Three more days passed after that.

After Lin Yu's constant urging during the three days, Wendy finally decided to start his own action.

"Ahem, this bard has known the right time through the breeze."

"Now is the time for me, the bard, to perform on stage!"

"Xi and Lin Yu, are you interested in accompanying me, the best bard in the world?"

Wendy said after coughing twice.

"Not interested."

Not far from Wendy, Xi was watering the flowers in his flower shop with a kettle.

Regarding how Wendy fooled others, Xi said that he had seen it many times, and naturally he had no interest in it.

"Eh? What about Lin Yu!" Wendy, who was a little disappointed, turned to look at Lin Yu and asked expectantly.

Lin Yu was sitting at the table, drinking the materialized iced cola, reading the light novel "Reborn as a Hillbourne, I Can Become Stronger by Eating Sunset Fruits" imported by Mond from Liyue by Inazuma. 》

At the beginning, when Lin Yu saw this book, he thought how interesting the novel industry in Teyvat could be? Unexpectedly, after just a slight increase in the volume, Lin Yu was completely attracted.

It's pretty good and interesting.

You can pay attention to whether there are any lovely light novel authors who have written stories about this feather god.

This feather god will definitely reward you well!

"I'm busy, don't bother me, I'm busy."

Lin Yu was reading a novel, so he didn't have time to care about Wendy's affairs. He responded in a perfunctory tone.

.....After the double rejection of the young Xi and Lin Yu, Wendy felt that she was not feeling well and immediately fell into silence.

You! Why are you two like this!

Forget it.

Let the best bard in the world go alone.

After being rejected by Xi and Lin Yu, Wendy, who had been briefly disappointed, cheered up again, and then turned into a breeze and disappeared into the house.

At the same time, on the other side, Kong and Paimon had just completed the task of destroying the magic connection of the wind dragon and restoring the chaotic wind element of Mondstadt.

Then walked out of the headquarters of the Knights of Favonius.

Outside the headquarters of the Knights of Favonius, far away from the Knights of Favonius.

Paimon asked Kong: "Kong, it seems that we haven't told Captain Qin something just now, right? What we saw at that time, in addition to the dragon and the crystal, there was obviously a green guy with a hat."

Regarding Paimon's question, since Kong did not tell it at the time, he naturally had his own considerations in it.

The voices of the boy who appeared beside the dragon that day and the boy who was swept into the sky by the tornado were obviously somewhat similar.

When being swept into the air, from the voice of another boy, it can be concluded that the former is most likely the wind god of Mondstadt.

"Regarding his identity, I want to investigate it carefully before talking about it." Kong said to Paimeng.

After all, others may not believe him if he just said it casually. At the same time, Kong himself has his own selfish reasons. He wants to get information about his sister from the mouth of the God of Wind.

Paimeng nodded as if he understood.

"Is that so? I seem to understand."

"Wait, isn't the green guy below the guy we saw in the forest that day?"

While Paimeng was talking, she saw a slightly familiar green figure running quickly in another direction under the steps behind Kong.

Kong turned his head immediately after hearing Paimeng's voice.

His eyes caught the green figure.

"Paimeng, let's catch up!"

Then Kong jumped down from the steps without waiting for Paimeng to react, spread his wings of wind and chased after the green figure.

"That green guy has disappeared."

"By the way, Kong, can't you use the elemental vision? Take a look with the elemental vision, maybe we can find the footprints he left behind!"

When Kong chased after him, the green figure had already disappeared in the blind spot of vision.

And Paimon was also smart for once.

Kong immediately followed Paimon's advice, activated the elemental vision and used the elemental vision to observe the surrounding environment. Then Kong found the footprints with obvious traces of wind element left by Wendy.

Kong looked at these footprints with traces of wind element, just likeAs if he was left behind on purpose.

But he didn't have time to care about that at this time. He just wanted to catch up as soon as possible and find the green guy!

In this way, our poor Kong was played around by Wendy, wandering around in the streets and alleys of Mondstadt, and finally led Kong to the huge wind god statue in the big square in front of Mondstadt West Wind Church.

When Kong ran over following the footprints.

Wendy had already gathered more than a hundred people on the square with his identity as a bard.

Kong squeezed in the crowd with Paimon and finally came to the front row.

With just one glance, Kong confirmed that this person was the boy who talked to the dragon when they passed through the Whispering Forest.

And Wendy, who was the focus of the crowd, saw the figure of the traveler appear in the crowd.

Then he began his performance as a bard.

Wendy's fingers gently plucked the strings of the piano, and people could calm down and listen to the sound of the story.

"The story I want to tell begins in ancient times, when the gods still walked the earth."

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"The sky dragon descended from the sky, full of curiosity about everything in the world. The dragon seeks its own answers, but cannot understand the complexity of the world."

"The wind singer plays the strings, and the sky harp answers it one by one."

The voice of the young man sounded along with the sound of the harp, and a picture of the sky dragon in the ancient times slowly unfolded in people's minds.

The young man's voice seemed to have some kind of magic, making people sink into the story it tells.

"The sky dragon swallowed the poisonous blood of the evil dragon and fell asleep. After many years, no one recognized it. Why do people today hate me?"

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In this performance of the bard by Wendy, he detailed the origin of the sky dragon Tevalin, and the changes that the sky dragon Tevalin experienced later, and knew the reason why the sky dragon Tevalin became what it is now.

The performance of Wendy's bard ended perfectly, and after hearing that there would be no new performances, the people around him gradually dispersed.

In the eyes of the Mond people around, they did not connect the story told by Wendy with the Wind Dragon and the Sky Dragon who were now doing evil.

Just treat it as a story, and forget it after listening to it.

But Kong did not regard this as a story. He also fully understood that the current Wind Dragon was the former Sky Dragon of Mond, Tevarin.

The Sky Dragon fought against the evil dragon to protect Mond, but in the end it fell to a point where it was forgotten by the world.

How should he evaluate this?

It's not easy to evaluate.

"Hello, can I meet you?"

After the crowd of onlookers had dispersed, Kong walked towards Wendy with Paimon, stretched out a hand and said friendly.

"Eh? Who are you two?" Wendy asked pretending to be puzzled.

....Exaggerated acting, especially after his performance of the Sky Dragon just now, Kong almost confirmed the identity of the guy in front of him.

New machine, keep touching your belly!

"One of the Seven Lords of the Earth, the Wind God Barbatos." Kong said.

"Hey, what are you talking about?" Wendy has not given up yet, and still wants to continue pretending.

But Kong's tone is firm and serious, so he really doesn't know how to fool Kong next, so he can only implement plan B, be honest with Kong, and after gaining his trust, further fool him.

It's all Lin Yu's fault, he exposed his identity as the Wind God at that time.

After his identity was exposed, Wendy had to spread his hands and admit: "Okay, I am one of the seven rulers of the world, the wind god Barbatos."

"But now I no longer appear in front of the world as the wind god."

"So let's get to know each other again. My name is Wendy and I am the best bard in the world."

"Hey! He, he, he is really the wind god! You are so amazing, Kong, you know this." Paimon was confused when Kong just blurted it out, and after Wendy admitted it herself, Paimon admired him.

.... Obviously, in the previous experiences, there have been many clues pointing to him. Normal people should have doubts, and probably only people like Paimon will ignore those clues.

"Since you all know my identity now, then okay, if there is anything that makes you confused, I can answer it for you for free now!" Wendy reminded.

After hearing Wendy's words, the first thing Kong wanted to ask was the clues about his sister.

ButThis involves another very powerful god in the sky. So Kong has some concerns. He has not had much interaction with the God of Wind. Even if the God of Wind knows the answer, he may not tell him.

So Kong still endured this question and waited until a suitable time in the future to raise it.

"As the God of Wind, why don't you save the former Sky Dragon Tevalin?" Kong turned to ask another question that he was interested in and wanted to know.

"Yes, since he is a god, he should be omnipotent. I think he can heal Tevalin just by waving his hand, right?" Paimon echoed beside Kong.

..... After hearing Paimon's words, Wendy fell into a brief silence.

If he could be omnipotent, would he still be troubled by a jar of peach wine at that time?

"Ahem, don't look at me like I've betrayed the Sky Dragon."

"As the God of Wind, I have my own difficulties. Five hundred years ago, in a disaster that all of Teyvat was experiencing, I was seriously injured and had no time to take care of other things. I even slept for hundreds of years and only woke up in recent years."

"And as a god, I am far less omnipotent than people imagine. As the God of Wind, I can do very limited things. What's more, after being seriously injured, I have very little strength left and can do even less."

"Besides, it's not that I haven't tried to heal Tevarin. Speaking of which, it was you who interrupted the conversation between me and Tevarin in the Whispering Forest!"

"I was about to coax Tevarin back for treatment, but you guys were so alarmed that everything fell through."

Wendy looked at Sora and Paimon and said with a sigh.

After learning the truth of the matter, Sora and Paimon began to blame themselves in their hearts.

If they had not alarmed Tevarin at that time, would Tevarin have been cured now?

But Sora and Paimon were indeed spying in secret at that time, but they did not want to alarm Tevarin. It was just that Sora's wind element suddenly overflowed, and then he stepped on a branch in a panic.

This alarmed Tevarin.

"I'm sorry, Paimon and Sora didn't mean it at that time." Paimon apologized.

"Well, is there anything I can do now to help the Sky Dragon?" Sora said sincerely.

A simple apology can't do much for what has happened.

So Sora wanted to express his apology with his own actions. At the same time, after listening to the story of the Sky Dragon, he felt that the Sky Dragon should not be treated like this, and he wanted to help from the bottom of his heart.

"I want to help... Well, then okay!"

"But this is not a place to talk right now. Let's go to the Angel's Gift Tavern to discuss the details."

Wendy's eyes lit up. Wasn't it because of what Sora said that he had done so much preparation?

Angel's Gift...Tavern?

The empty square is not a suitable place to talk right now. Is a crowded tavern a suitable place to talk?

Sora was a little confused about this.

But doubts aside, since Wendy, the god of wind, did this, there must be a meaning behind it.

Perhaps this place of discussion, the Angel's Gift Tavern, has a special meaning for its existence.

Sora had only met Wendy twice at this time. The first meeting was in the Whispering Forest, and the second meeting was today.

So the image of Wendy in Sora's mind now is still quite serious.

Soon after, Sora and Paimon followed Wendy to this tavern called Angel's Gift.

Then Wendy and Sora sat down in a secluded corner on the first floor of the tavern.

"Then before we talk about the plan on how to save Tevarin, let's talk about compensation first!"

"After all, if you hadn't appeared at that time and alarmed Tevarin, there would be no trouble later."

Wendy looked at Sora and said.

"Hey! Compensation! Then, what kind of compensation do you want?" Paimon exclaimed.

"Uh, don't be so surprised, I'm not a person who asks for a lot of money, I just need three glasses of cider." Wendy said with a slight smile, and stared at Sora with a smile.

Sora suddenly had a bad feeling.

Is it possible that Wendy chose to discuss the follow-up matters in the tavern just for these three glasses of cider? !

Tavern and cider, the purpose is too clear!

ThisIs this what the Wind God should do? ! !

Communication Group 2


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