Kong used up some of the power of the wind element and repeated this process in the sky. As the power accumulated bit by bit, he was approaching the Jade Pavilion bit by bit.

Chasing the Jade Pavilion in the sky, and now it was raining heavily, and the bean-sized raindrops hit Kong and Paimeng.

Despite the heavy rain, strong winds, and thunder flashing in the sky from time to time, these could not stop Kong from climbing the Jade Pavilion.

With the last big step, Kong leaped in the sky and stood steadily on the deck of the Jade Pavilion.

"Well, I'm so tired! But fortunately, it's not in vain. We finally climbed the Jade Pavilion."

"But Kong, look over there, the ocean outside Liyue Harbor, what exactly is that huge creature?"

Paimeng, who climbed the Jade Pavilion, had no time to further complain about being tired, and saw several huge snakes standing in front of the Jade Pavilion, on the ocean outside Liyue Harbor. They seemed to be a huge monster as a whole!

Paimon was shocked, and at the same time, he felt the pressure from the huge monster, and a fear surged in his heart.

He quickly moved closer to Kong, so that Paimon felt a sense of security.

"That is Osel, the whirlpool demon god, who was released by someone unknown."

"Why are you here? This place will face Osel, the whirlpool demon god, which is very dangerous."

Xiao frowned when he saw Kong and Paimon appear, and walked forward.

A battle with the demon god was about to take place on the Qun Yu Pavilion, and the battle with the demon god has been full of dangers since ancient times. If you are affected by the aftermath of the battle between the demon gods, you will be seriously injured or even killed.

Although Kong has some strength in Xiao's opinion, he should not be here.

If his life is injured, it is obviously not appropriate.

"Eh? Ah! It's the immortals of Liyue!"

"Why are you here in the Jade Pavilion? Weren't you arguing with the Seven Stars before? Did you say that you've finished arguing?"

According to Paimeng's train of thought, this matter is indeed a bit strange in her opinion.

But do you think there is a possibility that the immortals want to hold the Seven Stars of Liyue accountable, so they appear in this Jade Pavilion?

Stupid Paimeng.

"What the immortals mean is that in this time of crisis, the immortals and the Seven Stars should temporarily put aside their differences and fight the enemy together."

Ningguang stepped forward to explain.

After listening to Tianquanxing Ningguang's words, True Lord Xueyue Zhuyang snorted coldly but did not refute Tianquanxing Ningguang's words.

"So that's how it is, but facing a big guy like Osel, the Whirlpool Demon God, what should we do now?"

"Ugh, that Whirlpool Demon God, just a glance from such a distance, I feel that my breathing is a little difficult."

Just a glance scared Paimeng, and then he quickly hid behind Kong's shoulder.

Kong looked helpless about this.

"Some new recruits in the Qianyan Army can't even stand in battle! The pressure of the ancient demon god seems to be very harmful to the bodies of ordinary people!"

"But because of this, we can't let that monster get close to the civilians of Liyue Harbor!"

Yuhengxing Keqing came out and said firmly.

"Ugh, so scary, was the Demon God War two thousand years ago fighting against such an existence?!" Paimeng sighed.

"That's right, but the Whirlpool Demon God is just a move away from Lord Yu Shen."

"It's a pity that Lord Yu Shen has been in seclusion for a thousand years, and the Emperor left us not long ago. Now we have to rely on ourselves to solve this matter."

Xiao said with his arms folded.

From the mouth of the demon-slaying great saint Xiao, it turns out that even such a terrifying and powerful existence as the Whirlpool Demon God Osel is just a move away from Lord Yu Shen?

I wonder who is stronger between Lord Yu Shen and the god who stopped him and his sister under the sky that year?

Just saying that Lin Yu has been in seclusion for a thousand years is a bit unbelievable. After all, the two had just seen Lin Yu not long ago. But now that Liyue Port is facing such a crisis, why doesn't Lin Yu stand up to take charge of the situation?

There must be an unknown secret behind this. I always feel that this disaster that can happen under the eyes of Lord Yu is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Could it be that this disaster was actually tacitly approved by the Feather God?

But isn't Liyue also the Feather God's Liyue? If it is the Feather God's Liyue, why would the Feather God tacitly approve of this?

Thinking about these questions made Kong's head a little headache. It was really difficult to sort out this matter. The situation was very urgent at the moment. He could onlyIt was temporarily put aside.

He had a feeling that after this disaster was over, all the unknowns would be solved.

After listening to Xiao's words, Paimeng nodded as if he understood.

"Well, I probably understand the current situation. So now relying on the Seven Stars, Qianyan Army, and the combat power of those immortals, can we solve the demon in the sea?" Paimeng asked.

"The immortals have discussed it, and the answer is... not necessarily." Tianquanxing Ningguang answered truthfully.

Paimeng was shocked: "No way?! But... but you are the immortals who protect Liyue, and the seven stars who protect Liyue! Don't you even have a way to solve the demon in the sea?"

Even the immortals and the seven stars of Liyue can't solve it? What should we do now?

Is it too late to persuade Kong to leave now, and then hide back to Mondstadt with the pack animals?

"That's fine."

"The matter of the Return Machine before made Qixing think about it and went to explore it."

"Now, as the immortal who helps to improve the Return Machine, I happened to be here, so I dismantled three final versions of the Return Machine from the ancient defense line."

"What can you mortals research about the immortal mechanism? I only need to use a little trick to make these Return Machines dismantled from the ancient defense line reappear in the glory of the past in this battle."

If it weren't for the fact that the Tianheng Mountain Defense Line was behind Liyue Harbor, Liuyun would not bother to move the Tianheng Mountain Defense Line, and let the intelligent system of the Tianheng Mountain Defense Line operate on its own.

Not to mention being able to kill the vortex demon god Osel, but just repelling it can still be done.

"Hehe... It can be regarded as a kind of immortal fate."

After listening to the words of the Talking True Lord, Tianquan Xing Ningguang smiled softly to resolve the embarrassment.

"In this way, we can use the new Guizhongji to fight against the demon god, and all the immortals present can also inject immortal power into it."

"There is no time to lose, the decisive battle is now-start!"

Ningguang made a spell in her hand, soared into the air, and immediately began to emit the light of rock elemental power.

When Ningguang designed the Qunyu Pavilion, she did not simply regard the Qunyu Pavilion as a residence in the sky. Now, under the effect of Ningguang's power, a platform composed of barriers was unfolded in front of the Qunyu Pavilion.

The three Guizhongji that were disassembled on the platform emerged.

Seeing this, the immortals in the form of beasts also jumped up, stood on the top of the Guizhongji, and began to inject their immortal power into the Guizhongji.

But how can using immortals to supply energy be compared to using night lights to supply energy? So now the Guizhongji can only be turned on in normal mode. Normal mode is enough to deal with demons, but it is obviously useless to use it to deal with demons.

At the speed at which the immortals injected immortal power, if you want to activate the powerful mode of the Return Machine, you need to consume some time to charge the Return Machine.

Everyone thought that this would be enough, but on the platform that Ningguang unfolded, a series of dark cyclone portals appeared, and many Fatui walked out of the portals.

It was obvious that this was the work of the Fatui.

"Ah! It's the Fatui!"

"They are coming towards the Return Machine!"

Paimon exclaimed.

The goal of these Fatui members is very obvious, that is, they want to destroy these Return Machines on the Qun Yu Pavilion and destroy Liyue's plan to resist the Vortex Demon God Osel.

"Don't let them get close to the Return Machine."

Yuhengxing Keqing held a long sword, her face was cold, her eyes were firm, and she rushed towards the direction of the Fatui without hesitation.

For the safety of millions of Liyue people behind the Qun Yu Pavilion, these damn Fatui must not be allowed to destroy the plan of the Seven Stars and the immortals to fight against the Vortex Demon God.

Kong saw Yuhengxing rushing forward with big strides. The fierce battle in the Golden House just now had consumed a lot of his physical strength, but he drew his long sword without hesitation and joined the battle to stop the Fatui.

"The three true lords are manipulating the return to the end, don't let them be disturbed by the Fatui!"

"All the Qianyan soldiers who can move, come with me!" Keqing shouted.

"Let's help too!" Paimon shouted.

Although this sentence was said by Paimon himself, in fact, she seemed to be unable to do anything except cheering.

Kong, Yuhengxing, Keqing and a group of Qianyan soldiers joined the battlefield, and they barely stopped the Fatui soldiers who swarmed in.

The most important problem is the disparity in strength between the two sides.

The Fatui soldiers all have evil eyes and special skills, but the current Qianyan soldiers have long lost their immortal skills. They are just mortals who have practiced martial arts, so it often takes several Qianyan soldiers to deal with one Fatui soldier.

Fortunately, there are several Thousand Rock Armor platforms on the top of the Jade Pavilion.With these Qianyan armors sharing the firepower, these Qianyan soldiers may not be able to hold on.

"Well, why are there so many of these Fatui? It seems that we can never finish them!" Paimon shouted.

And Kong was already a little tired. After all, he had just fought fiercely with Tartaglia in the Golden House. Now he was fighting such an intense battle again, which was really a bit tiring.

"Don't worry, take this."

"Is this immortal power?!"

"The blood of the unicorn will protect you from the harm of evil."

"The name of Yaksha means light and agile."

After Ping's opening, the remaining immortals soon discovered that Kong had amazing bones and a strong soul, and seemed to be able to withstand the blessing of many different immortal powers.

After Kong had the blessing of three kinds of immortal powers, he instantly became like a dragon in water. All the fatigue accumulated in his body disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Kong, who had a more powerful fighting power, was more handy in dealing with the Fatui.

He rushed into the Fatui team on the platform of the Jade Pavilion, and went in and out seven times. Wherever the blade passed, the Fatui died!

"The interference has been eliminated, and there is no need to be distracted."

"You can do it with all your strength!"

When Kong repelled the Fatui on the platform of the Jade Pavilion, the three immortals on the Guizhong Machine just completed the charging of the Guizhong Machine's powerful mode.

Now you can use the Guizhong Machine to attack the Vortex Demon God Osel!

True Lord Xie Yue Zhuyang took the lead in launching an attack. He drove the Guizhong Machine under his feet to attack the Vortex Demon God.

From the Guizhong Machine under his feet, as he moved, the energy in the Guizhong Machine surged, and a tens of meters thick energy column gushed out, with endless power, rushing towards the Vortex Demon God Osel in the distance.

In an instant, a water snake of the Vortex Demon God Osel was swallowed by the endless power gushing out from Guizhongji!

His body sank suddenly, and the water snake fell down.

But this also completely angered the Vortex Demon God Osel.

"Roar, roar, roar!!!!"

The Vortex Demon God roared, carrying the power of the demon god, and came towards the Qunyu Pavilion. Many Qianyan Army soldiers fell directly on the Qunyu Pavilion.

After being angered, the Vortex Demon God ejected three vast energy light balls from his three heads. The three energy light balls gathered together and instantly formed a shock wave hundreds of meters wide, attacking the direction of the Qunyu Pavilion!

Seeing this situation, the immortals immediately took action and used their immortal power to support a shield in front of the Qunyu Pavilion.

The shock wave arrived as expected, washing over the shield held up by the immortals. With such a powerful force, it was obvious that the immortals were no match at all. Soon the shield of the immortals began to break.

The power of the vortex demon began to invade it and landed on the platform of the Qunyu Pavilion.

Most of the power of the shock wave was blocked by the immortals, but a small part of the invading power destroyed the platform of the Qunyu Pavilion. Tianquanxing Ningguang had tried his best to maintain the stability of the platform, but in the end it was still destined to crack and break.

The people standing on the platform of the Qunyu Pavilion fell downwards in an instant.

You must know that the Qunyu Pavilion is now thousands of meters high in the sky. Even if there is a sea below, if you fall from here, you will still fall to pieces.

Seeing this situation, the immortals immediately gave up the chance to return to the end, and then took off into the air and used their immortal power to pick up the Qianyan Army soldiers.

Xiao even went forward with three stages of E, hugged the falling Kong in the air, and then brought him to the deck of the Qunyu Pavilion.

"Be careful."

Xiao saw that Kong, as an outsider, was fighting so hard to resist the members of the Fatui, and couldn't help but pay more attention to Kong.

Kong took a few breaths first, then nodded.

"The Guizhongji has been destroyed. Without its suppression, it is difficult for us to continue to fight back." said Master Liuyunjiefeng.

Ganyu walked forward: "But the Qunyu Pavilion is the last barrier. No matter what, we can't give up half a step."

Ningguang, the Tianquan Star, who was controlling the Qunyu Pavilion with a spell in the sky, flew down.

"I... have another plan."

"Uh! What does Miss Ningguang mean?"

"I want to give up the Qunyu Pavilion!"

"What does this mean?"

As he said that, the Qunyu Pavilion flew rapidly to the top of the vortex demon Osel.

"I understand." Xiao put on the mask.

"Traveler, please help me."


At the same time, in the distant Guyun Pavilion, Dardalia was thrown backwards and washed onto the rocks by the waves.

His consciousness was hazy, but he still remembered one thing.

Then he used the large number of taboos he carried.

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