Immortal Summoning Ceremony, which is highly watched by the public... (500 words omitted here.)"

Morax described his death seriously.

Lin Yu chuckled.

"So you are going to prepare like this, appearing in the sky of the Immortal Summoning Ceremony in the form of a dragon, and then being killed by a lightning bolt? "

Although Lin Yu had known in advance that Morax would most likely do so, this matter was really funny.

The dignified Liyue Rock King Emperor appeared in the form of a dragon at the annual ceremony of inviting immortals, just when the emperor was about to give the oracle.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth changed, and then a lightning struck the thin dog dragon in the sky.

Finally, with a "pop", Morax's dragon-shaped fake body fell to the ground among the tens of thousands of Liyue people.

A country's god was killed by a lightning bolt?

This way of death is too bizarre. Compared with it, Lin Yu still thinks his plan is better. Being slapped to death by the maintainer of heaven is much more reasonable than being killed by a lightning bolt.

"Although in our opinion, Morax was killed by a lightning bolt. But when the people of Liyue saw their gods fall in front of them, the huge visual and psychological impact formed in it was enough to make their brains unable to think about this level for the time being. "

"And during this period of time, it was enough for the disaster to happen and start the test of Liyue's human rule era. "

Gui Zhong explained.

However, Lin Yu still felt that it would be more reasonable to be slapped to death by the Heavenly Justice Maintainer~

Now that the way of death has been determined, the only thing left is the disaster. As for the disaster as a test, isn't there a ready-made one at the bottom of the sea outside Liyue Harbor?

The vortex demon god Osel and his wife Bashe who were sealed at the bottom of the sea in Liyue were just a very good test.

However, Osel was too strong, and the common people of Liyue might not be able to resist him, so it was enough to unseal half of the seal.

As for Bashe, the wife of the vortex demon god? That doesn't matter. She was sealed for so long, and her strength was not very good to begin with, and now it is even worse.

So as the protagonist of the disaster, it was decided like this.

When everything was settled, Morax arranged all the villains in the plan to the Winter Ice God through the Thousand Miles Sound Transmission Note.

And the reward is, The Ice God of Winter was able to successfully snatch the Heart of God in this performance.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

A yellow-haired man was wandering aimlessly in a corner of Mondstadt.

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