After listening to the conversation between Lin Yu and the shop owner Louisa, Wendy was dumbfounded and stunned.

She was just shocked by Lin Yu's trading method and the change in the attitude of the shop owner Louisa.

She was not too surprised that Lin Yu could have such a large amount of Mora. After all, you have to know that Lin Yu is the existence of the materialized demon god. If he wants to have more Mora, it is just a matter of moving his fingers.

Unlike him, the dignified wind god, he has to run around for a few Mora.

Another day of envy for Lin Yu.

If he can also have such authority, he will definitely materialize a lot of wine.

Turn the fruit wine lake outside Mond City into a real fruit wine lake.


But for things like this, Wendy can only imagine it when she sleeps during the day. After all, how can such things happen in reality except for daydreaming?

After Lin Yu proposed 25 million Mora to purchase the store.

The owner Louisa's attitude changed 180 degrees, and a smile soon appeared on her face. Even the words of dreams and yearning that she had said before had long been forgotten by the owner Louisa.

About two hours passed.

In these two hours, the three of them first went to the Knights of Favonius, and then went to the property transfer office of the Knights of Favonius, where the staff of the Knights of Favonius confirmed the fact of the property transfer.

Then they began to write a relevant transfer document for Lin Yu and Louisa.

When signing, Louisa's hand stopped and looked at Lin Yu.

And Lin Yu certainly knew what Louisa meant.

"This is an anonymous passbook of Liyu Bank, and the amount is exactly 25 million Mora."

Lin Yu then took out a passbook of Liyu Bank from his body, and Louisa quickly took the anonymous passbook from Lin Yu's hand.

Then she handed the anonymous passbook to the staff of Liyu Bank beside her.

Because the signing of this document involves the transfer of a large amount of Mora, Louisa had contacted the staff of the Riyu Bank before she went to the Knights of Favonius.

After receiving the anonymous passbook, the staff of the Riyu Bank took out a magnifying glass from his bag.

At the same time, he began to observe the passbook of the Riyu Bank carefully and carefully.

The Riyu Bank has not been completely unchanged since its establishment thousands of years ago, and this anonymous passbook is something that has only been around for a few hundred years, so it is not a new thing.

The value of the anonymous passbook is actually a bit similar to the existence of paper currency to a certain extent.

The original intention of inventing the anonymous passbook is to facilitate people to trade.

After all, large-scale Mora transactions are nothing more than the two parties going to the Riyu Bank to transfer money, otherwise it can't be transported by several vehicles, right? If you are hijacked by someone halfway, you won't even have a place to cry.

"Authentic" The staff of Liyu Bank put down the magnifying glass in his hand, and then slowly said to Louisa.

Lin Yu smiled slightly, this is an anonymous passbook of 25 million Mora. But Lin Yu used the power of manifestation to materialize it.

And this is authentic except that it is not from Liyu Bank.

It is from the hands of Lord Yushen, so it is absolutely authentic.


After confirming that Lin Yu's anonymous passbook is authentic, Louisa decisively and fluently signed her name on the document.

From now on, this document is real and valid under the witness of the Knights of Favonius, and is recognized and protected by the Knights of Favonius.

And Lin Yu finally got the location of the Oasis Game Store.

Then the next is the decoration of the Oasis Game Store. Regarding the decoration of the store, Lin Yu does not intend to use Mond's construction workers.

First, the architectural style does not match, and second, the construction technology does not meet the standards, and there is no way to complete it according to Lin Yu's construction design drawings.

So this task can only be handed over to the construction team in Liyue to complete.

As for how to implement it specifically, what difficulties will be encountered during the implementation process.

These things are not within Lin Yu's consideration. After all, what Lin Yu has to do from the beginning to the end in Mondstadt is to investigate and determine the location of the Oasis game store.

As for other things, it is naturally Qingyu's workload.

Behind this, Lin Yu only needs to pay Mora.

After completing this series of things, Lin Yu and Wendy left the Knights of Favonius. During this period, Lin YuThere was no sign of Jean in the Knights of Favonius.

However, Jean, the acting leader of the Knights of Favonius, was a really busy person, so it was normal that she didn't meet anyone by chance.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Lin Yu and Wendy returned to their residence.

It happened that Xi had already prepared the food.

Came to the table.

"Lin Yu, try it quickly. These dishes are Liyue dishes that I learned specially. I wonder if they suit your appetite." Xi looked at Lin Yu with anticipation on his face.

Under Xi's expectant gaze, although these dishes did not look like Liyue dishes, Lin Yu still picked up the chopsticks and tasted them.

emmm, what kind of feeling does it give people after trying it?

It was as if all the flavors were out of place, not sweet when they should be sweet, not spicy when they should be spicy, not sour when they should be sour...

But Xi looked expectantly...

"Well, it's pretty good. It feels like eating Liyue food. Thank you, Xi." Lin Yu said with a slight smile.

It can also be regarded as an apology for not visiting for thousands of years.

"You're welcome, Lin Yu, as long as you like it." Xi said with a smile.

From the expression on his face at this time, it can be seen that Xi is in a very happy mood now.

But at the same time, Wendy, who was sitting next to Xi, was not so happy.

He watched Lin Yu and Xi chat more and more excitedly, and Lin Yu seemed to have forgotten the promise he made to him before.

Peach Blossom Wine... My... Peach Blossom Wine.

Wendy is waiting for an opportunity! !

When he saw a pause in the conversation between Lin Yu and Xi, he looked at Lin Yu and said to him: "Lin Yu, Lin Yu, have you forgotten something? Do you remember the promise you made to me before you left?

According to the words of you Liyue people, the contract has been fulfilled and those who break their promises should be punished by eating rocks! As a god in the Liyue area, Lin Yu, you must set a good example and not break your promises!"

Hmm? It seems that Wendy finally couldn't help it. When Lin Yu and Xi were chatting, someone's eyes were staring at him straight. With such a hot gaze, how could Lin Yu not know it?

But because of Lin Yu's own bad taste, he did not choose to pay attention to Wendy at the first time.

The purpose was to see how long Wendy could hold back.

It should have been a long time since then.

"Oh? Contracts are indeed part of our Liyue culture."

"But I don't know if you still remember the word 'maybe' in my words when I promised you?"

"Since it contains 'maybe', I have not violated the contract."

Lin Yu smiled slightly and looked at Wendy and said.

After hearing what Lin Yu said, Wendy was stunned.

Then he began to think carefully in his mind, and it turned out that Lin Yu's words at that time really contained the word 'maybe'.

At that time, Wendy's attention had already been completely on Taohua Niang, so how could he pay attention to the loopholes that Lin Yu had.

"How, how can this be! Lin Yu, I really want to cry..." Wendy suddenly became pitiful, and tears seemed to be about to fall out of her eyes.

It can be seen how sincere Wendy's feelings for Taohua Niang are.

"Okay, okay, I'm not saying I won't give it to you. Now, take away your appearance immediately." Lin Yu glanced at Wendy and said.

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand lightly, and a ray of materialized power flashed on the table, and a jar of peach blossom wine appeared in front of Wendy.

After seeing the peach blossom wine appear, Wendy went forward and directly hugged the jar of peach blossom wine into his arms, as if this jar of peach blossom wine was a rare treasure.

No, this is a unique wine from the hands of Yu Shen. Isn't it a rare treasure in the world?

Since Wendy only got this jar of peach blossom wine, he changed his previous passion for drinking whole jars. Then he took out a small wine glass from his space, poured the wine into the wine glass and sipped it.

Wendy slowly closed his eyes after the wine entered his mouth.

This taste has been missing for hundreds of years.

It's really memorable!

After Wendy drank a few more cups, she carefully put away the peach wine.

"Why don't you continue drinking?" Seeing this, Lin Yu asked knowingly.

"Such a delicious wine, but I only have this one jar. If I finish it today, won't I be full of regrets in the future?"

"If I can have a few more jars, I won't be troubled by this."

WendyDi sighed first, and then began to make crazy suggestions to Lin Yu.

However, in Lin Yu's mind, he had blocked some of Wendy's words, so he couldn't hear and didn't know anything.

"You only know how to drink every day. Your Tevarin is about to be abducted by the Abyss Cult. You, the God of Wind, still have the mood to taste the wine here. You really don't do anything serious." Lin Yu looked at Wendy and complained.

"That's right, Lin Yu is right and makes sense." Xi hugged his hands in front of his chest and looked directly at Wendy and agreed.

Wendy then fell into silence.

It was fine just now, why did he suddenly bring up this matter now?

Where did he not do anything serious?

It's okay for Lin Yu to misunderstand me, but why did you Xi follow suit?

Did he Wendy really not do anything serious? Earlier in the Whispering Forest, he was about to convince Tevarin to accept his treatment, but he was suddenly interrupted...

Wendy said indignantly: "Then you, Lin Yu, are still the ruler of order, and isn't the responsibility of the ruler of order to maintain the order of the world? Mondstadt is like this now, so shouldn't you, the ruler of order, help and restore the order of Mondstadt in the world?"

"Hey~!" Lin Yu said with a light smile.

After hearing Lin Yu's voice, Wendy was like a deflated balloon.

"Okay, I won't make trouble with you anymore. Tell me about your next plan for Tevarin."

"Although I may not help, I can give you a good reference."

Lin Yu said to Wendy.

Then after a short silence, Wendy looked at Lin Yu and told him all his plans.

The content of his plan is very simple.

The main point is two words, fooling!

In the following time, he planned to find a suitable opportunity. Then he created a simple encounter, and after attracting travelers from outside the world, he showed his talent and ability to deceive as the best bard in the world.

Through the means of the bard, tell a moving story about Tevalin.

Use this story to grasp the traveler, and after gaining the trust of the traveler, deceive the traveler to get the Sky Harp, and wait for the Sky Harp to be in hand.

Wendy can use this Sky Harp full of memories to summon Tevalin with the sound of the piano and evoke Tevalin's good memories of the past, and finally Wendy will treat Tevalin.

This plan, which seems to be full of loopholes, is called the perfect plan to save Tevalin by Wendy.

Regarding the questions raised by Lin Yu, such as what if the traveler is not attracted? What if the story cannot impress the traveler? What if he is caught stealing the Sky Harp? What if Tevalin does not want to recall?

To this, Wendy's answer was, "Hey, let's take it one step at a time. As the saying goes, plans cannot keep up with changes. Plans are flexible."

Hmm... that makes sense.

"In that case, when are you going to do it?"

"If you keep dragging it out, aren't you really afraid that Tevarin will be completely abducted by the Abyss Cult? Don't regret it then."

Lin Yu urged and reminded him warmly.

"I'm still waiting for the right opportunity... If someone can help a little, maybe the matter about Tevarin would have ended long ago." Wendy began to make it clear again.

Lin Yu really admired Wendy, the old man, and allowed you to wander around the world by yourself? Believe it or not, I will call the Heavenly Justice Maintainer to come over, grab Tevarin and slap him twice to wake him up, and give him two big sinuses by the way?

"Leave it to you to attract the attention of travelers and bring travelers into the group. How about I borrow the Sky Harp?" Lin Yu then said in a somewhat helpless tone.

Wendy nodded frantically: "Yes, yes!"

The plan on how to save Tevarin was finally finalized.

Communication Group 2


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