Lin Yu's appearance made the young master Tartaglia, who had already driven the demon king's armed forces and was ready to attack Kong further, pause.

Feather God? He learned the identity of the man in front of him from Paimon.

Is it the Liyue Feather God Zennos who has not appeared in front of the world for thousands of years?

After learning the true identity of this person, the young master Tartaglia did not think that he was not the opponent of the other party after knowing that the other party was the Feather God, and then surrendered.

And excited, extremely excited.

He smelled the breath of the strong, and challenging the strong has always been the life creed of his young master Tartaglia.

"Are you the Feather God Zennos who has not appeared in Liyue for thousands of years and is praised by the world as the strongest fighting force in Liyue?"

"So now you appear, are you also here to stop me like him?"

"In that case, use force to stop me!"

The young master Tartaglia laughed loudly and looked at Lin Yu in the air and said.

After listening to the words of Master Tartaglia, Lin Yu could not help but slowly type a question mark. He seemed to be unable to understand Master Tartaglia's brain circuit.

Let me use force to stop him?

Why not shout directly at me and reproduce a corner of the Demon God War at this moment!

So Lin Yu, who was in the air of the Golden House, sighed softly.

"We in Liyue have always valued peace. We don't like or are not good at using force to solve problems."

"If you leave Liyue now, I can still forgive the crimes you committed in Liyue, and I can forgive everything in the past."

Lin Yu, who was full of gentle divinity, gently persuaded Master Tartaglia.

"I'm sorry that I can't leave Liyue before I get the Heart of God." Master Tartaglia said.

After hearing this sentence from Master Tartaglia, Lin Yu frowned slightly.

Why do you have to choose such violent means when you can obviously value peace? If a fight really broke out, he was really worried that he would kill Childe Tartaglia with a single attack.

Wouldn't Tartaglia be in front of the lady by then?

"In the name of the Feather God, I will expel you!"

Lin Yu flashed, and the next moment he was in front of Childe Tartaglia.

Childe Tartaglia had no time to react at all, and felt a huge force on his abdomen, and flew backwards in an instant.

He smashed through the roof of the Golden House at a speed that broke the sound barrier, flew over the sky of Liyue Harbor, and finally fell into the ocean.

Kong and Paimon witnessed Lin Yu's violent behavior. He had lost several times in previous battles with Childe Tartaglia, and Lin Yu killed Tartaglia with just this one punch.

Then the two began to recall in their minds whether they had offended Lin Yu in their past experiences.

After all, if Lin Yu also hit them with such a punch, they would be covered with bruises.

"All the troublemakers have been removed. Are you okay?"

Lin Yu turned his head and looked in the direction of Kong and Paimeng with concern.

But why does Lin Yu's aura, which is so warm and peaceful, always make people feel a little cold?

"It's okay, we are fine. Thank you, Lin Yu, for helping us resist Tartaglia's attack before."

Thinking of the shield before, Kong hurriedly expressed his gratitude to Lin Yu.

Lin Yu waved his hand indifferently.

"No need to thank me for doing it conveniently. It is my dereliction of duty as a god to let you be involved in this vortex of Liyue." Lin Yu said.

"How can it be your dereliction of duty? If I say there is a problem, it is the God of Rock. Lin Yu, you just came so timely!" Paimeng used his traditional art to flatter.

But who made Lin Yu love to hear this?

But from a certain point of view, what Paimon said seems to have some truth.

At the same time, on the other side, on Tianheng Mountain in Liyue, the lady was leading a team of Fatui, waiting for the action of Prince Tartaglia to lift the ancient seal in the ocean and release the ancient demon from the seal.

It's time to release the ancient demon, but why is there no movement now? The ocean seems to be as calm as before.

The lady who was looking at the panoramic view of Liyue Harbor on Tianheng Mountain seemed to catch a stream of light flying by.

"What was the stream of light that just passed over Liyue?"

The lady frowned and asked the Fatui beside her.

But even the lady, who was the executive officer of the Fatui, didn't know the answer, so what about the Fatui who were the younger brothers?How could the crowd see what was in the stream of light?

Although they didn't really see it, they could analyze it based on the current situation.

Soon, a Lei Ying magician with a clear mind got the answer to the question through his own theoretical analysis.

"Madam, I noticed that the starting point of the stream of light just now seemed to be flying out from the golden house where the executive officer was, and the young master did not activate the Hundred Taboos Talisman, so could it be that something happened to the young master?"

Even further, and more boldly guessing, the stream of light might actually be the young master flying backwards from the golden house.

After listening to the analysis of the Lei Ying magician, the lady lowered her head and pondered for a while.

Whether it was the young master's side or not, it was not important to the lady at all. What was important was that the plan was shelved.

The plan could not be shelved here.

"Oh, what a waste."

"Notify them and implement the backup plan."

"Understood!" the fools shouted.

Before the plan was implemented, the Fatui had already begun to imitate the Hundred Taboos Talisman, so now in addition to the Hundred Taboos Talisman carried by the young master, there are still many Hundred Taboos Talismans left in the Fatui.

And this backup plan is a safety measure prepared by the lady to prevent the fool who only has fighting in his head from messing up the plan of the Queen of Winter.

Its purpose is to activate a large number of Hundred Taboos Talismans by the lady's own people on the premise that Tartaglia did not hint at unsealing the demon god, and complete the planned steps of unsealing the demon god on behalf of Tartaglia.

As the lady's people began to act, a large number of Hundred Taboos Talismans were artificially activated.

As a result, the sea area outside the Guyun Pavilion, where the demon god of the vortex Osel was sealed, surged violent waves on the sea surface, and soon caused a chain reaction that expanded the impact to the entire Liyue Port.

On the dock of Liyue Port, a red warning light flashed.

The dock management immediately ordered all ships to dock immediately and avoid the turbulent waves in the Liyue Sea.

This surge is a fatal danger to large rune transport ships, not to mention the wooden ships from Xumi and Mond in Liyue Harbor.

Thousands of meters deep in the sea outside Guyun Pavilion, the formation used by Morax to seal the vortex demon Osel during the Demon War was now aroused by a large number of taboos, and a dazzling golden light was aroused.

Some runes in the formation began to collapse, causing the formation to lose its ability to operate normally, but it was a semi-lost state that was lost but not completely lost.

"The seal seems to be disintegrating?"

"Thousands of years have passed, are we finally going to see the light of day again?"

The wife of the vortex demon, Ba Che, felt that the restraints on her body were gradually dissipating, and soon she completely broke free from the formation, breaking away from the suppression and restraints from the formation.

He was very excited and was circling around Osel.

Just when Ba Che thought that the vortex demon Osel was about to completely leave the formation, the changes in the formation stopped abruptly.

"The changes have stopped? But you haven't come out yet!"

"Osel, wait for me, I will completely destroy the remaining part of the formation, and then we will leave here together, even if we go to the dark sea, we will never come back!"

Ba Che said anxiously, and at the same time wanted to mobilize the few powers in his body to destroy the remaining part of the formation that bound and suppressed Osel.

But he was stopped by Osel.

"It's useless. With your power alone, you can't destroy the seal cast by the rock demon Morax."

"Listen to me and leave here now, otherwise when Morax notices that the seal is loose, you and I will never see the light of day again."

The vortex demon Osel said.

"No, how can I leave you alone?"

"I said I will follow you forever!"

Faced with the proposal of the Whirlpool Demon God Osel, Ba Che decisively refused without thinking.

The Whirlpool Demon God Osel sighed. He knew that she would not abandon him so easily, but this was indeed an opportunity for her, an opportunity to escape the fate of being sealed forever.

He couldn't bear to see Ba ​​Che give up this opportunity to change his fate.

Then the Whirlpool Demon God Osel said earnestly.

"Ba Che, I have always understood your determination."

"I don't want you to abandon me and leave on your own. And it is precisely because of this that you should seize the opportunity now and take advantage of it.When the formation loosens, rush out of the formation, then find a hiding place, lie dormant for a while, conserve your energy, and wait for the coming time. "

"I believe in you, Ba Che, when the power gradually begins to accumulate, one day the power you have accumulated will reach the moment of destroying the formation, and then it will be the time for me, the demon god Osel, to return to the vast ocean."

After the demon god Osel of the vortex changed his words, Ba Che was immediately moved.

She will follow the words of the demon god Osel, find a hiding place, lie dormant for a while, conserve your energy, and wait for the coming time.

She also believes that one day the accumulated power will reach the level of destroying the formation.

But Ba Che is just a lower-level demon god, and the power accumulated by the lower-level demon god is also limited. Unless she can find a container that can store huge power, she will never be able to defeat the formation set up by Morax in her entire life.

Osel also knows that this is impossible. But he just found an excuse to let Ba Che leave.

Watching Ba Che leave with a look back, Osel also knew what he was going to do next.

He wanted to use the waves to submerge the distant city and create chaos in the world to the maximum extent, so as to attract the attention of Morax or Zennos.

Let Ba Che escape smoothly and find a hiding place.

"Roar, roar, roar!!!! "

Accompanied by a roar from the Whirlpool Demon God Osel.

He tried his best to get his body out of the formation, so that half of his body rushed out of the sea.

The power of the demon god is huge.

The Whirlpool Demon God mobilized the power of his own authority and set off a huge whirlpool on the sea with himself as the center. The waves of dozens of meters were caused by Osel and went in all directions.

The main target is the port city of Liyue Port on the shore.

As for Gui Yuli? The Whirlpool Demon God Osel is not as powerful as the Ocean Demon God, but With his own strength, he engulfed the ocean and flooded the inland.

Just now, while Osel was trying to break free from the formation, his huge power also caused a lot of shock to this world.

As the nearest city, Liyue Port was naturally the first to feel the shock from Osel.

Kong, who was questioning Lin Yu in the Golden House, also felt this unusual vibration. In particular, a large amount of Mora was stored in the Golden House. The continuous vibration caused Mora to collide with each other, making a crisp and pleasant sound.

"Why does the ground seem to be shaking!"

"Lin Yu, what happened?!"

Paimeng exclaimed.

"I don't know, but it shouldn't be a good thing. I still need to investigate."

It can be regarded as a reason for Lin Yu to run away.

He then took advantage of the movement made by the vortex demon Osel, and disappeared quickly in front of Kong and Paimeng on the grounds that he needed to investigate.

"Go! Go away! "

"It feels bad, Kong, let's go out and see what happened!"

Paimeng said in a panic.

Kong hummed, and then took Paimeng out of the Golden House.

As soon as he came out of the Golden House, he noticed the abnormal state of the sky. If he remembered correctly, it should have been a clear sky before entering the Golden House. Why is the sky now dark, and there are strong winds and heavy rains, and thunder flashes from time to time.

It's already a dark cloud that is about to destroy the city, just like the eve of the end of the world.

"Is that the Qun Yu Pavilion? !"

Paimeng noticed the movement in the sky, and saw that the Qun Yu Pavilion, which was originally suspended above the area near the Golden House, was now flying towards the sea outside Liyue Harbor.

The Liyue Seven Stars must know what happened.

"Paimeng, let's follow!"

"Ah? Follow, follow the Qun Yu Pavilion? But how to get to the Qun Yu Pavilion now? "

Under the current circumstances, the elevator that Yue Haiting can use to get to the Qun Yu Pavilion should be out of service!

"Of course I have to fly up."

"Let's go."

He leaped up, and layers of cyclones appeared around his feet. This was the result of him constantly stimulating the power of the wind element in his body, causing it to explode under his feet. With the help of this powerful lift, he moved forward steadily in the air, step by step approaching the Qun Yu Pavilion in the sky.

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